3,045 research outputs found

    Joint Deep Modeling of Users and Items Using Reviews for Recommendation

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    A large amount of information exists in reviews written by users. This source of information has been ignored by most of the current recommender systems while it can potentially alleviate the sparsity problem and improve the quality of recommendations. In this paper, we present a deep model to learn item properties and user behaviors jointly from review text. The proposed model, named Deep Cooperative Neural Networks (DeepCoNN), consists of two parallel neural networks coupled in the last layers. One of the networks focuses on learning user behaviors exploiting reviews written by the user, and the other one learns item properties from the reviews written for the item. A shared layer is introduced on the top to couple these two networks together. The shared layer enables latent factors learned for users and items to interact with each other in a manner similar to factorization machine techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that DeepCoNN significantly outperforms all baseline recommender systems on a variety of datasets.Comment: WSDM 201

    Designing a novel heterostructure AgInS<sub>2</sub>@MIL-101(Cr) photocatalyst from PET plastic waste for tetracycline degradation

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    Semiconductor-containing porous materials with a well-defined structure could be unique scaffolds for carrying out selective organic transformations driven by visible light. We herein introduce for the first time a heterostructure of silver indium sulfide (AgInS(2)) ternary chalcogenide and a highly porous MIL-101(Cr) metal–organic framework (MOF) synthesised from polyethylene terephthalate plastic waste. Our results demonstrate that AgInS(2) nanoparticles were uniformly attached to each lattice plane of the octahedral MIL-101(Cr) structure, resulting in a nanocomposite with a high distribution of semiconductors in a porous media. We also demonstrate that the nanocomposite with up to 40% of AgInS(2) doping exhibited excellent catalytic activity for tetracycline degradation under visible light irradiation (∼99% tetracycline degraded after 4 h) and predominantly maintained its performance after five cycles. These results could promote a new material circularity pathway to develop new semiconductors that can be used to protect water from further pollution

    Heat capacity studies of Ce and Rh site substitution in the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn_5;: Short-range magnetic interactions and non-Fermi-liquid behavior

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    In heavy fermion materials superconductivity tends to appear when long range magnetic order is suppressed by chemical doping or applying pressure. Here we report heat capacity measurements on diluted alloyes of the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn_5;. Heat capacity measurements have been performed on CeRh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (y <= 0.10) and Ce_{1-x}La_{x}Rh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (x <= 0.50) in applied fields up to 90 kOe to study the affect of doping and magnetic field on the magnetic ground state. The magnetic phase diagram of CeRh_{0.9}Ir_{0.1}In_5; is consistent with the magnetic structure of CeRhIn_5; being unchanged by Ir doping. Doping of Ir in small concentrations is shown to slightly increase the antiferromagnetic transition temperature T_{N} (T_{N}=3.8 K in the undoped sample). La doping which causes disorder on the Ce sublattice is shown to lower T_{N} with no long range order observed above 0.34 K for Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5;. Measurements on Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5; show a coexistence of short range magnetic order and non-Fermi-liquid behavior. This dual nature of the Ce 4f-electrons is very similar to the observed results on CeRhIn_5; when long range magnetic order is suppressed at high pressure.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Stabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system

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    A model consisting of a mixed Kuramoto - Sivashinsky - KdV equation, linearly coupled to an extra linear dissipative equation, is proposed. The model applies to the description of surface waves on multilayered liquid films. The extra equation makes its possible to stabilize the zero solution in the model, opening way to the existence of stable solitary pulses (SPs). Treating the dissipation and instability-generating gain in the model as small perturbations, we demonstrate that balance between them selects two steady-state solitons from their continuous family existing in the absence of the dissipation and gain. The may be stable, provided that the zero solution is stable. The prediction is completely confirmed by direct simulations. If the integration domain is not very large, some pulses are stable even when the zero background is unstable. Stable bound states of two and three pulses are found too. The work was supported, in a part, by a joint grant from the Israeli Minsitry of Science and Technology and Japan Society for Promotion of Science.Comment: A text file in the latex format and 20 eps files with figures. Physical Review E, in pres

