1,384 research outputs found

    Wrinkling prediction with adaptive mesh refinement

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    An adaptive mesh refinement procedure for wrinkling prediction analyses is presented. First the\ud critical values are determined using Hutchinson’s bifurcation functional. A wrinkling risk factor is then\ud defined and used to determined areas of potential wrinkling risk. Finally, a mesh refinement is operate

    On adaptive mesh refinement in wrinkling prediction analysis

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    Hutchinson approach has been successfully used by a number of researchers in thin sheet metal forming processes for wrinkling prediction. However, Hutchinson approach is limited to regions of the sheet that are free of any contact. Therefore, a new wrinkling indicator that can be used in the contact areas is proposed. Discretisation error indicators are also used to present a comprehensive approach to wrinkling prediction analysis

    Emisija kratkovalnog zračenja tijekom udara iona o čvrstu povrơinu

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    The possibility of short-wave photon emission during surface scattering of positive ions is investigated by selection of the type of charge-exchange process (one- or two-electron processes), through the calculation of the neutralization probabilities and the charge-transfer cross sections. These probabilities are calculated statically as a function of distance between the incident ion and the surface, and dynamically as a function of the ion velocity. The model is applied to real systems such as He+/semiconductor (silicon and germanium), taking into account the difference in the physical constants of the two systems. We found that emitted photons have short wavelengths, lying in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum of the helium emission spectrum.IstraĆŸujemo mogućnost emisije kratkovalnih fotona tijekom udara iona o čvrstu povrĆĄinu odabirom procesa izmjene naboja (jedno i dvoelektronski procesi) i računanjem vjerojatnosti neutralizacije i udarnog presjeka za prijenos naboja. Te vjerojatnosti računamo statički kao funkcije udaljenosti upadnog iona i povrĆĄine, i dinamički kao funkcije brzine iona. Model primjenjujemo stvarnim sustavima kao ĆĄto su poluvodiči silicij i germanij, uzimajući u obzir razlike fizičkih svojstava dvaju sustava. Nalazimo da fotoni imaju kratke valne duljine, u području elektromagnetskog spektra helija

    Exponentially hard problems are sometimes polynomial, a large deviation analysis of search algorithms for the random Satisfiability problem, and its application to stop-and-restart resolutions

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    A large deviation analysis of the solving complexity of random 3-Satisfiability instances slightly below threshold is presented. While finding a solution for such instances demands an exponential effort with high probability, we show that an exponentially small fraction of resolutions require a computation scaling linearly in the size of the instance only. This exponentially small probability of easy resolutions is analytically calculated, and the corresponding exponent shown to be smaller (in absolute value) than the growth exponent of the typical resolution time. Our study therefore gives some theoretical basis to heuristic stop-and-restart solving procedures, and suggests a natural cut-off (the size of the instance) for the restart.Comment: Revtex file, 4 figure

    Compilability of Abduction

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    Abduction is one of the most important forms of reasoning; it has been successfully applied to several practical problems such as diagnosis. In this paper we investigate whether the computational complexity of abduction can be reduced by an appropriate use of preprocessing. This is motivated by the fact that part of the data of the problem (namely, the set of all possible assumptions and the theory relating assumptions and manifestations) are often known before the rest of the problem. In this paper, we show some complexity results about abduction when compilation is allowed

