390 research outputs found

    The Reality of Digital Transformation in Non-Governmental Organizations in Palestine

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    The study aimed to identify the digital transformation in Non-Governmental Organizations in Palestine, and the study used the descriptive analytical approach, and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data that contribute to achieving the objectives of the study, and the study population consists of employees in Non-Governmental Organizations in the southern Palestinian governorates, and a random sample was used to collect Data where (183) applicable questionnaires were retrieved. The results of the study showed that the general assessment of digital transformation reached (83.92%), and that the arrangement of areas of digital transformation is as follows: (infrastructure, organizational culture, human resources, leadership and administrative support, plans and strategies, material resources). The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the necessity of providing a budget for training and development, attracting expertise and specialists in digital transformation to work in organizations, and providing the necessary software tools to build and manage the digital transformation process

    Organizational Justice in Palestinian Relief Organizations

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    The study aimed to identify the level of organizational justice in relief organizations operating in the southern governorates - Palestine. The study used the descriptive analytical method، and the questionnaire was used to collect information that contributes to achieving the objectives of the study، and the study population consisted of workers in relief organizations، and a stratified random sample was used to collect data from 60 relief institutions. The study showed that the relative weight of organizational justice was 82.2%. Where the dimension of distributive fairness reached 85.94% and after procedures fairness 78.02، and the study recommended the need to build clear foundations to motivate and encourage workers in organizations، and define clear criteria for distributing services in order to enhance distributive justice procedures in organizations

    The Reality of Digital Transformation in Non-Governmental Organizations in Palestine

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    The study aimed to identify the digital transformation in Non-Governmental Organizations in Palestine, and the study used the descriptive analytical approach, and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data that contribute to achieving the objectives of the study, and the study population consists of employees in Non-Governmental Organizations in the southern Palestinian governorates, and a random sample was used to collect Data where (183) applicable questionnaires were retrieved. The results of the study showed that the general assessment of digital transformation reached (83.92%), and that the arrangement of areas of digital transformation is as follows: (infrastructure, organizational culture, human resources, leadership and administrative support, plans and strategies, material resources). The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the necessity of providing a budget for training and development, attracting expertise and specialists in digital transformation to work in organizations, and providing the necessary software tools to build and manage the digital transformation process

    The Reality of Digital Transformation in the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security

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    This study aimed to identify the reality of digital transformation in the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security from the point of view of workers in computer and information technology units. ) employees, and the study tool (the questionnaire) was distributed, and the comprehensive survey method was used, where (61) questionnaires were retrieved with a percentage of (87.1%), and they were unloaded and analyzed using the statistical packages SPSS. The study reached several results, including: The availability of dimensions of digital transformation to a large extent in the Ministry of Interior, Security and National and its amount reached (77.5%). The average overall score for the senior management support dimension scored a large approval degree and a relative weight (78.2%), and The Dimension strategic directions it received a large approval degree and a relative weight (76.3%), The Dimension the technical infrastructure necessary for digital transformation achieved a large approval degree and a relative weight. (73.4%), The Dimension human resources, it scored a large approval degree and a relative weight (72.2%), The Dimension coordination, a large approval degree and a relative weight (82.7%), The Dimension data privacy and security, it scored a large approval degree and a relative weight (80.7%), The Dimension the organizational structure and job description, it received a high degree of approval and a relative weight of (79.3%).The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the need for the ministry’s administration to provide a special budget to develop the quality of its electronic services as a lever for digital transformation, the need for the ministry’s administration to spend sufficient amounts on innovation in how to provide its services, for the ministry to have high-speed internet lines and its services available uninterrupted, the need to match the number of Employees in computer and information technology departments and units with the volume and quality of work to bridge the gap between the required performance and actual performance, that the ministry develop a clear methodology for exchanging data and information between the components of the ministry, work on providing information security elements for the uploaded data and files, that the ministry provide a clear and specific job description for the main tasks in Computer and information technology departments/units in the ministry

    The Extent of Cyber Security Application at the Ministry Of Interior and National Security in Palestine

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    This study aimed to identify the extent of the application of Cyber Security at the Ministry of Interior and National Security from the point of view of workers in the computer and information technology units. 70 employees, and the study tool (questionnaire) was distributed, and the comprehensive survey method was used, as (61) questionnaires were retrieved at a rate of (87.1%), and they were unloaded and analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. The study reached several results, including: There was a high degree of agreement on the degree of Cyber Security application, which amounted to (74.8%). With a relative weight of (74.8%), and The Dimension efforts to monitor threats, it received a high degree of approval and a relative weight of (73.4%). Privacy has a high degree of approval with a relative weight of (78.4%).The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the need to pay attention to providing the Ministry of Interior and National Security with a budget in order to activate and improve the Cyber Security system, and the need for the Ministry of Interior and National Security to use a protection network capable of detecting all threats, and the cooperation of the Ministry of Interior and National Security with external institutions to limit penetration of network systems, In addition to the need to continuously strengthen and develop the laws and legislations of the Ministry of Interior in line with the development of Cyber Security, and to enhance the capabilities of the public beneficiaries of the ministry's electronic services to reduce security gaps in the field of Cyber Security

