380 research outputs found

    Conductance and Its Variance of Disordered Wires with Symplectic Symmetry in the Metallic Regime

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    The conductance of disordered wires with symplectic symmetry is studied by a random-matrix approach. It has been shown that the behavior of the conductance in the long-wire limit crucially depends on whether the number of conducting channels is even or odd. We focus on the metallic regime where the wire length is much smaller than the localization length, and calculate the ensemble-averaged conductance and its variance for both the even- and odd-channel cases. We find that the weak-antilocalization correction to the conductance in the odd-channel case is equivalent to that in the even-channel case. Furthermore, we find that the variance dose not depend on whether the number of channels is even or odd. These results indicate that in contrast to the long-wire limit, clear even-odd differences cannot be observed in the metallic regime.Comment: 9pages, accepted for publication in JPS

    Anomalous Enhancement of the Boltzmann Conductivity in Disordered Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons

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    We study the conductivity of disordered zigzag graphene nanoribbons in the incoherent regime by using the Boltzmann equation approach. The band structure of zigzag nanoribbons contains two energy valleys, and each valley has an excess one-way channel. The crucial point is that the numbers of conducting channels for two propagating directions are imbalanced in each valley due to the presence of an excess one-way channel. It was pointed out that as a consequence of this imbalance, a perfectly conducting channel is stabilized in the coherent regime if intervalley scattering is absent. We show that even in the incoherent regime, the conductivity is anomalously enhanced if intervalley scattering is very weak. Particularly, in the limit of no intervalley scattering, the dimensionless conductance approaches to unity with increasing ribbon length as if there exists a perfectly conducting channel. We also show that anomalous valley polarization of electron density appears in the presence of an electric field.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Conductance of Disordered Wires with Symplectic Symmetry: Comparison between Odd- and Even-Channel Cases

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    The conductance of disordered wires with symplectic symmetry is studied by numerical simulations on the basis of a tight-binding model on a square lattice consisting of M lattice sites in the transverse direction. If the potential range of scatterers is much larger than the lattice constant, the number N of conducting channels becomes odd (even) when M is odd (even). The average dimensionless conductance g is calculated as a function of system length L. It is shown that when N is odd, the conductance behaves as g --> 1 with increasing L. This indicates the absence of Anderson localization. In the even-channel case, the ordinary localization behavior arises and g decays exponentially with increasing L. It is also shown that the decay of g is much faster in the odd-channel case than in the even-channel case. These numerical results are in qualitative agreement with existing analytic theories.Comment: 4 page

    Conductance Distribution in Disordered Quantum Wires with a Perfectly Conducting Channel

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    We study the conductance of phase-coherent disordered quantum wires focusing on the case in which the number of conducting channels is imbalanced between two propagating directions. If the number of channels in one direction is by one greater than that in the opposite direction, one perfectly conducting channel without backscattering is stabilized regardless of wire length. Consequently, the dimensionless conductance does not vanish but converges to unity in the long-wire limit, indicating the absence of Anderson localization. To observe the influence of a perfectly conducting channel, we numerically obtain the distribution of conductance in both cases with and without a perfectly conducting channel. We show that the characteristic form of the distribution is notably modified in the presence of a perfectly conducting channel.Comment: 7 pages, 16 figure

    Conductance Fluctuations in Disordered Wires with Perfectly Conducting Channels

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    We study conductance fluctuations in disordered quantum wires with unitary symmetry focusing on the case in which the number of conducting channels in one propagating direction is not equal to that in the opposite direction. We consider disordered wires with N+mN+m left-moving channels and NN right-moving channels. In this case, mm left-moving channels become perfectly conducting, and the dimensionless conductance gg for the left-moving channels behaves as gmg \to m in the long-wire limit. We obtain the variance of gg in the diffusive regime by using the Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar equation for transmission eigenvalues. It is shown that the universality of conductance fluctuations breaks down for m0m \neq 0 unless NN is very large.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Asymptotic behavior of the conductance in disordered wires with perfectly conducting channels

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    We study the conductance of disordered wires with unitary symmetry focusing on the case in which mm perfectly conducting channels are present due to the channel-number imbalance between two-propagating directions. Using the exact solution of the Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar (DMPK) equation for transmission eigenvalues, we obtain the average and second moment of the conductance in the long-wire regime. For comparison, we employ the three-edge Chalker-Coddington model as the simplest example of channel-number-imbalanced systems with m=1m = 1, and obtain the average and second moment of the conductance by using a supersymmetry approach. We show that the result for the Chalker-Coddington model is identical to that obtained from the DMPK equation.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Random-Matrix Theory of Electron Transport in Disordered Wires with Symplectic Symmetry

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    The conductance of disordered wires with symplectic symmetry is studied by a random-matrix approach. It has been believed that Anderson localization inevitably arises in ordinary disordered wires. A counterexample is recently found in the systems with symplectic symmetry, where one perfectly conducting channel is present even in the long-wire limit when the number of conducting channels is odd. This indicates that the odd-channel case is essentially different from the ordinary even-channel case. To study such differences, we derive the DMPK equation for transmission eigenvalues for both the even- and odd- channel cases. The behavior of dimensionless conductance is investigated on the basis of the resulting equation. In the short-wire regime, we find that the weak-antilocalization correction to the conductance in the odd-channel case is equivalent to that in the even-channel case. We also find that the variance does not depend on whether the number of channels is even or odd. In the long-wire regime, it is shown that the dimensionless conductance in the even-channel case decays exponentially as --> 0 with increasing system length, while --> 1 in the odd-channel case. We evaluate the decay length for the even- and odd-channel cases and find a clear even-odd difference. These results indicate that the perfectly conducting channel induces clear even-odd differences in the long-wire regime.Comment: 28pages, 5figures, Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Influence of Charge and Energy Imbalances on the Tunneling Current through a Superconductor-Normal Metal Junction

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    We consider quasiparticle charge and energy imbalances in a thin superconductor weakly coupled with two normal-metal electrodes via tunnel junctions at low temperatures. Charge and energy imbalances, which can be created by injecting quasiparticles at one junction, induce excess tunneling current IexI_{\rm ex} at the other junction. We numerically obtain IexI_{\rm ex} as a function of the bias voltage VdetV_{\rm det} across the detection junction. We show that IexI_{\rm ex} at the zero bias voltage is purely determined by the charge imbalance, while the energy imbalance causes a nontrivial VdetV_{\rm det}-dependence of IexI_{\rm ex}. The obtained voltage-current characteristics qualitatively agree with the experimental result by R. Yagi [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 73} (2006) 134507].Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Unexpected Dirac-Node Arc in the Topological Line-Node Semimetal HfSiS

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    We have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on HfSiS, which has been predicted to be a topological line-node semimetal with square Si lattice. We found a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surface hosting bulk nodal lines, alongside the surface states at the Brillouin-zone corner exhibiting a sizable Rashba splitting and band-mass renormalization due to many-body interactions. Most notably, we discovered an unexpected Dirac-like dispersion extending one-dimensionally in k space - the Dirac-node arc - near the bulk node at the zone diagonal. These novel Dirac states reside on the surface and could be related to hybridizations of bulk states, but currently we have no explanation for its origin. This discovery poses an intriguing challenge to the theoretical understanding of topological line-node semimetals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (paper proper) + 2 pages, figures (supplemental material

    Chalker-Coddington model described by an S-matrix with odd dimensions

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    The Chalker-Coddington network model is often used to describe the transport properties of quantum Hall systems. By adding an extra channel to this model, we introduce an asymmetric model with profoundly different transport properties. We present a numerical analysis of these transport properties and consider the relevance for realistic systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the EP2DS-17 proceeding