3 research outputs found
Keeping the doors open: experimenting science–policy–practice interfaces in Africa for sustainable urban development
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Experimentation in an African Neighborhood: Reflections for Transitions to Sustainable Energy in Cities
- Author
- A Davison
- A Fraser
- A Gasparatos
- A Haines
- A McLean
- A Meijer
- A Ramaswami
- A Silva
- B Clark
- C Lemanski
- D Hill
- D Lang
- D Mitlin
- D Rybski
- D Simon
- Disan Byarugaba
- E Graesholm
- F Mosannenzadeh
- G Trencher
- Gloria Nsangi
- H Schlör
- Hakim Sseviiri
- HS Brown
- IM Barmelgy El
- J Evans
- J Kleibert
- J Schot
- Kareem Buyana
- L Holmstedt
- L Mayoux
- M David
- M Davies
- M Hossain
- M Swilling
- M Swilling
- M Swilling
- M Swilling
- Peter Kasaija
- RPJM Raven
- S Parnell
- T Elmqvist
- V Watson
- VD Jarbandhan
- W Kruger
- W Mauser
- X Wang
- Y Jabareen
- Z Patel
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Causal Closure of Physics in Real World Contexts
- Author
- A Clark
- A Franklin
- A Juarrero
- A Moreno
- A Peacocke
- A Wagner
- AC Guyton
- AK Jain
- AS Eddington
- AS Tanenbaum
- B Alberts
- B Carroll Sean
- B Greene
- C Thompson
- CP Burgess
- D Deritei
- D Elder-Vass
- D Noble
- D Noble
- D Noble
- D Randall
- D Vecchi
- DA McQuarrie
- DT Campbell
- DW Sciama
- E Castellani
- E Kandel
- E Mayr
- E Ravasz
- E Thompson
- ER Kandel
- ER Kandel
- ER Kandel
- F Bloch
- F Crick
- F Del Santo
- F Kurose James
- F Richard
- FC Boogerd
- G Booch
- G Ellis
- G Ellis
- G Ellis
- G Ellis
- G Ghirardi
- G Jones
- G Petri
- G Pezzulo
- George F. R. Ellis
- GFR Ellis
- GFR Ellis
- GFR Ellis
- GFR Ellis
- H Junker Björn
- H Maturana
- HA Simon
- I Percival
- J Butterfield
- J Houghton
- J Kim
- J Kim
- J MacCormick
- J Pearl
- J Pearl
- J-H Hofmeyr
- J-H Hofmeyr
- J-P Uzan
- JA Papin
- JD Watson
- JF Ziegler
- JM Smith
- K Epstude
- K Ruiz-Mirazo
- KD Farnsworth
- L Bich
- L Moss
- LH Hartwell
- M Donald
- M Fink
- M Montévil
- M Mossio
- M Mossio
- M Mossio
- M Mossio
- M Tabaczek
- M Tegmark
- M Villalobos
- NA Campbell
- NN Taleb
- P Davies
- P Davies
- P Hoffmann
- P Nurse
- P Peter
- PG Hewitt
- PL Berger
- PL Berger
- PL Luisi
- PW Anderson
- PW Anderson
- PW Anderson
- R Laughlin
- R Loewenstein Werner
- R Milo
- R Noble
- R Noble
- R Noble
- R Oerter
- R Penrose
- R Rhoades
- RC Bishop
- S Green
- S Hartmann
- S Haykin
- S Hossenfelder
- S Weinberg
- SH Simon
- SS Schweber
- SW Hawking
- T Buyana
- TJ Gorman
- U Alon
- W Hordijk
- W Hordijk
- WR Ashby
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study