378 research outputs found

    Analytical Tachyonic Lump Solutions in Open Superstring Field Theory

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    We construct a classical solution in the GSO(-) sector in the framework of a Wess-Zumino-Witten-like open superstring field theory on a non-BPS D-brane. We use an su(2) supercurrent, which is obtained by compactifying a direction to a circle with the critical radius, in order to get analytical tachyonic lump solutions to the equation of motion. By investigating the action expanded around a solution we find that it represents a deformation from a non-BPS D-brane to a D-brane-anti-D-brane system at the critical value of a parameter which is contained in classical solutions. Although such a process was discussed in terms of boundary conformal field theory before, our study is based on open superstring field theory including interaction terms.Comment: 17 pages, references adde

    Closed String Tachyon Condensation on Twisted Circles

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    We study IIA/B string theory compactified on twisted circles. These models possess closed string tachyons and reduce to type 0B/A theory in a special limit. Using methods of gauged linear sigma models and mirror symmetry we construct a conformal field theory which interpolates between these models and flat space via an auxiliary Liouville direction. Interpreting motion in the Liouville direction as renormalization group flow, we argue that the end point of tachyon condensation in all these models (including 0B/A theory) is supersymmetric type II theory. We also find a zero-slope limit of these models which is best described in a T-dual picture as a type II NS-NS fluxbrane. In this limit tachyon condensation is an interesting and well posed problem in supergravity. We explicitly determine the tachyon as a fluctuation of supergravity fields, and perform a rudimentary numerical analysis of the relevant flows.Comment: 21 pages plus appendices (12 pages), harvmac, 1 fig, v2: minor changes and references added, v3: minor changes version published in JHE

    On factorizations in perturbative quantum gravity

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    Some features of Einstein gravity are most easily understood from string theory but are not manifest at the level of the usual Lagrangian formulation. One example is the factorization of gravity amplitudes into gauge theory amplitudes. Based on the recently constructed `double field theory' and a geometrical frame-like formalism developed by Siegel, we provide a framework of perturbative Einstein gravity coupled to a 2-form and a dilaton in which, as a consequence of T-duality, the Feynman rules factorize to all orders in perturbation theory. We thereby establish the precise relation between the field variables in different formulations and discuss the Lagrangian that, when written in terms of these variables, makes a left-right factorization manifest.Comment: 18 pages, v2: reference added, to appear in JHE

    D-Brane Probe and Closed String Tachyons

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    We consider a D-brane probe in unstable string background associated with flux branes. The twist in spacetime metric reponsible for the supersymmetry breaking is shown to manifest itself in mixing of open Wilson lines with the phases of some adjoint matter fields, resulting in a nonlocal and nonsupersymmetric form of Yang-Mills theory as the probe dynamics. This provides a setup where one can study fate of a large class of unstable closed string theories that include as a limit type 0 theories and various orbifolds of type II and type 0 theories. We discuss the limit of C/Zn{\bf C}/Z_n orbifold in some detail and speculate on couplings with closed string tachyons.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, typos fixed, references update

    Tadpole Analysis of Orientifolded Plane-Waves

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    We study orientifolds of type IIB string theory in the plane-wave background supported by null RR 3-form flux F^{(3)}. We describe how to extract the RR tadpoles in the Green-Schwarz formalism in a general setting. Two models with orientifold groups {1, \Omega} and {1,\Omega I_4}, which are T-dual to each other, are considered. Consistency of these backgrounds requires 32 D9 branes for the first model and 32 D5 branes for the second one. We study the spectra and comment on the heterotic duals of our models.Comment: 22+1 pages, 3 figures References added, minor typos correcte

