112 research outputs found

    Unconventional Transport Routes of Soluble and Membrane Proteins and Their Role in Developmental Biology

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    Many proteins and cargoes in eukaryotic cells are secreted through the conventional secretory pathway that brings proteins and membranes from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane, passing through various cell compartments, and then the extracellular space. The recent identification of an increasing number of leaderless secreted proteins bypassing the Golgi apparatus unveiled the existence of alternative protein secretion pathways. Moreover, other unconventional routes for secretion of soluble or transmembrane proteins with initial endoplasmic reticulum localization were identified. Furthermore, other proteins normally functioning in conventional membrane traffic or in the biogenesis of unique plant/fungi organelles or in plasmodesmata transport seem to be involved in unconventional secretory pathways. These alternative pathways are functionally related to biotic stress and development, and are becoming more and more important in cell biology studies in yeast, mammalian cells and in plants. The city of Lecce hosted specialists working on mammals, plants and microorganisms for the inaugural meeting on "Unconventional Protein and Membrane Traffic" (UPMT) during 4-7 October 2016. The main aim of the meeting was to include the highest number of topics, summarized in this report, related to the unconventional transport routes of protein and membranes

    A large pseudoautosomal region on the sex chromosomes of the frog Silurana tropicalis

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    Sex chromosome divergence has been documented across phylogenetically diverse species, with amphibians typically having cytologically nondiverged (“homomorphic”) sex chromosomes. With an aim of further characterizing sex chromosome divergence of an amphibian, we used “RAD-tags” and Sanger sequencing to examine sex specificity and heterozygosity in theWestern clawed frog Silurana tropicalis (also known as Xenopus tropicalis). Our findings based on approximately 20 million genotype calls and approximately 200 polymerase chain reaction-amplified regions across multiple male and female genomes failed to identify a substantially sized genomic region with genotypic hallmarks of sex chromosome divergence, including in regions known to be tightly linked to the sex-determining region.Wealso foundthat expression andmolecular evolutionof genes linked to the sex-determining region did not differ substantially from genes in other parts of the genome. This suggests that the pseudoautosomal region, where recombination occurs, comprises a large portion of the sex chromosomes of S. tropicalis. These resultsmay in part explainwhy African clawed frogs have such a high incidence of polyploidization, shed light onwhy amphibians have a high rate of sex chromosome turnover, and raise questions about why homomorphic sex chromosomes are so prevalent in amphibians

    A qualitative study of stakeholders' perspectives on the social network service environment

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    Over two billion people are using the Internet at present, assisted by the mediating activities of software agents which deal with the diversity and complexity of information. There are, however, ethical issues due to the monitoring-and-surveillance, data mining and autonomous nature of software agents. Considering the context, this study aims to comprehend stakeholders' perspectives on the social network service environment in order to identify the main considerations for the design of software agents in social network services in the near future. Twenty-one stakeholders, belonging to three key stakeholder groups, were recruited using a purposive sampling strategy for unstandardised semi-structured e-mail interviews. The interview data were analysed using a qualitative content analysis method. It was possible to identify three main considerations for the design of software agents in social network services, which were classified into the following categories: comprehensive understanding of users' perception of privacy, user type recognition algorithms for software agent development and existing software agents enhancement

    Known or knowing publics? Social media data mining and the question of public agency

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    New methods to analyse social media data provide a powerful way to know publics and capture what they say and do. At the same time, access to these methods is uneven, with corporations and governments tending to have best access to relevant data and analytics tools. Critics raise a number of concerns about the implications dominant uses of data mining and analytics may have for the public: they result in less privacy, more surveillance and social discrimination, and they provide new ways of controlling how publics come to be represented and so understood. In this paper, we consider if a different relationship between the public and data mining might be established, one in which publics might be said to have greater agency and reflexivity vis-a`-vis data power. Drawing on growing calls for alternative data regimes and practices, we argue that to enable this different relationship, data mining and analytics need to be democratised in three ways: they should be subject to greater public supervision and regulation, available and accessible to all, and used to create not simply known but reflexive, active and knowing publics. We therefore imagine conditions in which data mining is not just used as a way to know publics, but can become a means for publics to know themselves

    How Software Matters : Connective Tissue and Self-Driving Cars

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    Drawing on the example of self-driving and connected cars, this chapter explores how the software that is being integrated into, and transforming, everyday objects might be conceptualised within theories of practice. It argues that although software is an especially dynamic and intangible ‘material’ it can still be accommodated within existing conceptualisations of materiality in practice theories. The automation that software enables can be positioned as part of practice complexes, even when it does not play a direct, constitutive role in any single practice. In addition, through performing varied work in connecting practices and enabling ‘feedback’ over time and space, software can be understood to form part of the connective tissue by which practice complexes hang together and change

    The Anthropocene, Resilience and Post-Colonial Computation

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    What forms of politics come with the contested ideas of the Anthropocene and resilience? Rather than taking these ideas as a given and looking at their political consequences, I will ask what politics enters at their points of construction, where they are understood as being constructed computationally. This allows me to read across from the Anthropocene and resilience to the other forms of computational anticipation that are becoming pervasive at the level of everyday life. As truth claims that depend on algorithms, I will argue that all of these constructions derive their authority from an entanglement of computation and science. Under current conditions, this entanglement brings it's own political tendencies, which can be characterised as colonial. To counter this implicit colonialism I will draw on the feminist and post-colonial approaches of standpoint theory. I believe this offers an alternative to the current entanglements of anticipatory computation, and allows us to re-work it into a post-colonial politics of algorithms and atmospheres

    Facilitating Organisational Fluidity with Computational Social Matching

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    Striving to operate in increasingly dynamic environments, organisations can be seen as fluid and communicative entities where traditional boundaries fade away and collaborations emerge ad hoc. To enhance fluidity, we conceptualise computational social matching as a research area investigating how to digitally support the development of mutually suitable compositions of collaborative ties in organisations. In practice, it refers to the use of data analytics and digital methods to identify features of individuals and the structures of existing social networks and to offer automated recommendations for matching actors. In this chapter, we outline an interdisciplinary theoretical space that provides perspectives on how interaction can be practically enhanced by computational social matching, both on the societal and organisational levels. We derive and describe three strategies for professional social matching: social exploration, network theory-based recommendations, and machine learning-based recommendations.Striving to operate in increasingly dynamic environments, organisations can be seen as fluid and communicative entities where traditional boundaries fade away and collaborations emerge ad hoc. To enhance fluidity, we conceptualise computational social matching as a research area investigating how to digitally support the development of mutually suitable compositions of collaborative ties in organisations. In practice, it refers to the use of data analytics and digital methods to identify features of individuals and the structures of existing social networks and to offer automated recommendations for matching actors. In this chapter, we outline an interdisciplinary theoretical space that provides perspectives on how interaction can be practically enhanced by computational social matching, both on the societal and organisational levels. We derive and describe three strategies for professional social matching: social exploration, network theory-based recommendations, and machine learning-based recommendations.Peer reviewe
