13 research outputs found

    Intergenerational Transmission of Glucose Intolerance and Obesity by In Utero Undernutrition in Mice

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    OBJECTIVE—Low birth weight (LBW) is associated with increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease during adult life. Moreover, this programmed disease risk can progress to subsequent generations. We previously described a mouse model of LBW, produced by maternal caloric undernutrition (UN) during late gestation. LBW offspring (F1-UN generation) develop progressive obesity and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) with aging. We aimed to determine whether such metabolic phenotypes can be transmitted to subsequent generations in an experimental model, even in the absence of altered nutrition during the second pregnancy

    The biological basis and clinical significance of hormonal imprinting, an epigenetic process

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    The biological phenomenon, hormonal imprinting, was named and defined by us (Biol Rev, 1980, 55, 47-63) 30 years ago, after many experimental works and observations. Later, similar phenomena were also named to epigenetic imprinting or metabolic imprinting. In the case of hormonal imprinting, the first encounter between a hormone and its developing target cell receptor—usually at the perinatal period—determines the normal receptor-hormone connection for life. However, in this period, molecules similar to the target hormone (members of the same hormone family, synthetic drugs, environmental pollutants, etc), which are also able to bind to the receptor, provoke faulty imprinting also with lifelong—receptorial, behavioral, etc.,—consequences. Faulty hormonal imprinting could also be provoked later in life in continuously dividing cells and in the brain. Faulty hormonal imprinting is a disturbance of gene methylation pattern, which is epigenenetically inherited to the further generations (transgenerational imprinting). The absence of the normal or the presence of false hormonal imprinting predispose to or manifested in different diseases (e.g., malignant tumors, metabolic syndrome) long after the time of imprinting or in the progenies

    Sex-specific Effects of Exercise Ancestry on Metabolic, Morphological, and Gene Expression Phenotypes in Multiple Generations of Mouse Offspring

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    Early life and preconception environmental stimuli can affect adult health-related phenotypes. Exercise training is an environmental stimulus affecting many systems throughout the body and appears to alter offspring phenotypes. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of parental exercise training, or \u27exercise ancestry\u27, on morphological and metabolic phenotypes in two generations of mouse offspring. The F0 C57BL/6 mice were exposed to voluntary exercise (EX) or sedentary lifestyle (SED) and bred with like-exposed mates to produce an F1 generation. The F1 mice of both ancestries were sedentary and killed at 8 weeks or bred with littermates to produce an F2 generation, which was also sedentary and killed at 8 weeks. Small but broad generation- and sex-specific effects of exercise ancestry were observed for body mass, fat and muscle mass, serum insulin, glucose tolerance and muscle gene expression. The F1 EX females were lighter than F1 SED females and had lower absolute tibialis anterior and omental fat masses. Serum insulin was higher in F1 EX females compared with F1 SED females. The F2 EX females had impaired glucose tolerance compared with F2 SED females. Analysis of skeletal muscle mRNA levels revealed several generation- and sex-specific differences in mRNA levels for multiple genes, especially those related to metabolic genes (e.g. F1 EX males had lower mRNA levels of Hk2, Ppard, Ppargc1a, Adipoq and Scd1 than F1 SED males). These results provide preliminary evidence that parental exercise training can influence health-related phenotypes in mouse offspring