43 research outputs found

    Predictors of Online and Offline Sexual Activities and Behaviors Among Adolescents

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    Despite the fact that many adolescents spend much time on the Internet, it is unknown who engages in sexually related online activities (SROA) and how these affect adolescent sexual development. The present longitudinal study on 323 adolescents (51.1% girls) aimed to explore how peer attachment processes predicted both SROA and offline sexual behaviors at the age of 17, while also considering puberty and prior offline sexual experiences in order to elucidate potential similarities or differences. Findings based on hierarchical, binary logistic regression analyses revealed that SROA were predicted by alienation attachment to peers (OR=3.36, p\u3c0.05), puberty (OR=1.03, p\u3c0.05), and prior SROA (OR=0.56, p\u3c0.001), while only previous offline sexual experiences at the age of 15 increased the likelihood of offline sexual behaviors at the age of 17 (OR=6.04, p\u3c0.001). Study findings indicate that the Internet provides an additional context for acquiring sexual experiences during adolescence

    Museum of Railway and Electrical Engineering: a view of the next decade

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    V rámci areálu Masarykova nádraží v Praze vznikne v budoucnu (2028) Muzeum železnice a elektrotechniky jako součást Národního technického muzea. Článek se věnuje vývoji elektrotechnických oborů a jejich muzejní adjustaci, seznamuje s architekturou budoucího muzea a s vybranými exponáty.In the future (2028), the Museum of Railway and Electrical Engineering will be built as part of the National Technical Museum within the premises of Masaryk Station in Prague. The article deals with the development of electrotechnical fields and their museum adjustment, introduces the architecture of the future museum and selected exhibits

    Automatic Certification of Heap Consumption

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    Abstract. We present a program logic for verifying the heap consumption of low-level programs. The proof rules employ a uniform assertion format and have been derived from a general purpose program logic [1]. In a proof-carrying code scenario, the inference of invariants is delegated to the code provider, who employs a certifying compiler that generates a certificate from program annotations and analysis. The granularity of the proof rules matches that of the linear type system presented in [6], which enables us to perform verification by replaying typing derivations in a theorem prover, given the specifications of individual methods. The resulting verification conditions are of limited complexity, and are automatically discharged. We also outline a proof system that relaxes the linearity restrictions and relates to the type system of usage aspects presented in [2].

    Epitaxial VO<inf>2</inf> Nanostructures: A Route to Large-Scale, Switchable Dielectric Metasurfaces

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    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society. Metasurfaces offer unparalleled functionalities for controlling the propagation and properties of electromagnetic waves. But to transfer these functions to technological applications, it is critical to render them tunable and to enable fast control by external stimuli. In most cases, this has been realized by utilizing tunable materials combined with a top-down nanostructuring process, which is often complicated and time intensive. Here we present a novel strategy for fabricating a tunable metasurface comprising epitaxially grown nanobeams of a phase transition material, vanadium dioxide. Without the need for extensive nanolithographic fabrication, we prepared a large-area (>1 cm2), deep-subwavelength (thickness of ∼Λ/40) nanostructured thin film that can control light transmission with large modulation depth, exceeding 9 dB across all telecommunication wavelength bands. Furthermore, the transmission in the "on" state remains higher than 80% from near- to mid-infrared region. This renders our metasurface useful also as a phase-shifting element, which we demonstrate by carrying out cross-polarized transmission measurements. To provide insights about the relationship between metasurface morphology and its resulting optical properties, we perform full-field three-dimensional numerical simulations as a function of width, height, and edge-to-edge separation of the epitaxial VO2 nanobeams

    PTEN Sequence Analysis in Endometrial Hyperplasia and Endometrial Carcinoma in Slovak Women

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    Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) is a protein that acts as a tumor suppressor by dephosphorylating the lipid second messenger phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. Loss of PTEN function has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of different tumors, particularly endometrial carcinoma (ECa). ECa is the most common neoplasia of the female genital tract. Our study evaluates an association between the morphological appearance of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma and the degree of PTEN alterations. A total of 45 endometrial biopsies from Slovak women were included in present study. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples with simple hyperplasia (3), complex hyperplasia (5), atypical complex hyperplasia (7), endometrioid carcinomas G1 (20) and G3 (5), and serous carcinoma (5) were evaluated for the presence of mutations in coding regions of PTEN gene, the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor gene in endometrial carcinoma. 75% of the detected mutations were clustered in exons 5 and 8. Out of the 39 mutations detected in 24 cases, 20 were frameshifts and 19 were nonsense, missense, or silent mutations. Some specimens harboured more than one mutation. The results of current study on Slovak women were compared to a previous study performed on Polish population. The two sets of results were similar