817 research outputs found

    Holographic Shell Model: Stack Data Structure inside Black Holes

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    We suggest that bits of information inhabit, universally and holographically, the entire black hole interior, a bit per a light sheet unit interval of order Planck area difference. The number of distinguishable (tagged by a binary code) configurations, counted within the context of a discrete holographic shell model, is given by the Catalan series. The area entropy formula is recovered, including the universal logarithmic correction, and the equipartition of mass per degree of freedom is proven. The black hole information storage resembles a stack data structure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unified Brane Gravity: Cosmological Dark Matter from Scale Dependent Newton Constant

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    We analyze, within the framework of unified brane gravity, the weak-field perturbations caused by the presence of matter on a 3-brane. Although deviating from the Randall-Sundrum approach, the masslessness of the graviton is still preserved. In particular, the four-dimensional Newton force law is recovered, but serendipitously, the corresponding Newton constant is shown to be necessarily lower than the one which governs FRW cosmology. This has the potential to puzzle out cosmological dark matter. A subsequent conjecture concerning galactic dark matter follows.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Measurements of Sr2RuO4: Evidence for Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in the Superconducting State

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    Polar Kerr effect in the spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 was measured with high precision using a Sagnac interferometer with a zero-area Sagnac loop. We observed non-zero Kerr rotations as big as 65 nanorad appearing below Tc in large domains. Our results imply a broken time reversal symmetry state in the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4, similar to He3-A

    Quantum discord and local demons

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    Quantum discord was proposed as a measure of the "quantumness" of correlations. There are at least three different discord-like quantities, two of which determine the difference between the efficiencies of a Szilard's engine under different sets of restrictions. The three discord measures vanish simulataneosly. We introduce an easy way to test for zero discord, relate it to the Cerf-Adami conditional entropy and show that there is no relation between the discord and the local disitnguishability.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX. Some minor changes after comments from colleagues, some references added. Similar to published versio

    Entanglement, discord and the power of quantum computation

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    We show that the ability to create entanglement is necessary for execution of bipartite quantum gates even when they are applied to unentangled states and create no entanglement. Starting with a simple example we demonstrate that to execute such a gate bi-locally the local operations and classical communications (LOCC) should be supplemented by shared entanglement. Our results point to the changes in quantum discord, which is a measure of quantumness of correlations even in the absence of entanglement, as the indicator of failure of a LOCC implementation of the gates.Comment: Published version. More results are adde

    Holographic Entropy Packing inside a Black Hole

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    If general relativity is spontaneously induced, the black hole limit is governed by a phase transition which occurs precisely at the would have been horizon. The exterior Schwarzschild solution then connects with a novel core of vanishing spatial volume. The Kruskal structure, admitting the exact Hawking imaginary time periodicity, is recovered, with the conic defect defused at the origin, rather than at the horizon. The entropy stored inside \textbf{any} interior sphere is universal, equal to a quarter of its surface area, thus locally saturating the 't Hooft-Susskind holographic bound. The associated Komar mass and material energy functions are non-singular.Comment: [V3] accepted to PRL (version shortened, a paragraph on singularity structure added); 10 pages, no figure

    SU(5) grand unification on a domain-wall brane from an E_6-invariant action

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    An SU(5) grand unification scheme for effective 3+1-dimensional fields dynamically localised on a domain-wall brane is constructed. This is achieved through the confluence of the clash-of-symmetries mechanism for symmetry breaking through domain-wall formation, and the Dvali-Shifman gauge-boson localisation idea. It requires an E_6 gauge-invariant action, yielding a domain-wall solution that has E_6 broken to differently embedded SO(10) x U(1) subgroups in the two bulk regions on opposite sides of the wall. On the wall itself, the unbroken symmetry is the intersection of the two bulk subgroups, and contains SU(5). A 4+1-dimensional fermion family in the 27 of E_6 gives rise to localised left-handed zero-modes in the 5^* + 10 + 1 + 1 representation of SU(5). The remaining ten fermion components of the 27 are delocalised exotic states, not appearing in the effective 3+1-dimensional theory on the domain-wall brane. The scheme is compatible with the type-2 Randall-Sundrum mechanism for graviton localisation; the single extra dimension is infinite.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes to text and references. To appear in Phys. Rev.
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