46 research outputs found

    Нейролінгвістичне програмування і стратегічне текстотворення

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    Монахова Т. В. Нейролінгвістичне програмування і стратегічне текстотворення / Т. В. Монахова // Одеський лінгвістичний вісник : зб. наук. праць / [голов. ред. Н. В. Петлюченко] ; Нац. ун-т «Одес. юрид. акад.». – Вип. 3.- Спец. вип., присвячений 200-річчю від дня народження Т. Г. Шевченка. – Одеса : Гельветика, 2014. – С. 177-184.У статті розглянуто співвідношення народницької, модерністської та постмодер- ністської стратегій текстотворення з трьома типами репрезентативних систем: візуальною, аудіальною і кінестетичною. Висунуто гіпотезу про те, що концепція стратегічного текстотворення корелює з теорією нейролінгвістичного програ- мування на лексико-семантичному рівні, й цей зв'язок може бути виявлений шляхом аналізу сенсорновизначених слів

    Major and minor lymphocytes subpopulations in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid of children with meningitis

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    Introduction. The analysis of current publications indicates at our insufficient understanding of subpopulation composition of lymphocytes in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during pediatric neuroinfectious diseases. It has been found that the main lymphocyte populations are divided into many small (minor) subpopulations.The purpose of this research was to assess percentage of major and minor blood and CSF lymphocyte subsets in children with aseptic viral meningitis (AM) or bacterial purulent meningitis (BM).Materials and methods. Phenotyping of blood and CSF lymphocytes of children aged from 4 months to 17 years diagnosed with AM (n = 86) and BM (n = 39) was carried out by using flow cytometry. As a comparison group, we analyzed peripheral blood and CSF samples collected from children with acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs) associated with syndrome of meningism (n = 27). There was evaluated percentage of the major cell subpopulations (CD3+ T-lymphocytes, T-helpers — CD3+CD4+ Th, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes — CD3+CD8+ CTL, natural killer cells — CD3-CD16+CD56+ NK, B-cells — CD3-CD19+), as well as minor lymphocyte subsets (double positive (DP) (CD3+CD4+CD8+), double negative (DN) (CD3+CD4-CD8-) T-cells, NKT (CD3+CD16+CD56+), CD3-CD8+ NK, CD3+CD8dim and CD3+CD8 8bright).Results. It was found that the acute period of BM and AM vs. the comparison group (ARVI) was characterized by significant differences in the blood and CSF composition of major and minor lymphocyte subsets. In particular, blood T-cells, Th, CTL, NK, NKT, DN, CD3-CD8+ NK, CD3+CD8bright and CD3+CD8dim dominated in parallel with significantly lowered B-cell frequency in AM vs. BM. In the CSF of children with AM, T-cells and Th prevailed, whereas count of B-cells and CD3-CD8+ NK was lower compared to those in BM. In addition, further differences were revealed in CSF and blood cell subset composition depending on nosological entity, while maintaining differences in some major and minor lymphocyte subpopulations lacked in the comparison group. Calculating the CSF/blood ratio for the major and minor lymphocyte subsets uncovered the prevalence for the majority of cell subpopulations (the coefficients ranged from 1.2 to 16.4) in the CSF of the comparison group (ARVI), except B-cells, NK and CD3-CD8+ NK (coefficients ranged from 0.07 to 0.31). AM and BM were featured with various changes in the CSF/blood ratio found for most of the studied subpopulations in the acute period as well as the recovery phase highlighted with characteristic traits for each nosological form.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate about finding specific features in the activation of systemic and intrathecal immune response during viral and bacterial meningitis in children, which may be used as an additional differential diagnostic criterion

    Subsets of cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes in acute pediatric respiratory viral infection with meningeal syndrome