    Management and Development of Human Resources for Graduates Registered In the Palestinian Ministry of Labor between Reality and Hope

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    The study aimed to identify the reality of management and development of human resources among graduates registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Labor. The study used the descriptive analytical approach. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data that contribute to achieving the objectives of the study. The study population consists of university graduates in the southern Palestinian governorates who are registered with the Ministry of Labor. Palestinian labor force, and a random sample was used to collect data, as the sample reached (388) graduates who responded to filling out the questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the axis of human resources management and development was moderately developed. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the development of human resources according to the personal and organizational data of graduates registered in the Ministry of Labor in the southern governorates in the variables (gender, educational qualification, and governorate). While the results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the development of human resources according to the personal and organizational data of graduates registered in the Ministry of Labor in the southern governorates in the age group variable, where the differences were for age groups 40 years and over, and in the work status variable, where the differences were in favor of graduates who do not work. The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the need to use innovative methods in promoting the issue of graduates to stakeholders from various institutions, in addition to the need to adopt specific prices for work in a way that is appropriate to the general economic situation, and the need to provide new and innovative services to workers, and to enhance communication with graduates through the implementation of meetings Periodicals and workshops

    The Internal Factors of Process Re-Engineering and Its Impact on Achieving Organizational Justice in Relief Organizations

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    The study aimed to identify the impact of the internal factors of process re-engineering in achieving organizational justice on relief organizations operating in the southern governorates - Palestine. Analytical, and a questionnaire was used to collect information that contributes to achieving the objectives of the study, and the study population consisted of employees in relief organizations, and a stratified random sample was used to collect data from 60 relief institutions. The study showed that the general estimate of the internal factors for process re-engineering amounted to 76.44%, and the results showed close ratios and values for the various study axes, and the relative weight of the strategic planning axis was 76.3%, the information technology axis 79.5%, and the work regulations and regulations axis 83.7%, and between the study The relative weight of organizational justice reached 82.2%. The results also showed that training and empowering employees in organizations contributes to achieving organizational justice. The study recommended the need to provide a budget for training and development, with the need to build clear foundations to motivate and encourage employees in organizations, and define clear criteria for distributing Services for the promotion of distributive justice procedures in organizations

    Representaciones de la inmigración en los medios informativos españoles y su visibilidad como fuentes informativas

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    El presente artículo estudia las principales representaciones de los medios informativos españoles sobre la movilidad de personas y su visibilidad en el discurso periodístico. Analiza la cobertura mediática de la llegada del Barco Aquarius al puerto de Valencia. El análisis se compone de dos fases. La primera, a través de una revisión de 600 noticias publicadas entre el 17 de junio al 10 de julio de 2018 en los 10 medios digitales informativos con mayor audiencia según Comscore. En la segunda etapa se realiza un estudio de caso sobre la visibilidad de las personas refugiadas como fuentes informativas en elpais.com. Los resultados evidencian la escasa cobertura que se otorga a las personas inmigrantes como foco central de las noticias y la baja inclusión como fuentes informativas. This article studies the main representations of the Spanish news media on the mobility of people and their visibility in journalistic discourse. It analyzes the media coverage of the arrival of the Aquarius Ship at the port of Valencia. The analysis has two stages. First, 600 news items are analyzed, published between June 17 and July 10, 2018, in the 10 digital news media with highest audience according to Comscore. In the second stage, a case study is carried out on the visibility of refugees as information sources on elpais.com. The results show the scant coverage given to immigrants as the central focus of the news and the low inclusion as information sources. © 2021 Universidad Complutense de Madrid. All rights reserved

    The Level of Business Intelligence in Non-Governmental Organizations in Palestine

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    The study aimed to identify the level of business intelligence in its dimensions (data reliability, information technology, competitive intelligence, analytical ability, business management performance, immediate analytical processing) in NGOs in the southern Palestinian governorates. The study used the analytical descriptive approach, and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Which contribute to the development of the objectives of the study, and the study population consists of employees in Non-Governmental Organizations in the southern Palestinian governorates, and a random sample was used to collect data from the study community, as the sample reached (184) individuals, and the results of the study showed that the general estimate of business intelligence came with a high level and weight Relative (90.49%), and the arrangement of business intelligence dimensions was as follows: (data reliability, information technology, competitive intelligence, analytical ability, business management performance, and instant analytical processing). The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: the need for the organization to use modern technological systems to analyze and make its own reports, to work on employing the use of business intelligence techniques in detecting new competitors, and predicting their strategies