    The quality of reporting of primary test accuracy studies in obstetrics and gynaecology: application of the STARD criteria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In obstetrics and gynaecology there has been a rapid growth in the development of new tests and primary studies of their accuracy. It is imperative that such studies are reported with transparency allowing the detection of any potential bias that may invalidate the results. The objective of this study was to determine the quality of reporting in diagnostic test accuracy studies in obstetrics and gynaecology using the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy - STARD checklist.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The included studies of ten systematic reviews were assessed for compliance with each of the reporting criteria. Using appropriate statistical tests we investigated whether there was an improvement in reporting quality since the introduction of the STARD checklist, whether a correlation existed between study sample size, country of origin of study and reporting quality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 300 studies were included (195 for obstetrics, 105 for gynaecology). The overall reporting quality of included studies to the STARD criteria was poor. Obstetric studies reported adequately > 50% of the time for 62.1% (18/29) of the items while gynaecologic studies did the same 51.7% (15/29). There was a greater mean compliance with STARD criteria in the included obstetric studies than the gynaecological (p < 0.0001). There was a positive correlation, in both obstetrics (p < 0.0001) and gynaecology (p = 0.0123), between study sample size and reporting quality. No correlation between geographical area of publication and compliance with the reporting criteria could be demonstrated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The reporting quality of papers in obstetrics and gynaecology is improving. This may be due to initiatives such as the STARD checklist as well as historical progress in awareness among authors of the need to accurately report studies. There is however considerable scope for further improvement.</p

    An Optical and X-ray Examination of Two Radio Supernova Remnant Candidates in 30 Doradus

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    The giant HII region 30 Doradus is known for its violent internal motions and bright diffuse X-ray emission, suggesting the existence of supernova remnants (SNRs), but no nonthermal radio emission has been detected. Recently, Lazendic et al. compared the H-alpha/H-beta and radio/H-alpha ratios and suggested two small radio sources to be nonthermal and thus SNR candidates; however, no optical or X-ray counterparts were detected. We have used high-resolution optical images and high-dispersion spectra to examine the morphological, spectral, and kinematic properties of these two SNR candidates, and still find no optical evidence supporting their identification as SNRs. We have also determined the X-ray luminosities of these SNR candidates, and find them 1-3 orders of magnitude lower than those commonly seen in young SNRs. High extinction can obscure optical and X-ray signatures of an SNR, but would prohibit the use of a high radio/H-alpha ratio to identify nonthermal radio emission. We suggest that the SNR candidate MCRX J053831.8-690620 is associated with a young star forming region; while the radio emission originates from the obscured star forming region, the observed optical emission is dominated by the foreground. We suggest that the SNR candidate MCRX J053838.8-690730 is associated with a dust/molecular cloud, which obscures some optical emission but not the radio emission.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ, Nov 10, 200

    Minimizing energy below the glass thresholds

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    Focusing on the optimization version of the random K-satisfiability problem, the MAX-K-SAT problem, we study the performance of the finite energy version of the Survey Propagation (SP) algorithm. We show that a simple (linear time) backtrack decimation strategy is sufficient to reach configurations well below the lower bound for the dynamic threshold energy and very close to the analytic prediction for the optimal ground states. A comparative numerical study on one of the most efficient local search procedures is also given.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. E, accepted for publicatio

    Confronting the Superbubble Model with X-ray Observations of 30 Dor C

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    We present an analysis of XMM-Newton observations of the superbubble 30 Dor C and compare the results with the predictions from the standard wind-blown bubble model. We find that the observed X-ray spectra cannot be fitted satisfactorily with the model alone and that there is evidence for nonthermal X-ray emission, which is particularly important at > 4 keV. The total unabsorbed 0.1-10 keV luminosities of the eastern and western parts of the bubble are ~3 10^36 erg/s and ~5 10^36 erg/s, respectively. The unabsorbed 0.1-10 keV luminosity of the bubble model is 4 10^36 erg/s and so the power-law component contributes between 1/3 and 1/2 to the total unabsorbed luminosity in this energy band. The nature of the hard nonthermal emission is not clear, although recent supernovae in the bubble may be responsible. We expect that about one or two core-collapse supernovae could have occured and are required to explain the enrichment of the hot gas, as evidenced by the overabundance of alpha-elements by a factor of 3, compared to the mean value of 0.5 solar for the interstellar medium in the Large Magellanic Cloud. As in previous studies of various superbubbles, the amount of energy currently present in 30 Dor C is significantly less than the expected energy input from the enclosed massive stars over their lifetime. We speculate that a substantial fraction of the input energy may be radiated in far-infrared by dust grains, which are mixed with the hot gas because of the thermal conduction and/or dynamic mixing.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, August 20, 2004 issu