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    Current urgency of studying the intrathecal cellular immune response to infections of central nervous system is determined by limited knowledge on existing data about mechanisms of the brain immune protection in normal and diseased state. Implication of multi-colour flow cytometry in clinical laboratory diagnostics allowed to perform detailed studies of biological liquors, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Currently, however, there are only scarce data on the lymphocyte subpopulations in CSF. Appropriate reference values remain a challenging issue. A study of CSF lymphocyte pool in absence of definite results at previous examination may be a potential way to resolve this problem. These clinical conditions include acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), presenting with pseudomeningitidis (meningism) syndrome. The aim of this work was to characterize the subsets of lymphocytes from CSF of the children with ARVI with the meningism symptoms in order to get basic (control) values for diagnostics of inflammatory brain diseases. We have studied subpopulation composition of the CSF lymphocytes form in 27 children with ARVI complicated by the meningism (pseudomeningitidis) by means of flow cytometry using FACSCalibur analyzer with BD MultiTEST IMK Kit reagents. The data evaluation was performed with FlowJo software. We have studied relative contents of the main subsets, i.e., total Т cells (CD3+); Т helpers (CD3+CD4+Th); cytotoxic T cells (CD3+CD8+CTL); natural killers (СD3-CD16+CD56+NK); В cells (CD3-CD19+), and minor lymphocyte subpopulations: double-positive (DP) (CD3+CD4+CD8+); double-negative (DN) (CD3+CD4-CD8-) T cells; NKT (СD3+CD16+CD56+); CD3+CD8bright, CD3+CD8dim, CD3-CD8+NK. Statistical evaluation was carried out with standard GraphPad Prism 5 software. Among the main lymphocyte populations in CSF, T cell were predominant (96.2%), as well as their subpopulations, i.e., CD4Th (53.4%), and CD8+CTL (28.2%), with low amounts of NK (2.2%) and B cells (0.7%). The mean relative content of minor subpopulations (DN or DP T cells, and NKT cells) was, respectively, 5.3, 4.0, and 9%. Age dependence was revealed for the contents of major and minor lymphocyte subsets. With advancing age of the children, the relative numbers of CD3+ and CD4+Тh cells in CSF increase, as well as CD4/CD8 ratio, associated with decreased share of NK cells, like as DN and CD3+CD8dimТ cells. The results obtained are reflect some features of lymphocyte pool in CSF of the children without inflammatory process in CNS. Thus, they may be referred as control values (inflammation-free brain disorders) when studying immune pathogenesis of neuroinfections and other inflammatory diseases of CNS in the children from different age groups


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    The aim: is to investigate pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with meningitis of different aetiology in the dynamics of the disease.Materials and methods: there were examined 93 children: 29 of them had bacterial purulent meningitis, 42 ones – serous meningitis, and 22 – an acute respiratory viral infection of meningeal symptomatology (control group). The design of the investigation is an open comparative research. The concentration of proinflammatory (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines was defined by the solid-phase immune-enzyme assay. The results were processed statistically by computer standard programs Excel and Statistica 7.Results and discussion: different levels of the cytokine concentration increase were detected in the acute period of the disease, the maximal one – in the case of bacterial purulent meningitis, IL-6 and IL-10 in particular. The concentration of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-4, IL-10 was significantly increased to compare with serous meningitis. The decrease of cytokine level was detected in the period of reconvalescence.Conclusion: the cytokine concentration increase in the cerebrospinal fluid in the acute stage of bacterial purulent and serous meningitis indicates both the presence of common patterns of neuroinfectious process and the features caused by the agent, and their increase in the stage of reconvalescense demonstrates the remaining intrathecal inflammation.Цель: исследование про- и противовоспалительных цитокинов в цереброспинальной жидкости детей с менингитами различной этиологии в динамике заболевания.Материалы и методы: обследовано 93 ребенка: у 29 диагностирован бактериальный гнойный менингит, у 42 – серозный менингит, у 22 – острая респираторная вирусная инфекция с менингеальной симптоматикой (контрольная группа). Дизайн – открытое сравнительное исследование. Концентрацию провоспалительных (ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-8) и противовоспалительных (ИЛ-4, ИЛ-10) цитокинов определяли методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Результаты обработаны статистически на компьютере с помощью стандартных программ Excel и Statistica 7.Результаты и обсуждение: в остром периоде заболевания выявлена различная степень увеличения концентрации цитокинов, максимальная при бактериальных гнойных менингитах, особенно ИЛ-6 и ИЛ-10. Достоверно по сравнению с серозными менингитами увеличены концентрации ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-4, ИЛ-10. В стадии реконвалесценции установлено снижение уровня цитокинов.Заключение: увеличение концентрации цитокинов цереброспинальной жидкости в острой стадии бактериальных гнойных и серозных менингитов свидетельствует как о наличии общих закономерностей нейроинфекционного процесса, так и об особенностях, обусловленных возбудителем, а их увеличение в стадии реконвалесценции – о сохраняющемся интратекальном воспалении


