1,194 research outputs found

    Universal optimal hole-doping concentration in single-layer high-temperature cuprate superconductors

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    We argue that in cuprate physics there are two types, hole content per CuO2_2 plane (PplP_{pl}) and the corresponding hole content per unit volume (P3DP_{3D}), of hole-doping concentrations for addressing physical properties that are two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) in nature, respectively. We find that superconducting transition temperature (TcT_c) varies systematically with P3DP_{3D} as a superconducting \textquotedblleft domedome\textquotedblright with a universal optimal hole-doping concentration P3Dopt.P_{3D}^{opt.} = 1.6 ×\times 1021^{21} cm3^{-3} for single-layer high temperature superconductors. We suggest that P3Dopt.P_{3D}^{opt.} determines the upper bound of the electronic energy of underdoped single-layer high-TcT_c cuprates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; added references ;accepted for the publication in Supercond. Sci. Technol ; Ref. 13 is revise

    Quantum Oscillations in Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3 in High Magnetic Fields

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    Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3 has drawn much attention as the leading candidate to be the first topological superconductor and the realization of coveted Majorana particles in a condensed matter system. However, there has been increasing controversy about the nature of its superconducting phase. This study sheds light on present ambiguity in the normal state electronic state, by providing a complete look at the quantum oscillations in magnetization in Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3 at intense high fields up to 31T. Our study focuses on the angular dependence of the quantum oscillation pattern in a low carrier concentration. As magnetic field tilts from along the crystalline c-axis to ab-plane, the change of the oscillation period follows the prediction of the ellipsoidal Fermi surface. As the doping level changes, the 3D Fermi surface is found to transform into quasi-cylindrical at high carrier density. Such a transition is potentially a Lifshitz transition of the electronic state in Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Non-collinear long-range magnetic ordering in HgCr2S4

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    The low-temperature magnetic structure of \HG has been studied by high-resolution powder neutron diffraction. Long-range incommensurate magnetic order sets in at TN_N\sim22K with propagation vector \textbf{k}=(0,0,\sim0.18). On cooling below TN_N, the propagation vector increases and saturates at the commensurate value \textbf{k}=(0,0,0.25). The magnetic structure below TN_N consists of ferromagnetic layers in the \textit{ab}-plane stacked in a spiral arrangement along the \textit{c}-axis. Symmetry analysis using corepresentations theory reveals a point group symmetry in the ordered magnetic phase of 422 (D4_4), which is incompatible with macroscopic ferroelectricity. This finding indicates that the spontaneous electric polarization observed experimentally cannot be coupled to the magnetic order parameter

    Experimental study on damage pattern caused on Malaysian made hollow blocks by guns of different calibers

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    Firearm and ballistics in an important area in forensic investigation. Among three ballistics, terminal ballistics plays a vital role in to solve the mystery in crime scenes. The present experimental study is aimed to study the damage pattern caused on Malaysian made hollow blocks by using various firearm. For the experimental study, firearms viz. 0.38 revolver, 9mm submachine gun, 9 mm semi auto pistol, 5.56 mm rifle and 7.62 mm rifle were used with varying ranges. The shooting experiment was conducted at Sungai Buloh shooting range by trained firearms experts, Polis Di Raja Malaysia, Bukit Aman. Kuala Lumpur. The entry and exit damages were analyzed and the result of the investigation provided promising result in determining the type of firearm and other useful information. The entry damages are found to be comparatively smaller than the exit damages in the hollow blocks. The long arms caused more damages on the hollow blocks comparatively than hand arms

    HeMIS: Hetero-Modal Image Segmentation

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    We introduce a deep learning image segmentation framework that is extremely robust to missing imaging modalities. Instead of attempting to impute or synthesize missing data, the proposed approach learns, for each modality, an embedding of the input image into a single latent vector space for which arithmetic operations (such as taking the mean) are well defined. Points in that space, which are averaged over modalities available at inference time, can then be further processed to yield the desired segmentation. As such, any combinatorial subset of available modalities can be provided as input, without having to learn a combinatorial number of imputation models. Evaluated on two neurological MRI datasets (brain tumors and MS lesions), the approach yields state-of-the-art segmentation results when provided with all modalities; moreover, its performance degrades remarkably gracefully when modalities are removed, significantly more so than alternative mean-filling or other synthesis approaches.Comment: Accepted as an oral presentation at MICCAI 201

    A Universal Intrinsic Scale of Hole Concentration for High-Tc Cuprates

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    We have measured thermoelectric power (TEP) as a function of hole concentration per CuO2 layer, Ppl, in Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6 (Ppl = x/2) with no oxygen in the Cu-O chain layer. The room-temperature TEP as a function of Ppl, S290(Ppl), of Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6 behaves identically to that of La2-zSrzCuO4 (Ppl = z). We argue that S290(Ppl) represents a measure of the intrinsic equilibrium electronic states of doped holes and, therefore, can be used as a common scale for the carrier concentrations of layered cuprates. We shows that the Ppl determined by this new universal scale is consistent with both hole concentration microscopically determined by NQR and the hole concentration macroscopically determined by the Cu valency. We find two characteristic scaling temperatures, TS* and TS2*, in the TEP vs. temperature curves that change systematically with doping. Based on the universal scale, we uncover a universal phase diagram in which almost all the experimentally determined pseudogap temperatures as a function of Ppl fall on two common curves; upper pseudogap temperature defined by the TS* versus Ppl curve and lower pseudogap temperature defined by the TS2* versus Ppl curve. We find that while pseudogaps are intrinsic properties of doped holes of a single CuO2 layer for all high-Tc cuprates, Tc depends on the number of layers, therefore the inter-layer coupling, in each individual system.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Intrinsic electronic superconducting phases at 60 K and 90 K in double-layer YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+\delta}

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    We study superconducting transition temperature (TcT_c) of oxygen-doped double-layer high-temperature superconductors YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+\delta} (0 \le δ\delta \le 1) as a function of the oxygen dopant concentration (δ\delta) and planar hole-doping concentration (PplP_{pl}). We find that TcT_c, while clearly influenced by the development of the chain ordering as seen in the TcT_c vs.vs. δ\delta plot, lies on a universal curve originating at the critical hole concentration (PcP_c) = 1/16 in the TcT_c vs.vs. PplP_{pl} plot. Our analysis suggests that the universal behavior of TcT_c(PplP_{pl}) can be understood in terms of the competition and collaboration of chemical-phases and electronic-phases that exist in the system. We conclude that the global superconductivity behavior of YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+\delta} as a function of doping is electronically driven and dictated by pristine electronic phases at magic doping numbers that follow the hierarchical order based on PcP_c, such as 2 ×\times PcP_c, 3 ×\times PcP_c and 4 ×\times PcP_c. We find that there are at least two intrinsic electronic superconducting phases of TcT_c = 60 K at 2 ×\times PcP_c = 1/8 and TcT_c = 90 K at 3 ×\times PcP_c = 3/16.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure