13 research outputs found

    Options and limitations of tariffs currently used in the Czech Republic

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    Analýza motivačních schémat používaných v ČR a jejich analýza z pohledu využitelnosti a efektivity při nasazení v rámci systému aktivace flexibility. Pro zvýšení využitelnosti výsledku byla analýza prováděna v součinnosti a souladu s relevantními aktivitami projektu, zejména identifikací a predikcí skutečného chování odběratele a návrhem nástrojů pro vytěžování flexibility.Analysis of motivational schemes used in the Czech Republic and their analysis in terms of usability and effectiveness in deployment within the flexibility activation system. To increase the usability of the result, the analysis was carried out in synergy and consistency with the relevant activities of the project, in particular by identifying and predicting the actual behaviour of the customer and by designing tools for extracting flexibility

    Die Methode der natuerlichen Auslese in der ganzzahligen Optimierung

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    SIGLETIB: RN 7041 (13) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Application of aggregated flexibility for PpS and energy markets without negative impact on network operating parameters

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    Rizikem změny zdrojového mixu může být ztráta disponibilního výkonu pro pokrytí zatížení a nedostatečná dynamika zdrojů pro stabilizaci volatilního diagramu zatížení a poskytování podpůrných služeb. Slibný substituční potenciál nabízí výkonová flexibilita spotřební strany, agregovaná vhodným matematickým aparátem, např. nástroji unit commitmentu s využitím optimalizačních metod typu MILP. Algoritmy agregace jak pro obchodní produkty, tak zejména pro analogie PpS, budou velmi náročné na granularitu a dostupnost dat pro průběžné predikce chování jednotlivých poskytovatelů flexibility (POFL), očekáváme proto zásadní zintenzivnění komunikace prostřednictvím přímých komunikačních propojení agregátorů, POFL, síťových operátorů a dalších relevantních datových zdrojů pro zajištění efektivní výměny dat provozního charakteru blízko reálnému času.The risk of changing the source mix may be the loss of available power to cover the load and the lack of resource dynamics to stabilize the volatile load diagram and provide support services. Promising substitution potential is offered by the performance flexibility of the consumer side, aggregated by a suitable mathematical apparatus, e.g. unit commitment tools using milp optimization methods. Aggregation algorithms for both business products and pps analogues in particular will be very demanding on granularity and data availability for continuous predictions of the behavior of individual flexibility providers (POFL), so we expect a substantial intensification of communication through direct communication links of aggregators, POFL, network operators and other relevant data sources to ensure efficient exchange of operational data close to real time

    A knowledge-based problem-specific program generator

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    Cactus: A branching-time logic programming language

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    Exploring Latent Structure Similarity for Bayesian Nonparameteric Model with Mixture of NHPP Sequence

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Temporal point process data has been widely observed in many applications including finance, health, and infrastructures, so that it has become an important topic in data analytics domain. Generally, a point process only records occurrence of a type of event as 1 or 0. To interpret the temporal point process, it is important to estimate the intensity of the occurrence of events, which is challenging especially when the intensity is dynamic over time, for example non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) which is exactly what we will analyse in this paper. We performed a joint task to determine which two NHPP sequences are in the same group and to estimate the intensity resides in that group. Distance dependent Chinese Restaurant Process (ddCRP) provides a prior to cluster data points within a Bayesian nonparametric framework, alleviating the required knowledge to set the number of clusters which is sensitive in clustering problems. However, the distance in previous studies of ddCRP is designed for data points, in this paper such distance is measured by dynamic time warping (DTW) due to its wide application in ordinary time series (e.g. observed values are in $$\mathcal {R}$$). The empirical study using synthetic and real-world datasets shows promising outcome compared with the alternative techniques