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    Pediatric Research and Clinical Center of Infectious Diseases under the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint Petersburg, Russia Investigation of the role of cerebrospinal fluid components in the processes of patho- and sanogenesis of central nervous system diseases is a fundamental problem of medicine and biology. The work aim was to study immunomodulatory features of cerebrospinal fluid in case of bacterial purulent meningitis (BPM) in children by an in vitro experiment.There were studied immunomodulatory features of high-molecular and low-molecular fractions of cerebrospinal fluid of 33 children with bacterial purulent meningitis of different etiology and 12 children without meningitis by phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated reaction of leukocyte blast transformation. There was studied the influence of homogeneous cerebrospinal fluid samples of 8 children with bacterial purulent meningitis upon the production of immunoregulatory cytokines by blood cells. Concentration of cytokines (Interleukin (IL)-12, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, IL-8, IL-6, IL-10, IL-1b) in supernatants of 3-day old cultures of blood cells was detected by flow cytometry method.The effects of cerebrospinal fluid fractions directed on both stimulation and suppression of blast production were identified by phytohemagglutinin-stimulated reaction of leukocyte blast transformation (PHA-RLBT) test. The maximal frequency of stimulating effect of fractions was revealed in children with meningococcal meningitis. There was detected a link between the dynamics of blast forms production under the influence of cerebrospinal fluid fractions and severity of the disease course. The studied cerebrospinal fluid samples of children with bacterial purulent meningitis stimulated IL-6 proinflammatory cytokine production by blood cells as much as possible whereas the influence upon the synthesis of other immunoregulatory cytokines was ambiguous.Детский научно-клинический центр инфекционных болезней Федерального медико-биологического агентства, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Изучение роли компонентов ликвора в процессах пато- и саногенеза заболеваний центральной нервной системы является фундаментальной проблемой медицины и биологии. Цель работы — в эксперименте in vitro изучить иммуномодулирующие свойства ликвора при бактериальных гнойных менингитах у детей.В ФГА-стимулированной реакции бласттрансформации лейкоцитов исследованы иммуномодулирующие свойства высокомолекулярной и низкомолекулярной фракций ликвора 33 детей с бактериальным гнойным менингитом (БГМ) разной этиологии и 12 детей без менингита. Исследовано влияние образцов цельного ликвора 8 детей с БГМ на выработку иммунорегуляторных цитокинов клетками крови. Концентрацию цитокинов (ИЛ-12, ФНО-a, IL-8, IL-6, IL-10, ИЛ-1b) в надосадках 3-х дневной культуры клеток крови определяли методом проточной цитометрии.В тесте ФГА-РБТЛ выявлены эффекты фракций ликвора, направленные как на стимуляцию, так и на супрессию бластообразования. Максимальная частота стимулирующего эффекта фракций выявлена у детей с менингококковым менингитом. Установлена связь динамики образования бластных форм под воздействием фракций ликвора с тяжестью течения заболевания. Исследованные образцы ликвора детей с БГМ максимально стимулировали выработку клетками крови провоспалительного цитокина ИЛ-6, тогда как на синтез других иммунорегуляторных цитокинов воздействие было неоднозначным.

    Unrecorded alcohol consumption in Russia: toxic denaturants and disinfectants pose additional risks

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    In 2005, 30% of all alcohol consumption in Russia was unrecorded. This paper describes the chemical composition of unrecorded and low cost alcohol, including a toxicological evaluation. Alcohol products (n=22) from both recorded and unrecorded sources were obtained from three Russian cities (Saratov, Lipetsk and Irkutsk) and were chemically analyzed. Unrecorded alcohols included homemade samogons, medicinal alcohols and surrogate alcohols. Analysis included alcoholic strength, levels of volatile compounds (methanol, acetaldehyde, higher alcohols), ethyl carbamate, diethyl phthalate (DEP) and polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride (PHMG). Single samples showed contamination with DEP (275–1269 mg/l) and PHMG (515 mg/l) above levels of toxicological concern. Our detailed chemical analysis of Russian alcohols showed that the composition of vodka, samogon and medicinal alcohols generally did not raise major public health concerns other than for ethanol. It was shown, however, that concentration levels of DEP and PHMG in some surrogate alcohols make these samples unfit for human consumption as even moderate drinking would exceed acceptable daily intakes

    Синдром системного воспаления в патогенезе респираторно-синцитиальной вирусной инфекции

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    The aim of the study was to obtain new biochemical data on the pathogenesis of respiratory syncytial viral infection (RSVI) in children.Object and methods: 60 children aged 1 month to 5 years, treated in the clinic of Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, from which in 50 patients RNA RSV was isolated in smears from the oropharynx. The comparison group consisted of 10 children who failed to verify RSVI by laboratory methods. All children at admission and before discharge from the hospital (after-7-9 days) underwent a clinical blood test a Sysmex XP-300 hematology analyzer (Japan). Alpha-1-antitrypsin and alpha-2-macroglobulin were determined in blood serum by quantitative immunoturbidimetry on a biochemical analyzer CLIMA-15 (Spain) using Sentinel test systems (Italy). Determination of the amount of total protein, albumin and C-reactive protein in serum was carried out on an automatic analyzer Taurus (Instrumentation Laboratory, Italy) using reagents of the company «Vector-best» (Russia). The study of protein fractions in blood serum was carried out by capillary electrophoresis on the device Minicap company Sebia (France) with the help of test systems «Minicap Protein(e) 6» of the same manufacturer. The levels of cytokines (IL-6, IL-10) in serum were determined by ELISA on ELISA analyzer «INFINITI» (TECAN, Austria) using reagents firm «Vector-best» (Russia).Results: RSVI occurs with lesions of the lower respiratory tract in 42% of cases, with the development of complications in 44% of sick children. The study revealed a prolonged increase in serum alpha-2 fraction of globulins, immunoregulatory cytokines with pro-inflammatory (IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) action and, which may indicate the presence of subacute inflammatory process associated with the persistence of RS-virus. Lower levels of gamma-globulin fraction, including the main specific and nonspecific immunoglobulins, in children with PCR-proven RSVI, both in the acute period and in the period of convalescence, probably can cause repeated RSV-diseases, as well as an increase in the risk of atopic diseases.Conclusion. The long-term increase in the level of subacute inflammation markers, established in the course of the study, even against the relieve of clinical picture of the disease, makes the question of developing an etiopathogenetic treatment of respiratory syncytial viral infection with the use of drugs with antiviral and anti-inflammatory action relevant.Цель: получение новых клинико-биохимических данных о патогенезе респираторно-синцитиальной вирусной инфекции у детей.Материалы и методы: 60 детей в возрасте от 1 месяца до 5 лет, получавших лечение в клинике Детского научно-клинического центра инфекционных болезней, из которых у 50 человек в мазках из ротоглотки выделена РНК РСВ. Группу сравнения составили 10 детей, у которых респираторно-синцитиальная вирусная инфекция не верифицирована лабораторными методами. Всем детям при поступлении и перед выпиской из стационара проведен клинический анализ крови на гематологическом анализаторе Sysmex XP-300 (Япония). В сыворотке крови методом количественной иммунотурбидиметрии на биохимическом анализаторе CLIMA-15 (Испания) с использованием тест-систем фирмы Sentinel (Италия) определяли альфа-1антитрипсин и альфа-2-макроглобулин. Определение количества общего белка, альбумина и С-реактивного белка в сыворотке крови проводили на автоматическом анализаторе Taurus (Instrumentation Laboratory, Италия) с применением реагентов фирмы «Вектор-Бест» (Россия). Исследование белковых фракций в сыворотке крови осуществляли методом капиллярного электрофореза на приборе Minicap фирмы Sebia (Франция) с помощью тест-систем «Minicap Protein(е) 6» той же фирмы-изготовителя. Уровень цитокинов (ИЛ-6, ИЛ-10) в сыворотке крови определяли методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа на иммуноферментном анализаторе «INFINITI» (TECAN, Австрия) с использованием реагентов фирмы «Вектор-Бест» (Россия). Результаты: респираторно-синцитиальная вирусная инфекция протекает с поражением нижних дыхательных путей в 42% случаев, с развитием осложнений – у 44% больных детей. Установлено пролонгированное увеличение в сыворотке крови альфа-2 фракции глобулинов, иммунорегуляторных цитокинов, обладающих провоспалительным (ИЛ-6) и противовоспалительным (ИЛ-10) действием, что может свидетельствовать о наличии подострого воспалительного процесса, ассоциированного с персистенцией РС-вируса. Более низкий уровень гамма-глобулиновой фракции, включающей основные специфические и неспецифические иммуноглобулины, у детей с доказанной методом ПЦР респираторно-синцитиальной вирусной инфекцией, как в остром периоде, так и в периоде реконвалесценции, вероятно, может обусловливать повторные заболевания респираторно-синцитиальной вирусной инфекцией, а также увеличение риска развития атопических заболеваний. Заключение. Установленное в ходе исследования длительное повышение уровня маркеров подострого воспаления даже на фоне купированной клинической картины заболевания делает актуальным вопрос разработки этипатогенетического лечения респираторно-синцитиальной вирусной инфекции с применением препаратов с противовирусным и противовоспалительным действием.

