14 research outputs found

    Magnesium - an important component of high-energy compositions

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    Magnesium is a widely used component in high-energy compositions. Mixtures containing this metal can be found in show and military pyrotechnics, rocket propellants and various explosive masses. Magnesium containing compositions have high combustion temperature, which allows one to achieve the desired special effect. Two important stages in designing new high-energy mixtures, i.e. compatibility of substances and optimal composition, were described. The calculations were based on mixtures containing magnesium. In line with the standard STANAG 4147, using differential scanning calorimetry, compatibilities of mixtures of magnesium with octogen (HMX) and magnesium with hekzaazahekzanitroizowurzitane (CL-20) were examined. Magnesium is compatible with these nitroamines. An optimal composition which ensures the maximum combustion temperature and specific impulse was determined using the calculation programme isp2001. The optimum composition of the Mg : HMX composition burns at a lower temperature than the Mg : CL-20 mixture. The combustion temperature was 3493K for the former mixture and 3807K for the latter one. The specific impulse determined for both compositions was 273s. The specific impulse was established for mixtures with different shares of magnesium. The mixture containing in octogen reached the maximum specific impulse at 5% Mg, while the mixture containing CL-20 reached the highest specific impulse at 15% of this metal. The dependence of the specific impulse of rocket propellant containing polybutadiene with terminal hydroxyl groups (HTPB), ammonium perchlorate and magnesium was examined. The maximum value of the impulse increases with a decreasing amount of the binder. When another binder such as for poly(glycidyl azide) (GAP) was used, a reverse relationship was observed. The specific impulse increased with an increased binder content. The influence of various oxidants on the combustion temperature of pyrotechnic mixtures was defined. The highest combustion temperature was achieved for compositions with the magnesium content in the range of 20 to 45%. The effect on combustion temperature of the oxidants polytetrafluoroethylene, potassium chlorate and iron oxide was compared

    Magnez - istotny sk艂adnik mieszanin wysokoenergetycznych

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    Magnesium is a widely used component in high-energy compositions. Mixtures containing this metal can be found in show and military pyrotechnics, rocket propellants and various explosive masses. Magnesium containing compositions have high combustion temperature, which allows one to achieve the desired special effect. Two important stages in designing new high-energy mixtures, i.e. compatibility of substances and optimal composition, were described. The calculations were based on mixtures containing magnesium. In line with the standard STANAG 4147, using differential scanning calorimetry, compatibilities of mixtures of magnesium with octogen (HMX) and magnesium with hekzaazahekzanitroizowurzitane (CL-20) were examined. Magnesium is compatible with these nitroamines. An optimal composition which ensures the maximum combustion temperature and specific impulse was determined using the calculation programme isp2001. The optimum composition of the Mg : HMX composition burns at a lower temperature than the Mg : CL-20 mixture. The combustion temperature was 3493K for the former mixture and 3807K for the latter one. The specific impulse determined for both compositions was 273s. The specific impulse was established for mixtures with different shares of magnesium. The mixture containing in octogen reached the maximum specific impulse at 5% Mg, while the mixture containing CL-20 reached the highest specific impulse at 15% of this metal. The dependence of the specific impulse of rocket propellant containing polybutadiene with terminal hydroxyl groups (HTPB), ammonium perchlorate and magnesium was examined. The maximum value of the impulse increases with a decreasing amount of the binder. When another binder such as for poly(glycidyl azide) (GAP) was used, a reverse relationship was observed. The specific impulse increased with an increased binder content. The influence of various oxidants on the combustion temperature of pyrotechnic mixtures was defined. The highest combustion temperature was achieved for compositions with the magnesium content in the range of 20 to 45%. The effect on combustion temperature of the oxidants polytetrafluoroethylene, potassium chlorate and iron oxide was compared

    Badanie indeksu krystaliczno艣ci drewna d臋bowego pochodz膮cego z zabytkowej stolarki budowlanej

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    The influence of oak wood age on the crystallinity index of cellulose was determined. Antique wood originating from Warsaw woodwork from the middle of the 18th century, the turn of XIXth and 20th century and the middle of the 20th century was analysed. It was reported, using FTIR spectrometry, that the crystallinity index increases with wood age. It is consistent with previous examinations in other papers and shows that the chosen method of crystallinity index analysis is correct.Wraz z up艂ywem czasu stare drewniane okna, drzwi, pod艂ogi podobnie jak i inne elementy stolarki budowlanej nabieraj膮 warto艣ci muzealnej i dlatego, jako 艣wiadectwo kultury materialnej minionych stuleci powinno zosta膰 zachowane dla przysz艂ych pokole艅. Za pozostawieniem tych element贸w, poza argumentami dotycz膮cymi warto艣ci zabytkowych i estetycznych, przemawiaj膮 w艂a艣ciwo艣ci samego drewna, kt贸re pomimo up艂ywu czasu cz臋sto nie ulegaj膮 istotnym zmianom, a materia艂 ten zachowuje pe艂ne funkcje u偶ytkowe. Wobec panuj膮cych obecnie niejednoznacznych pogl膮d贸w na temat skutk贸w d艂ugotrwa艂ego starzenia si臋 drewna, istnieje potrzeba podejmowania mo偶liwie wielostronnych bada艅 zmierzaj膮cych do okre艣lenia w艂a艣ciwo艣ci zabytkowego drewna. Celem niniejszych bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie indeksu krystaliczno艣ci celulozy w drewnie pochodz膮cym z zabytkowej warszawskiej stolarki budowlanej z po艂owy 18, prze艂omu 19 i 20 wieku, a tak偶e z po艂owy 20 wieku w por贸wnaniu do drewna pozyskanego wsp贸艂cze艣nie. Analiz臋 stopnia krystaliczno艣ci celulozy przeprowadzono metod膮 spektrometrii w podczerwieni FTIR przy u偶yciu modelu Nicolet 6700, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Wyniki przeprowadzonych bada艅 pozwalaj膮 stwierdzi膰, 偶e w zabytkowym drewnie, w por贸wnaniu do drewna pozyskanego wsp贸艂cze艣nie, nast臋puje zmiana indeksu krystaliczno艣ci celulozy. Wielko艣膰 zmian uzale偶niona jest od wieku drewna. Najwi臋kszym indeksem krystaliczno艣ci celulozy charakteryzuje si臋 drewno element贸w stolarki budowlanej z 18 wieku, a najmniejsz膮 r贸偶nic臋 wykaza艂o drewno pochodz膮ce z zabytkowych element贸w z po艂owy 20 wieku. Obserwacje te potwierdzaj膮 z fachowej literatury, co 艣wiadczy tak偶e na korzy艣膰 wybranej metody okre艣lania indeksu krystaliczno艣ci