156 research outputs found

    Preserving Bibliographic Relationships in Mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0

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    In the environment of the World Wide Web large volumes of library data have been pub-lished following different conceptual models. The navigation through these volumes and the data interlinking require the development of mappings between the conceptual models. Library conceptual models provide constructs for the representation of bibliographic families and the relationships between Works. A key requirement for successful map-pings between different conceptual models is to preserve such content relationships. This paper studies a set of cases (Work with single Expression, Work with multiple Expres-sions, translation, adaptation) to examine if and how bibliographic content relationships and families could be preserved in mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0. Even though, relationships between Works of the same bibliographic family may be preserved, the progenitor Work is not always represented in BIBFRAME after mappings

    Open Research Knowledge Graph: A System Walkthrough

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    Despite improved digital access to scholarly literature in the last decades, the fundamental principles of scholarly communication remain unchanged and continue to be largely document-based. Scholarly knowledge remains locked in representations that are inadequate for machine processing. The Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) is an infrastructure for representing, curating and exploring scholarly knowledge in a machine actionable manner. We demonstrate the core functionality of ORKG for representing research contributions published in scholarly articles. A video of the demonstration [7] and the system (https://labs.tib.eu/orkg/ ) are available online