    Диагностическое и прогностическое значение нейронспецифичной енолазы и белка S-100 при вирусных энцефалитах у детей

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    Objective – to study the dynamics of the level of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid in children with various features of viral encephalitis course and outcome and to define their role in diagnostics and prognosis.Material and methods. 48 children aged from 1 month to 15 years were examined. Analysis of the level of NSE and S-100 protein was performed by the method of hardphase immune-enzyme analysis.Results. A reliable increase of the level of S-100 protein in blood serum was identified in comparison with the control group in both acute and reconvalescence periods. During acute period higher values of NSE in blood serum were found in children with herpesvirus encephalitis of various etiologies in comparison with varicella zoster encephalitis, and during reconvalescence period – higher values of S-100 protein. In case of the most severe course of the disease the level of NSE in cerebrospinal fluid was reliably higher in comparison with patients in severe condition. Children with convulsive syndrome demonstrated higher concentration of NSE in cerebrospinal fluid than patients without convulsions. In case of formation of stable neurologic deficiency during the disease outcome there was identified an increase of NSE concentration in blood serum in comparison with the recovered patients. It was also identified that if the values of NSE were >7.0 ng/ml, it was possible to predict unfavourable outcome of viral encephalitis with sensitivity of 61.54% and specificity of 71.43%. The highest values of neuron-specific proteins in blood serum were found in the dead patient with herpes encephalitis.Conclusion. Analysis of NSE and S-100 protein in pediatric viral encephalitis is characterized by diagnostic and prognostic significance, demonstrates their role in pathogenesis and can be used for therapy correction.Цель: изучить динамику уровня нейронспецифичной енолазы (NSE) и белка S-100 в сыворотке крови и ликворе у детей с различным характером течения и исхода вирусного энцефалита и определить их роль в диагностике и прогнозе.Материалы и методы: обследовано 48 детей в возрасте от 1 месяца до 15 лет. Исследование уровня NSE и белка S-100 осуществляли методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа.Результаты: установлено достоверное увеличение уровня белка S-100 в сыворотке крови по сравнению с контрольной группой, как в остром периоде, так и в периоде реконвалесценции. У детей с герпес-вирусными энцефалитами различной этиологии по сравнению с ветряночным энцефалитом в сыворотке крови в остром периоде обнаружены более высокие значения NSE, в стадии реконвалесценции более высокие значения белка S-100. При крайне тяжелом течении заболевания в ликворе уровень NSE был достоверно выше по сравнению с пациентами в тяжелом состоянии. У детей с судорожным синдромом концентрация NSE в ликворе была выше, чем у больных без судорог. При формировании в исходе заболевания стойкого неврологического дефицита выявлено увеличение концентрации NSE в сыворотке крови по сравнению с выздоровевшими пациентами. Установлено, что при значениях NSE, превышающих 7,0 нг/мл, можно прогнозировать неблагоприятный исход вирусного энцефалита с чувствительностью 61,54% и специфичностью 71,43%. Максимально высокие значения НСБ в сыворотке крови обнаружены у умершего пациента с герпетическим энцефалитом.Заключение. Исследование NSE и белка S-100 при вирусных энцефалитах у детей обладает диагностической и прогностической значимостью, указывает на их роль в патогенезе и может быть использовано для коррекции терапии

