1,068 research outputs found


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    This paper is a temporary report of a project investigating the ICT gadgets in a survey study involving students of Senior High Schools in Central Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to investigate how ICT is perceived and used by high school students as well as to disclose how the students have made use of the technological gadgets for language learning-related activities. The study employs a mixed method by which data were garnered from questionnaire surveys and focus group discussion. This is reported in the very end of the project stages and the results of which suggest that the research subjects perceive the ICT very positively and that, overall, respondents have frequently used them for various dayto-day activities. Another finding also suggests that the majority of respondents admit that they use the gadgets for various learning-related activities despite less so for learning English, bringing with it an implication on the change of policy by schools or educational policy makers to consider integrating the technology into a more purposeful learning uses

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik Menggunakan Teknik Make a Match Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Di Sekolah Dasar

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    The research objective is to increase the activity of students in Natural Science Learning using techniques make a match. The method used is descriptive qualitative method, while its shape using Action Research (PTK). The location of this research in primary school. The tools used are observation sheets, test questions, and documents. The results of this study, namely, 1) the ability of teachers to plan Natural Science Learning using techniques make a match has increased with very good category. 2) The ability of teachers to implement Natural Science Learning by using techniques make a match has increased with very good category. 3) Physical activity learners an increase in both categories, 4) Mental Activity learners has increased with both categories; and 5) the learner emotional activity has increased with very good category

    Material Induced Anisotropic Damage

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    The anisotropy in damage can be driven by two different phenomena; anisotropic defor-mation state named Load Induced Anisotropic Damage (LIAD) and anisotropic (shape and/or distribution) second phase particles named Material Induced Anisotropic Damage (MIAD). Most anisotropic damage models are based on LIAD. This work puts emphasis on the presence of MIAD in DP600 steel. Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) analysis was carried out on undeformed and deformed tensile specimens. The martensite morphology showed anisotropy in size and orientation. Consequently, significant MIAD was observed in the deformed tensile specimens. A through thickness shear failure is observed in the tensile specimen, which is pulled along the rolling direction (RD), whereas a dominant ductile fracture is observed when pulled perpendicular to RD. The Modified Lemaitre’s (ML) anisotropic damage model is improved to account for MIAD in a phenomenological manner. The MIAD parameters are determined from tensile tests carried out in 0o, 45o and 90o to the RD. The formability of DP600 is lower in the RD compared to that in 90o to the RD, due to the phenomenon of MIAD

    Land Productivity Enhancement by Sulfur Nutrient Management in Vertisol Rice Field

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    Sulfur is a secondary soil macro nutrients needed by plants as the most important part of the essential amino acids (cystine and methionine), protein synthesis, chlorophyll production and carbohydrate metabolism. The research aimed to study the land productivity improvement of Vertisol rice field by controlling the sulfur nutrient. The study was conducted in Dawu, Paron, and Guyung, Gerih, Ngawi, East Java, Indonesia, during the dry season 2013 and 2014. A randomized complete block design, with eight treatments and three replications were applied. The treatments were some rates of S-fertilizer application combined with in situ straw compost, ZA and Kieserit. Experimental plots dimension is 6 m x 5 m. Ciherang and Membramo were rice varieties grown in legowo 2:1 system. The results showed that S-fertilizer application can increase the weight of dry grain harvest and dry grain milled. The optimum doses of S-fertilizer were 24 kg S ha-1. Kieserit application resulted in less grain yield than ZA. Manure can increase the weight of dry grain harvest and tend to increase the weight of dry milled grain compared to those of the control treatments

    Indonesian Rock-phosphate Effectivity for Maize Crop on Ultisols Soils

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    Rock phosphate is a slow release phosphate source which can be directly used on acid soils. There are some rock phospahate deposits in Indonesia. Total phosphate and calcium content in rock phosphate vary between 8.79 – 31.88% P2O5, and 0.60 – 57.50% Ca. The objective of these research is to study the Indonesian rock phosphate effectivity for maize on Ultisol soil. The research wasconducted at green house using randomized complete block design, 8 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments consist of 5 kinds of different Indonesian rock phosphate, control, supherphos fertilizer and Tunisia Rock Phosphate as a standard comparison of P fertilizer.Relative Agronomic Effectivenes Analyses was used to see the effectivity of each rock phosphate. The result of these study shows that the effectiveness of Rock Phosphate from Jampang Tengah Sukabumi (DE-1), Brati Kayen Pati (DE-9), Padaherang Ciamis (DE-3), and Karang Mulya Ciamis (DE-5) were aqually the same as Superphos. Indonesian Rock Phosphate\u27s effectivenesswas almost the same as Tunisian Rock Phosphate. Phosphate fertilizing using rock phosphate obviously increased the soil content of phosphorus, both the available P and the reserved ones, and Superphos did better than the rock phosphate. Rock phosphate effectivity on Typic Plintudults was lower than thaton Typickanhapludults


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    Abstract: Research indicates that human perception about technologies determines the attitudes towards them (Aviram & Tami, 2004). Thus, prior to attempting to make use of the technology for teaching, understanding of users’ perceptions or beliefs about ICTs is crucial to be established. The purpose of this study is to understand how technologies are used and perceived by the students and how much the technological gadgets have been used for English-skill-related activities. The study employs descriptive quantitative method by which data were collected through questionnaire surveys. This paper will discuss the preliminary findings of an on-going study on the above issues. Implication that this study informs EFL in Indonesia in that technologies indeed have a significant role in school environment and may be optimized for learning purposes will be discussed

    Analisis Pengaruh Equity Sensitivity Dan Ethical Sensitivity Terhadap Perilaku Etis Auditor

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of equity sensitivity and ethical sensitivity to the ethical behavior of auditors in the public accounting firm in Surabaya in 2016. The sample used in this study were fifty eight respondents, which were auditors in the city of Surabaya, where the data was collected through questionnaires distributed. The analysis is based on respondents\u27 answers were obtained through a questionnaire with random method (random) were distributed in the city of Surabaya. Results of the research showed that equity sensitivity positive effect on ethical behavior and ethical sensitivity auditor positive influence on the ethical behavior of auditors


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    A mannanolytic thermophilic bacterium (L-07) was isolated from palm oil shell after 2 days ofenrichment in liquid medium supplemented with 1% palm kernel meal as mannan source. Sequenceanalysis of 16S-rRNA indicated that L-07 was similar (98%) to  Geobacillus stearothermophilus, aspecies of thermophilic aerobic bacteria. We found that  G. stearothermophilus L-07 producedextracellular β-1,4-mannanases, but no β-manosidase and α-galactosidase activities. The growth of L-07reached its maximum (3.0 x 106 cell/ml) at 12-20 hours, while the highest  β-mannanase activity (0.52U/ml) was observed in culture medium after 36 hours of cultivation at 60oC. The medium containinglocust bean gum was the best for producing extracellular β-1,4-mannanases compared with kolang kaling,konjak, and palm kernel meal. SDS-PAGE and zymogram analysis demonstrated that crude mannanasecomplex of L-07 from locust bean gum containing medium comprised three active bands with molecularweight of 85, 73 and 50 kDa.   Keywords :  Extracellular enzyme/mannanase/Geobacillus stearothermophilu
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