254 research outputs found

    Many-body excitations in tunneling current spectra of a few-electron quantum dot

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    Inherent asymmetry in the tunneling barriers of few-electron quantum dots induces intrinsically different tunneling currents for forward and reverse source-drain biases in the non-linear transport regime. Here we show that in addition to spin selection rules, overlap matrix elements between many-body states are crucial for the correct description of tunneling transmission through quantum dots at large magnetic fields. Signatures of excited (N-1)-electron states in the transport process through the N-electron system are clearly identified in the measured transconductances. Our analysis clearly confirms the validity of single-electron quantum transport theory in quantum dots.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Signatures of electron correlations in the transport properties of quantum dots

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    The transition matrix elements between the correlated NN and N ⁣+ ⁣1N\!+\!1 electron states of a quantum dot are calculated by numerical diagonalization. They are the central ingredient for the linear and non--linear transport properties which we compute using a rate equation. The experimentally observed variations in the heights of the linear conductance peaks can be explained. The knowledge of the matrix elements as well as the stationary populations of the states allows to assign the features observed in the non--linear transport spectroscopy to certain transition and contains valuable information about the correlated electron states.Comment: 4 pages (revtex,27kB) + 3 figures in one file ziped and uuencoded (postscript,33kB), to appear in Phys.Rev.B as Rapid Communicatio

    Non-equilibrium transport through a vertical quantum dot in the absence of spin-flip energy relaxation

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    We investigate non-equilibrium transport in the absence of spin-flip energy relaxation in a few-electron quantum dot artificial atom. Novel non-equilibrium tunneling processes involving high-spin states which cannot be excited from the ground state because of spin-blockade, and other processes involving more than two charge states are observed. These processes cannot be explained by orthodox Coulomb blockade theory. The absence of effective spin relaxation induces considerable fluctuation of the spin, charge, and total energy of the quantum dot. Although these features are revealed clearly by pulse excitation measurements, they are also observed in conventional dc current characteristics of quantum dots.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.Let

    Energetics of Quantum Antidot States in Quantum Hall Regime

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    We report experiments on the energy structure of antidot-bound states. By measuring resonant tunneling line widths as function of temperature, we determine the coupling to the remote global gate voltage and find that the effects of interelectron interaction dominate. Within a simple model, we also determine the energy spacing of the antidot bound states, self consistent edge electric field, and edge excitation drift velocity.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 5 Postscript figure

    Conductance of a Mott Quantum Wire

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    We consider transport through a one-dimensional conductor subject to an external periodic potential and connected to non-interacting leads (a "Mott quantum wire"). For the case of a strong periodic potential, the conductance is shown to jump from zero, for the chemical potential lying within the Mott-Hubbard gap, to the non-interacting value of 2e^2/h, as soon as the chemical potential crosses the gap edge. This behavior is strikingly different from that of an optical conductivity, which varies continuously with the carrier concentration. For the case of a weak potential, the perturbative correction to the conductance due to Umklapp scattering is absent away from half-filling.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 1 ps figure included; published versio

    Electron Cotunneling in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot

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    We report transport measurements on a semiconductor quantum dot with a small number of confined electrons. In the Coulomb blockade regime, conduction is dominated by cotunneling processes. These can be either elastic or inelastic, depending on whether they leave the dot in its ground state or drive it into an excited state, respectively. We are able to discriminate between these two contributions and show that inelastic events can occur only if the applied bias exceeds the lowest excitation energy. Implications to energy-level spectroscopy are discussed.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Transient current spectroscopy of a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    Transient current spectroscopy is proposed and demonstrated in order to investigate the energy relaxation inside a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime. We employ a fast pulse signal to excite an AlGaAs/GaAs quantum dot to an excited state, and analyze the non-equilibrium transient current as a function of the pulse length. The amplitude and time-constant of the transient current are sensitive to the ground and excited spin states. We find that the spin relaxation time is longer than, at least, a few microsecond.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Single electron-phonon interaction in a suspended quantum dot phonon cavity

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    An electron-phonon cavity consisting of a quantum dot embedded in a free-standing GaAs/AlGaAs membrane is characterized in Coulomb blockade measurements at low temperatures. We find a complete suppression of single electron tunneling around zero bias leading to the formation of an energy gap in the transport spectrum. The observed effect is induced by the excitation of a localized phonon mode confined in the cavity. This phonon blockade of transport is lifted at magnetic fields where higher electronic states with nonzero angular momentum are brought into resonance with the phonon energy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent photon assisted cotunneling in a Coulomb blockade device

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    We study cotunneling in a double junction Coulomb blockade device under the influence of time dependent potentials. It is shown that the ac-bias leads to photon assisted cotunneling which in some cases may dominate the transport. We derive a general non-perturbative expression for the tunneling current in the presence of oscillating potentials and give a perturbative expression for the photon assisted cotunneling current.Comment: Replaced with a longer paper which includes a non-perturbative calculation. 13 pages with 1 figure. To be published in Physical Review

    Coherent Single Charge Transport in Molecular-Scale Silicon Nanowire Transistors

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    We report low-temperature electrical transport studies of molecule-scale silicon nanowires. Individual nanowires exhibit well-defined Coulomb blockade oscillations characteristic of charge addition to a single nanostructure with length scales up to at least 400 nm. Further studies demonstrate coherent charge transport through discrete single particle quantum levels extending the whole device, and show that the ground state spin configuration follows the Lieb-Mattis theorem. In addition, depletion of the nanowires suggests that phase coherent single-dot characteristics are accessible in a regime where correlations are strong.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure