16 research outputs found

    Pneumocystis carinii w swietle najnowszych badan

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    A brief history of studies on Pneumocystis carinii was presented with particular reference to the investigations which had revealed its fungal nature, host specificity, and antigenic variation in the major surface glycoprotein. Furthermore, the problem of hitherto unknown reinfection with P. carinii as opposed to reactivation of latent infection was discussed

    Doswiadczalna toksokaroza krolikow: immunologiczne markery inwazji ocznej

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    Rabbits were infected with an oral dose of 50000 eggs of Toxocara canis or with an intracarotid injection of the second stage larvae of the parasite in order to develop ocular toxocariasis. Serum and ocular fluid samples were collected from the rabbits after 1,3 and 6 months after infection and examined for specific toxocaral antibodies and circulating parasitc antigen. Furthermore, an ophthalmoscopic examination was performed at the time of sampling. None of the infected animals showed the signs of ocular involvement, however, toxocaral IgG antibodies and circulating parasite antigen were present in the anterior chamber fluid samples

    Suggestions concerning serological diagnosis of echinococcosis in Poland

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    It bas been suggested to change the present way of serological diagnosis of echinococcosis in Poland which utilizes immunoelctrophoresis for confirmation of positive results in a screening test. Diagnostic procedure should be indicated with a sensitive test, such as indirect haemagglutination or immunoenzymatic assay, and every positive result should be verifies later using a Western-blot method in order to detect the most specific reaction with 8 kDa fraction of Echinococcus antigen. Further diferentiation of the infecting species may be accomplished with the aid of Em2 plus ELISA test which detect antibodies speeific for E. multilocularis