2,110 research outputs found

    Alternative derivation of the Feigel effect and call for its experimental verification

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    A recent theory by Feigel [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 020404 (2004)] predicts the finite transfer of momentum from the quantum vacuum to a fluid placed in strong perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. The momentum transfer arises because of the optically anisotropic magnetoelectric response induced in the fluid by the fields. After summarising Feigel's original assumptions and derivation (corrected of trivial mistakes), we rederive the same result by a simpler route, validating Feigel's semi-classical approach. We then derive the stress exerted by the vacuum on the fluid which, if the Feigel hypothesis is correct, should induce a Poiseuille flow in a tube with maximum speed ≈100ÎŒ\approx 100\mum/s (2000 times larger than Feigel's original prediction). An experiment is suggested to test this prediction for an organometallic fluid in a tube passing through the bore of a high strength magnet. The predicted flow can be measured directly by tracking microscopy or indirectly by measuring the flow rate (≈1\approx 1ml/min) corresponding to the Poiseuille flow. A second experiment is also proposed whereby a `vacuum radiometer' is used to test a recent prediction that the net force on a magnetoelectric slab in the vacuum should be zero.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figures. revised and improved versio

    Quantum radiation in a plane cavity with moving mirrors

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    We consider the electromagnetic vacuum field inside a perfect plane cavity with moving mirrors, in the nonrelativistic approximation. We show that low frequency photons are generated in pairs that satisfy simple properties associated to the plane geometry. We calculate the photon generation rates for each polarization as functions of the mechanical frequency by two independent methods: on one hand from the analysis of the boundary conditions for moving mirrors and with the aid of Green functions; and on the other hand by an effective Hamiltonian approach. The angular and frequency spectra are discrete, and emission rates for each allowed angular direction are obtained. We discuss the dependence of the generation rates on the cavity length and show that the effect is enhanced for short cavity lengths. We also compute the dissipative force on the moving mirrors and show that it is related to the total radiated energy as predicted by energy conservation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, published in Physical Review

    Schwinger, Pegg and Barnett and a relationship between angular and Cartesian quantum descriptions

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    From a development of an original idea due to Schwinger, it is shown that it is possible to recover, from the quantum description of a degree of freedom characterized by a finite number of states (\QTR{it}{i.e}., without classical counterpart) the usual canonical variables of position/momentum \QTR{it}{and} angle/angular momentum, relating, maybe surprisingly, the first as a limit of the later.Comment: 7 pages, revised version, to appear on J. Phys. A: Math and Ge

    Quantum radiation in external background fields

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    A canonical formalism is presented which allows for investigations of quantum radiation induced by localized, smooth disturbances of classical background fields by means of a perturbation theory approach. For massless, non-selfinteracting quantum fields at zero temperature we demonstrate that the low-energy part of the spectrum of created particles exhibits a non-thermal character. Applied to QED in varying dielectrics the response theory approach facilitates to study two distinct processes contributing to the production of photons: the squeezing effect due to space-time varying properties of the medium and of the velocity effect due to its motion. The generalization of this approach to finite temperatures as well as the relation to sonoluminescence is indicated.Comment: 20 page

    One Loop Vaccum Polarization in a Locally de Sitter Background

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    We compute the one loop vacuum polarization from massless, minimally coupled scalar QED in a locally de Sitter background. Gauge invariance is maintained through the use of dimensional regularization, whereas conformal invariance is explicitly broken by the scalar kinetic term as well as through the conformal anomaly. A fully renormalized result is obtained. The one loop corrections to the linearized, effective field equations do not vanish when evaluated on-shell. In fact the on-shell one loop correction depends quadratically on the inflationary scale factor, similar to a photon mass. The contribution from the conformal anomaly is insignificant by comparison.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilon, 4 figure

    Vacuum polarization induced by a uniformly accelerated charge

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    We consider a point charge fixed in the Rindler coordinates which describe a uniformly accelerated frame. We determine an integral expression of the induced charge density due to the vacuum polarization at the first order in the fine structure constant. In the case where the acceleration is weak, we give explicitly the induced electrostatic potential.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys

    Quaternion Gravi-Electromagnetism

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    Defining the generalized charge, potential, current and generalized fields as complex quantities where real and imaginary parts represent gravitation and electromagnetism respectively, corresponding field equation, equation of motion and other quantum equations are derived in manifestly covariant manner. It has been shown that the field equations are invariant under Lorentz as well as duality transformations. It has been shown that the quaternionic formulation presented here remains invariant under quaternion transformations.Comment: Key Words: Quaternion, dyons, gravito-dyons, gravi-electromagnetism. PACS No.: 04.90. +e ; 14.80. H

    The Schwinger Nonet Mass and Sakurai Mass-Mixing Angle Formulae Reexamined

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    We study the origins of the inaccuracies of Schwinger's nonet mass, and the Sakurai mass-mixing angle, formulae for the pseudoscalar meson nonet, and suggest new versions of them, modified by the inclusion of the pseudoscalar decay constants. We use these new formulae to determine the pseudoscalar decay constants and mixing angle. The results obtained, f_8/f_\pi =1.185\pm 0.040, f_9/f_\pi =1.095\pm 0.020, f_\eta /f_\pi =1.085\pm 0.025, f_{\eta ^{'}}/f_\pi =1.195\pm 0.035, \theta =(-21.4\pm 1.0)^o, are in excellent agreement with experiment.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    The Logic behind Feynman's Paths

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    The classical notions of continuity and mechanical causality are left in order to refor- mulate the Quantum Theory starting from two principles: I) the intrinsic randomness of quantum process at microphysical level, II) the projective representations of sym- metries of the system. The second principle determines the geometry and then a new logic for describing the history of events (Feynman's paths) that modifies the rules of classical probabilistic calculus. The notion of classical trajectory is replaced by a history of spontaneous, random an discontinuous events. So the theory is reduced to determin- ing the probability distribution for such histories according with the symmetries of the system. The representation of the logic in terms of amplitudes leads to Feynman rules and, alternatively, its representation in terms of projectors results in the Schwinger trace formula.Comment: 15 pages, contribution to Mario Castagnino Festschrif

    Squeezing and photon distribution in a vibrating cavity

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    We obtain explicit analytical expressions for the quadrature variances and the photon distribution functions of the electromagnetic field modes excited from vacuum or thermal states due to the non-stationary Casimir effect in an ideal one-dimensional Fabry--Perot cavity with vibrating walls, provided the frequency of vibrations is close to a multiple frequency of the fundamental unperturbed electromagnetic mode.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex2e, iopart document class, 2 ps figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.
