9 research outputs found

    Ekspansi Kelompok Usaha Batik Daerah: Desa Klakah Kabupaten Lumajang

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    Small industrial of batik "SEKAR SARI" and "SUMBER  AGUNG" is a small industry develop  business  the batik  area which has a special design motif that accentuates their regional, has a special characteristic on the motif, such as a banana image, banana shoots, mountain and  dance horse. Ipteks activities for the community of training technology, design batik, provided assistance in establishing a permanent means of drying space batik, provided assistance in establishing of infrastructure the place pelorodan/sink batik, disposal waste  pelorodan, providing training and assistance in the management of marketing and simple accounting. Training results obtained special design that characterizes the batik District Klakah, obtained ways of the making batik is more efficient with using staining remasol and the use of tool of  the form bidangan of the  of bamboo. The Making a place permanent pelorodan by placing filtering, so that waste water is wasted just a  coloration secondhand. The  wax Waste filtered which next can still be used again. The  water Waste flows in place the form disposal a filtering so it does not get the river and do not pollute the environment, location, drying is not directly exposed to sunlight will produce a more perfect batik coloring

    A possible case of spontaneous Loa loa encephalopathy associated with a glomerulopathy

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    It is well known that renal and neurological complications may occur after antifilarial treatment of patients infected with Loa loa. Conversely, spontaneous cases of visceral complications of loiasis have been rarely reported. A 31-year-old Congolese male patient who had not received any antifilarial drug developed oedema of the lower limbs, and then transient swellings of upper limbs. Two months after, he developed troubles of consciousness within several hours. At hospital, the patient was comatose with mild signs of localization. Laboratory tests and an abdominal echography revealed a chronic renal failure due to a glomerulopathy. Three weeks after admission, Loa microfilariae were found in the cerebrospinal fluid, and a calibrated blood smear revealed a Loa microfilaraemia of 74,200 microfilariae per ml. The level of consciousness of the patient improved spontaneously, without any specific treatment, but several days after becoming completely lucid, the patient died suddenly, from an undetermined cause. Unfortunately, no biopsy or autopsy could be performed. The role of Loa loa in the development of the renal and neurological troubles of this patient is questionable. But the fact that such troubles, which are known complications of Loa infection, were found concomitantly in a person harbouring a very high microfilarial load suggests that they might have been caused by the filarial parasite. In areas endemic for loiasis, examinations for a Loa infection should be systematically performed in patients presenting an encephalopathy or a glomerulopathy

    Role and evolution of viral tropism in patients with advanced HIV disease receiving intensified initial regimen in the ANRS 130 APOLLO trial

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