    Multichannel Photon Counting Lidar Measurements Using USB-based Digital Storage Oscilloscope

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    We present a simple method of making multichannel photon counting measurements of weak lidar signal from large ranges, using commonly available USB-based digital storage oscilloscopes. The single photon pulses from compact photomultiplier tubes are amplified and stretched so that the pulses are large and broad enough to be sampled efficiently by the USB oscilloscopes. A software interface written in Labview is then used to count the number of photon pulses in each of the prescribed time bins to form the histogram of LIDAR signal. This method presents a flexible alternative to the modular multichannel scalers and facilitate the development of sensitive lidar systems

    Twinning superlattices in indium phosphide nanowires

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    Here, we show that we control the crystal structure of indium phosphide (InP) nanowires by impurity dopants. We have found that zinc decreases the activation barrier for 2D nucleation growth of zinc-blende InP and therefore promotes the InP nanowires to crystallise in the zinc blende, instead of the commonly found wurtzite crystal structure. More importantly, we demonstrate that we can, by controlling the crystal structure, induce twinning superlattices with long-range order in InP nanowires. We can tune the spacing of the superlattices by the wire diameter and the zinc concentration and present a model based on the cross-sectional shape of the zinc-blende InP nanowires to quantitatively explain the formation of the periodic twinning.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Island phases and charge order in two-dimensional manganites

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    The ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model with an antiferromagnetic interaction between localized spins is a minimal description of the competing kinetic t and magnetic K energy terms which generate the rich physics of manganite systems. Motivated by the discovery in one dimension of homogeneous ``island phases'', we consider the possibility of analogous phases in higher dimensions. We characterize the phases present at commensurate fillings, and consider in detail the effects of phase separation in all filling and parameter regimes. We deduce that island and flux phases are stable for intermediate values of K/t at the commensurate fillings n = 1/4, 1/3, 3/8, and 1/2. We discuss the connection of these results to the charge and magnetic ordering observed in a wide variety of manganite compounds.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure

    Strongly coupled matter near phase transition

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    In the Hartree approximation of Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis (CJT) formalism of the real scalar field theory, we show that for the strongly coupled scalar system near phase transition, the shear viscosity over entropy density is small, however, the bulk viscosity over entropy density is large. The large bulk viscosity is related to the highly nonconformal equation of state. It is found that the square of the sound velocity near phase transition is much smaller than the conformal value 1/3, and the trace anomaly at phase transition deviates far away from 0. These results agree well with the lattice results of the complex QCD system near phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, contributed to the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter 2008, Beijing, China, 6-10 October 200

    Cluster state preparation using gates operating at arbitrary success probabilities

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    Several physical architectures allow for measurement-based quantum computing using sequential preparation of cluster states by means of probabilistic quantum gates. In such an approach, the order in which partial resources are combined to form the final cluster state turns out to be crucially important. We determine the influence of this classical decision process on the expected size of the final cluster. Extending earlier work, we consider different quantum gates operating at various probabilites of success. For finite resources, we employ a computer algebra system to obtain the provably optimal classical control strategy and derive symbolic results for the expected final size of the cluster. We identify two regimes: When the success probability of the elementary gates is high, the influence of the classical control strategy is found to be negligible. In that case, other figures of merit become more relevant. In contrast, for small probabilities of success, the choice of an appropriate strategy is crucial.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, contribution to special issue of New J. Phys. on "Measurement-Based Quantum Information Processing". Replaced with published versio

    Remnants of Initial Anisotropic High Energy Density Domains in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    Anisotropic high energy density domains may be formed at early stages of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, e.g. due to phase transition dynamics or non-equilibrium phenomena like (mini-)jets. Here we investigate hadronic observables resulting from an initially created anisotropic high energy density domain. Based on our studies using a transport model we find that the initial anisotropies are reflected in the freeze-out multiplicity distribution of both pions and kaons due to secondary hadronic rescattering. The anisotropy appears to be stronger for particles at high transverse momenta. The overall kaon multiplicity increases with large fluctuations of local energy densities, while no change has been found in the pion multiplicity.Comment: Submitted to PR