    Granica izlaganja formaldehidu u alkoholnim pićima

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    Formaldehyde has been classified as carcinogenic to humans (WHO IARC group 1). It causes leukaemia and nasopharyngeal cancer, and was described to regularly occur in alcoholic beverages. However, its risk associated with consumption of alcohol has not been systematically studied, so this study will provide the first risk assessment of formaldehyde for consumers of alcoholic beverages. Human dietary intake of formaldehyde via alcoholic beverages in the European Union was estimated based on WHO alcohol consumption data and literature on formaldehyde contents of different beverage groups (beer, wine, spirits, and unrecorded alcohol). The risk assessment was conducted using the margin of exposure (MOE) approach with benchmark doses (BMD) for 10 % effect obtained from dose-response modelling of animal experiments. For tumours in male rats, a BMD of 30 mg kg-1 body weight per day and a “BMD lower confi dence limit” (BMDL) of 23 mg kg-1 d-1 were calculated from available long-term animal experiments. The average human exposure to formaldehyde from alcoholic beverages was estimated at 8·10-5 mg kg-1 d-1. Comparing the human exposure with BMDL, the resulting MOE was above 200,000 for average scenarios. Even in the worst-case scenarios, the MOE was never below 10,000, which is considered to be the threshold for public health concerns. The risk assessment shows that the cancer risk from formaldehyde to the alcohol-consuming population is negligible and the priority for risk management (e.g. to reduce the contamination) is very low. The major risk in alcoholic beverages derives from ethanol and acetaldehyde.Formaldehid je kancerogen za ljude te je klasificiran u skupinu 1 prema WHO IARC-u. Uzrokuje leukemiju i nazofaringealni karcinom, a navodi se i kao redoviti sastojak alkoholnih pića. Međutim, rizik od izlaganja formaldehidu konzumacijom alkoholnih pića nije sustavno istražen pa će ovo istraživanje pružiti prvu takvu procjenu rizika. Količina formaldehida koju ljudi unose alkoholnim pićima u Europskoj je uniji procijenjena temeljem podataka Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije o konzumaciji alkohola i literature o sadržaju formaldehida u različitim skupinama alkoholnih pića (pivo, vino, jaka alkoholna pića i neregistrirani alkohol). Procjena rizika obavljena je korištenjem pristupa granice izlaganja (eng. margin of exposure, MOE) i graničnih doza (eng. benchmark doses, BMD) za 10 %-tni učinak koji se postiže modeliranjem odnosa doza-odgovor u ispitivanjima provedenima na životinjama. BMD od 30 mg kg-1 tjelesne težine na dan i BMD s nižom granicom pouzdanosti (BMDL) od 23 mg kg-1 d-1 izračunati su za tumore kod mužjaka štakora temeljem raspoloživih dugotrajnih ispitivanja provedenih na životinjama. Prosječno izlaganje ljudi formaldehidu u alkoholnim pićima procijenjeno je na 8·10-5 mg kg-1 d-1. U usporedbi s BMDL vrijednošću krajnji MOE je iznosio više od 200.000 u prosječnim situacijama. Čak i u najlošijim situacijama MOE nije nikada bio niži od 10.000, što se smatra graničnom vrijednošću za zdravlje ljudi. Procjena rizika pokazuje da je rizik od nastanka karcinoma uslijed izlaganja formaldehidu iz alkoholnih pića zanemariv te da je prioritet upravljanja rizikom u takvim slučajevima (npr. kako bi se smanjila kontaminacija) vrlo nizak. Najveći rizik proizlazi iz etanola i acetaldehida koji se također nalaze u alkoholnim pićima