1,317 research outputs found

    Observation of Scalar Aharonov-Bohm Effect with Longitudinally Polarized Neutrons

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    We have carried out a neutron interferometry experiment using longitudinally polarized neutrons to observe the scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect. The neutrons inside the interferometer are polarized parallel to an applied pulsed magnetic field B(t). The pulsed B field is spatially uniform so it exerts no force on the neutrons. Its direction also precludes the presence of any classical torque to change the neutron polarization

    Scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect with longitudinally polarized neutrons

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    In the scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect, a charged particle (electron) interacts with the scalar electrostatic potential U in the field-free (i.e., force-free) region inside an electrostatic cylinder (Faraday cage). Using a perfect single-crystal neutron interferometer we have performed a “dual” scalar Aharonov-Bohm experiment by subjecting polarized thermal neutrons to a pulsed magnetic field. The pulsed magnetic field was spatially uniform, precluding any force on the neutrons. Aligning the direction of the pulsed magnetic field to the neutron magnetic moment also rules out any classical torque acting to change the neutron polarization. The observed phase shift is purely quantum mechanical in origin. A detailed description of the experiment, performed at the University of Missouri Research Reactor, and its interpretation is given in this paper

    ³¹P Saturation Transfer and Phosphocreatine Imaging in the Monkey Brain

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    ³¹P magnetic resonance imaging with chemical-shift discrimination by selective excitation has been employed to determine the phosphocreatine (PCr) distribution in the brains of three juvenile macaque monkeys. PCr images were also obtained while saturating the resonance of the {gamma}-phosphate of ATP, which allowed the investigation of the chemical exchange between PCr and the {gamma}-phosphate of ATP catalyzed by creatine kinase. Superposition of the PCr images over the proton image of the same monkey brain revealed topological variations in the distribution of PCr and creatine kinase activity. PCr images were also obtained with and without visual stimulation. In two out of four experiments, an apparently localized decrease in PCr concentration was noted in visual cortex upon visual stimulation. This result is interpreted in terms of a possible role for the local ADP concentration in stimulating the accompanying metabolic response

    Retinotopic organization of extrastriate cortex in the owl monkey—dorsal and lateral areas

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    Dense retinotopy data sets were obtained by microelectrode visual receptive field mapping in dorsal and lateral visual cortex of anesthetized owl monkeys. The cortex was then physically flatmounted and stained for myelin or cytochrome oxidase. Retinotopic mapping data were digitized, interpolated to a uniform grid, analyzed using the visual field sign technique—which locally distinguishes mirror image from nonmirror image visual field representations—and correlated with the myelin or cytochrome oxidase patterns. The region between V2 (nonmirror) and MT (nonmirror) contains three areas—DLp (mirror), DLi (nonmirror), and DLa/MTc (mirror). DM (mirror) was thin anteroposteriorly, and its reduced upper field bent somewhat anteriorly away from V2. DI (nonmirror) directly adjoined V2 (nonmirror) and contained only an upper field representation that also adjoined upper field DM (mirror). Retinotopy was used to define area VPP (nonmirror), which adjoins DM anteriorly, area FSTd (mirror), which adjoins MT ventrolaterally, and TP (mirror), which adjoins MT and DLa/MTc dorsoanteriorly. There was additional retinotopic and architectonic evidence for five more subdivisions of dorsal and lateral extrastriate cortex—TA (nonmirror), MSTd (mirror), MSTv (nonmirror), FSTv (nonmirror), and PP (mirror). Our data appear quite similar to data from marmosets, though our field sign-based areal subdivisions are slightly different. The region immediately anterior to the superiorly located central lower visual field V2 varied substantially between individuals, but always contained upper fields immediately touching lower visual field V2. This region appears to vary even more between species. Though we provide a summary diagram, given within- and between-species variation, it should be regarded as a guide to parsing complex retinotopy rather than a literal representation of any individual, or as the only way to agglomerate the complex mosaic of partial upper and lower field, mirror- and nonmirror-image patches into areas

    Regional and Fishery-specific Patterns of Age and Growth of Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus

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    We sampled yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, from commercial and recreational fisheries and fishery-independent surveys in the Atlantic Ocean off south Florida from 1980 through 2002. Specimens were collected primarily from two areas: Palm Beach and Monroe counties; collections were divided at 26° latitude into northern and southern populations. We collected sagittal otoliths and corresponding morphometric data from each population. Fork lengths (FL) ranged from 115 to 605 mm with a mean length of 312 mm. Yellowtail snapper were aged using sagittal otoliths with a high degree of precision [average percent error (APE) \u3c1%]. Ages ranged from 1 to 17 years, with mean ages of 3.96 years for the commercial fishery, 3.33 years for the recreational fishery, and 3.00 years for fishery-independent surveys. Yellowtail snapper entered the commercial and recreational fisheries by age 2; both fisheries were dominated by 2 and 3 year olds. The commercial fishery indicated the influence of a strong 1994 year class; this was not apparent in the recreational and fishery-independent surveys possibly due to small sample size. The von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters for all years and fishing modes combined [Lt = 410(1 - e-0.27(t+2.03))] were similar to previously published estimates for yellowtail snapper. The instantaneous total mortality rate of yellowtail snapper for all years and fishing modes combined (Z = 0.49) was also similar to previously published estimates. The total mortality rate for the northern population, Z = 0.67, was greater than for the southern population, Z = 0.45. Weight-length relationships were significantly different between northern and southern populations (P \u3c 0.001), and yellowtail snapper from the southern population were significantly larger and older than those from the northern population (P \u3c 0.001). Size-at-age was significantly larger for the most common ages (1--4 years) in the northern population compared to the southern population (age 1, P = 0.002; age 2--4, P \u3c 0.001 ). This may be due in part to differential fishing pressure; additional site-specific sampling is needed to elucidate the demographic differences between populations

    Classical and Quantum Interaction of the Dipole

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    A unified and fully relativistic treatment of the interaction of the electric and magnetic dipole moments of a particle with the electromagnetic field is given. New forces on the particle due to the combined effect of electric and magnetic dipoles are obtained. Four new experiments are proposed, three of which would observe topological phase shifts.Comment: 10 pages, Latex/Revtex. Some minor errors have been correcte

    Correspondences and Quantum Description of Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher Effects

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    We establish systematic consolidation of the Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects including their scalar counterparts. Their formal correspondences in acquiring topological phases are revealed on the basis of the gauge symmetry in non-simply connected spaces and the adiabatic condition for the state of magnetic dipoles. In addition, investigation of basic two-body interactions between an electric charge and a magnetic dipole clarifies their appropriate relative motions and discloses physical interrelations between the effects. Based on the two-body interaction, we also construct an exact microscopic description of the Aharonov-Bohm effect, where all the elements are treated on equal footing, i.e., magnetic dipoles are described quantum-mechanically and electromagnetic fields are quantized. This microscopic analysis not only confirms the conventional (semiclassical) results and the topological nature but also allows one to explore the fluctuation effects due to the precession of the magnetic dipoles with the adiabatic condition relaxed

    Interrelations Between the Neutron's Magnetic Interactions and the Magnetic Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    It is proved that the phase shift of a polarized neutron interacting with a spatially uniform time-dependent magnetic field, demonstrates the same physical principles as the magnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect. The crucial role of inert objects is explained, thereby proving the quantum mechanical nature of the effect. It is also proved that the nonsimply connectedness of the field-free region is not a profound property of the system and that it cannot be regarded as a sufficient condition for a nonzero phase shift.Comment: 18 pages, 1 postscript figure, Late
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