945 research outputs found

    Collision model approach to steering of an open driven qubit

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    We investigate quantum steering of an open quantum system by measurements on its environment in the framework of collision models. As an example we consider a coherently driven qubit dissipatively coupled to a bath. We construct local non-adaptive and adaptive as well as nonlocal measurement scenarios specifying explicitly the measured observable on the environment. Our approach shows transparently how the conditional evolution of the open system depends on the type of the measurement scenario and the measured observables. These can then be optimized for steering. The nonlocal measurement scenario leads to maximal violation of the used steering inequality at zero temperature. Further, we investigate the robustness of the constructed scenarios against thermal noise. We find generally that steering becomes harder at higher temperatures. Surprisingly, the system can be steered even when bipartite entanglement between the system and individual subenvironments vanishes

    Collision model for non-Markovian quantum dynamics

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    We study the applicability of collisional models for non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems. By allowing interactions between the separate environmental degrees of freedom in between collisions we are able to construct a collision model that allows to study quantum memory effects in open system dynamics. We also discuss the possibility to embed non-Markovian collision model dynamics into Markovian collision model dynamics in an extended state space. As a concrete example we show how using the proposed class of collision models we can discretely model non- Markovian amplitude damping of a qubit. In the time-continuous limit, we obtain the well-known results for spontaneous decay of a two level system in to a structured zero-temperature reservoirComment: 10 pages, 6 figure, comments welcome

    Revealing the nature of non-equilibrium phase transitions with quantum trajectories

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    A damped and driven collective spin system is analyzed by using quantum state diffusion. This approach allows for a mostly analytical treatment of the investigated non-equilibrium quantum many body dynamics, which features a phase transition in the thermodynamical limit. The exact results obtained in this work, which are free of any finite size defects, provide a complete understanding of the model. Moreover, the trajectory framework gives an intuitive picture of the two phases occurring, revealing a spontaneously broken symmetry and allowing for a qualitative and quantitative characterization of the phases. We determine exact critical exponents, investigate finite size scaling, and explain a remarkable non-algebraic behaviour at the transition in terms of torus hopping.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Geometric Characterization of True Quantum Decoherence

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    Surprisingly often decoherence is due to classical fluctuations of ambient fields and may thus be described in terms of random unitary (RU) dynamics. However, there are decoherence channels where such a representation cannot exist. Based on a simple and intuitive geometric measure for the distance of an extremal channel to the convex set of RU channels we are able to characterize the set of true quantum phase-damping channels. Remarkably, using the Caley-Menger determinant, our measure may be assessed directly from the matrix representation of the channel. We find that the channel of maximum quantumness is closely related to a symmetric, informationally-complete positive operator-valued measure (SIC-POVM) on the environment. Our findings are in line with numerical results based on the entanglement of assistance.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Parametrization and optimization of Gaussian non-Markovian unravelings for open quantum dynamics

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    We derive a family of Gaussian non-Markovian stochastic Schr\"odinger equations for the dynamics of open quantum systems. The different unravelings correspond to different choices of squeezed coherent states, reflecting different measurement schemes on the environment. Consequently, we are able to give a single shot measurement interpretation for the stochastic states and microscopic expressions for the noise correlations of the Gaussian process. By construction, the reduced dynamics of the open system does not depend on the squeezing parameters. They determine the non-hermitian Gaussian correlation, a wide range of which are compatible with the Markov limit. We demonstrate the versatility of our results for quantum information tasks in the non-Markovian regime. In particular, by optimizing the squeezing parameters, we can tailor unravelings for optimal entanglement bounds or for environment-assisted entanglement protection.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Typical Gaussian Quantum Information

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    We investigate different geometries and invariant measures on the space of mixed Gaussian quan- tum states. We show that when the global purity of the state is held fixed, these measures coincide and it is possible, within this constraint, to define a unique notion of volume on the space of mixed Gaussian states. We then use the so defined measure to study typical non-classical correlations of two mode mixed Gaussian quantum states, in particular entanglement and steerability. We show that under the purity constraint alone, typical values for symplectic invariants can be computed very elegantly, irrespectively of the non-compactness of the underlying state space. Then we consider finite volumes by constraining the purity and energy of the Gaussian state and compute typical values of quantum correlations numerically.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Work as an external quantum observable and an operational quantum work fluctuation theorem

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    We propose a definition of externally measurable quantum work in driven systems. Work is given as a quantum observable on a control device which is forcing the system and can be determined without knowledge of the system Hamiltonian HSH_\mathcal{S}. We argue that quantum work fluctuation theorems which rely on the knowledge of HSH_\mathcal{S} are of little practical relevance, contrary to their classical counterparts. Using our framework, we derive a fluctuation theorem which is operationally accessible and could in principle be implemented in experiments to determine bounds on free energy differences of unknown systems

    Steering heat engines: a truly quantum Maxwell demon

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    We address the question of verifying the quantumness of thermal machines. A Szil\'ard engine is truly quantum if its work output cannot be described by a local hidden state (LHS) model, i. e. an objective local statistical ensemble. Quantumness in this scenario is revealed by a steering-type inequality which bounds the classically extractable work. A quantum Maxwell demon can violate that inequality by exploiting quantum correlations between the work medium and the thermal environment. While for a classical Szil\'ard engine an objective description of the medium always exists, any such description can be ruled out by a steering task in a truly quantum case

    Continuous quantum measurement for general Gaussian unravelings can exist

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    Quantum measurements and the associated state changes are properly described in the language of instruments. We investigate the properties of a time continuous family of instruments associated with the recently introduced family of general Gaussian non-Markovian stochastic Schr\"odinger equations. In this Letter we find that when the covariance matrix for the Gaussian noise satisfies a particular δ\delta-function constraint, the measurement interpretation is possible for a class of models with self-adjoint coupling operator. This class contains, for example the spin-boson and quantum Brownian motion models with colored bath correlation functions. Remarkably, due to quantum memory effects the reduced state, in general, does not have a closed form master equation while the unraveling has a time continuous measurement interpretation.Comment: 5 page

    Diffusive limit of non-Markovian quantum jumps

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    We solve two long standing problems for stochastic descriptions of open quantum system dynamics. First, we find the classical stochastic processes corresponding to non-Markovian quantum state diffusion and non-Markovian quantum jumps in projective Hilbert space. Second, we show that the diffusive limit of non-Markovian quantum jumps can be taken on the projective Hilbert space in such a way that it coincides with non-Markovian quantum state diffusion. However, the very same limit taken on the Hilbert space leads to a completely new diffusive unraveling, which we call non-Markovian quantum diffusion. Further, we expand the applicability of non-Markovian quantum jumps and non-Markovian quantum diffusion by using a kernel smoothing technique allowing a significant simplification in their use. Lastly, we demonstrate the applicability of our results by studying a driven dissipative two level atom in a non-Markovian regime using all of the three methods.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Comments are welcome
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