413 research outputs found
The sixth Painleve equation arising from D_4^{(1)} hierarchy
The sixth Painleve equation arises from a Drinfel'd-Sokolov hierarchy
associated with the affine Lie algebra of type D_4 by similarity reduction.Comment: 14 page
Symmetries of quantum spaces. Subgroups and quotient spaces of quantum and groups
We prove that each action of a compact matrix quantum group on a compact
quantum space can be decomposed into irreducible representations of the group.
We give the formula for the corresponding multiplicities in the case of the
quotient quantum spaces. We describe the subgroups and the quotient spaces of
quantum SU(2) and SO(3) groups.Comment: 30 pages (with very slight changes
Heisenberg realization for U_q(sln) on the flag manifold
We give the Heisenberg realization for the quantum algebra , which
is written by the -difference operator on the flag manifold. We construct it
from the action of on the -symmetric algebra by the
Borel-Weil like approach. Our realization is applicable to the construction of
the free field realization for the [AOS].Comment: 10 pages, YITP/K-1016, plain TEX (some mistakes corrected and a
reference added
Solutions to the ultradiscrete Toda molecule equation expressed as minimum weight flows of planar graphs
We define a function by means of the minimum weight flow on a planar graph
and prove that this function solves the ultradiscrete Toda molecule equation,
its B\"acklund transformation and the two dimensional Toda molecule equation.
The method we employ in the proof can be considered as fundamental to the
integrability of ultradiscrete soliton equations.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures Added citations in v
On a q-difference Painlev\'e III equation: II. Rational solutions
Rational solutions for a -difference analogue of the Painlev\'e III
equation are considered. A Determinant formula of Jacobi-Trudi type for the
solutions is constructed.Comment: Archive version is already official. Published by JNMP at
Quantum symmetric pairs and representations of double affine Hecke algebras of type
We build representations of the affine and double affine braid groups and
Hecke algebras of type , based upon the theory of quantum symmetric
pairs . In the case , our constructions provide a
quantization of the representations constructed by Etingof, Freund and Ma in
arXiv:0801.1530, and also a type generalization of the results in
arXiv:0805.2766.Comment: Final version, to appear in Selecta Mathematic
Nucleon-nucleon coincidence measurement in the non-mesonic weak decay of 5_Lambda-He and 12_Lambda-C hypernuclei
We have measured both yields of neutron-proton and neutron-neutron pairs
emitted from the non-mesonic weak decay process of 5_Lambda-He and 12_Lambda-C
hypernuclei produced via the (pi^+,K^+) reaction for the first time. We
observed clean back-to-back correlation of the np- and nn-pairs in the
coincidence spectra for both hypernuclei. The ratio of those back-to-back pair
yields, Nnn / Nnp, must be close to the ratio of neutron- and proton-induced
decay widths of the decay, Gn(Lambda n -> nn)/Gp(Lambda p -> np). The obtained
ratios for each hypernuclei support recent calculations based on short-range
interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC
2004), Goteborg, Sweden, June 27 - July 2, 2004, to appear in Nuclear Physics
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