14 research outputs found

    Nonparametric regression - some approaches

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    In this paper we describe two approaches to nonparametric regression. First, we consider the nearest neighbour approach, as a procedure which serves mainly for obtaining an ad hoc smoothing and interpolating. Next, we describe the roughness penalty approach. This gives a certain compromise between the demand for goodness-of-fit of regression curve to the given data and the condition that the regression curve has not too many oscillations

    Least orthogonal absolute deviations problem for generalized logistic function

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    We consider the existence of optimal parameters for generalized logistic model by least orthogonal absolute deviations, and prove the existence of such optimal solution, under the monotonicity condition on the data

    A choice of norm in discrete approximation

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    We consider the problem of choice of norms in discrete approximation. First, we describe properties of the standard l_1, l_2 and l_ ∞ norms, and their essential characteristics for using as error criteria in discrete approximation. After that, we mention the possibility of applications of the so-called total least squares and total least l_p norm, for finding the best approximation. Finally, we take a look at some nonstandard, visual error criteria for qualitative smoothing

    Information‐Theoretic Approach to Bidirectional Scaling

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