3 research outputs found

    The Impact of Cultural Factors on E-Learning: Practical Teaching of Sanponna Chants among Yoruba Youths in Nigeria

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    In this paper, sanponna, god of smallpox chants is one of the Yoruba peoples cultural properties. ā€œE-learning approach was adopted by introducing the youths to use of electronic materials like video camera, android phones, and cassette tape recorders in collation of sanponna chants analyzed in this study. Few SĢ©Ģ©aĢ€npoĢ©Ģ©Ģ€nnaĢ chants were recorded, written out and stylistically analyzed with ten Yoruba secondary school students in Nigeria. The need for this research is that attention of many Yoruba and African scholars is recently concentrated on teaching foreign oral traditions without been mindful of the inherent advantages of teachingĀ  learning and documentation of African traditional chants like Sonponna and other chants especially for the present generation of youths. Also, the positive impacts of e-learning has not been maximally utilized in the teaching and learning of Yoruba orature such as the languageā€™s numerous traditional chants. This study further strengthened the fact that African education was in existence before the advent of Arabic and European education in Nigeria and must be preserved and saved from going to extinction. The study electronically taught the youths some poetic devices employed by SĢ©Ģ©aĢ€npoĢ©Ģ©Ģ€nnaĢ chanters which include: simile, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, irony, paradox, sarcasm, euphemism, and repetition