    Background independent action for double field theory

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    Double field theory describes a massless subsector of closed string theory with both momentum and winding excitations. The gauge algebra is governed by the Courant bracket in certain subsectors of this double field theory. We construct the associated nonlinear background-independent action that is T-duality invariant and realizes the Courant gauge algebra. The action is the sum of a standard action for gravity, antisymmetric tensor, and dilaton fields written with ordinary derivatives, a similar action for dual fields with dual derivatives, and a mixed term that is needed for gauge invariance.Comment: 45 pages, v2: minor corrections, refs. added, to appear in JHE

    Development of Ray Tracing Algorithms for Scanning Plane and Transverse Plane Analysis for Satellite Multibeam Application

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    Reflector antennas have been widely used in many areas. In the implementation of parabolic reflector antenna for broadcasting satellite applications, it is essential for the spacecraft antenna to provide precise contoured beam to effectively serve the required region. For this purpose, combinations of more than one beam are required. Therefore, a tool utilizing ray tracing method is developed to calculate precise off-axis beams for multibeam antenna system. In the multibeam system, each beam will be fed from different feed positions to allow the main beam to be radiated at the exact direction on the coverage area. Thus, detailed study on caustics of a parabolic reflector antenna is performed and presented in this paper, which is to investigate the behaviour of the rays and its relation to various antenna parameters. In order to produce accurate data for the analysis, the caustic behaviours are investigated in two distinctive modes: scanning plane and transverse plane. This paper presents the detailed discussions on the derivation of the ray tracing algorithms, the establishment of the equations of caustic loci, and the verification of the method through calculation of radiation pattern

    Superstring field theory equivalence: Ramond sector

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    We prove that the finite gauge transformation of the Ramond sector of the modified cubic superstring field theory is ill-defined due to collisions of picture changing operators. Despite this problem we study to what extent could a bijective classical correspondence between this theory and the (presumably consistent) non-polynomial theory exist. We find that the classical equivalence between these two theories can almost be extended to the Ramond sector: We construct mappings between the string fields (NS and Ramond, including Chan-Paton factors and the various GSO sectors) of the two theories that send solutions to solutions in a way that respects the linearized gauge symmetries in both sides and keeps the action of the solutions invariant. The perturbative spectrum around equivalent solutions is also isomorphic. The problem with the cubic theory implies that the correspondence of the linearized gauge symmetries cannot be extended to a correspondence of the finite gauge symmetries. Hence, our equivalence is only formal, since it relates a consistent theory to an inconsistent one. Nonetheless, we believe that the fact that the equivalence formally works suggests that a consistent modification of the cubic theory exists. We construct a theory that can be considered as a first step towards a consistent RNS cubic theory.Comment: v1: 24 pages. v2: 27 pages, significant modifications of the presentation, new section, typos corrected, references adde

    BPS States on M5-brane in Large C-field Background

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    We extensively study BPS solutions of the low energy effective theory of M5-brane in large C-field background. This provides us an opportunity to explore the interactions turned on by C-field background through the Nambu-Poisson structure. The BPS states considered in this paper include the M-waves, the self-dual string (M2 ending on M5), tilted M5-brane, holomorphic embedding of M5-brane and the intersection of two M5-branes along a 3-brane.Comment: 25 pages, reference adde

    (Twisted) Toroidal Compactification of pp-Waves

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    The maximally supersymmetric type IIB pp-wave is compactified on spatial circles, with and without an auxiliary rotational twist. All spatial circles of constant radius are identified. Without the twist, an S1^1 compactification can preserve 24, 20 or 16 supercharges. T2T^2 compactifications can preserve 20, 18 or 16 supercharges; T3T^3 compactifications can preserve 18 or 16 supercharges and higher compactifications preserve 16 supercharges. The worldsheet theory of this background is discussed. The T-dual and decompactified type IIA and M-theoretic solutions which preserve 24 supercharges are given. Some comments are made regarding the AdS parent and the CFT description.Comment: 22 pages REVTeX 4 and AMSLaTeX. v3: References and a paragraph on nine dimensional Killing spinors were added. v4: A few typos corrected and a footnote was modifie
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