17 research outputs found

    Weed infestation in the stand of milk thistle and infestation in sustainable crop rotation

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.04.90–94Received 8. September 2015 ǀ Accepted 10. September 2015 ǀ Available online 7. December 2015Milk thistle – Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. can be a winter annual or a biennial medicinal plant. This study was focused onmilk thistle as a weed in the sustainable farming system with the crop rotation of maize for grain, common pea for grain,durum wheat and milk thistle. The assessment of the occurrence of Milk thistle in sustainable crop rotation was conductedat the Experimental Base of Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in the years2013–2015. An actual weed infestation of maize, common pea and durum wheat stands with milk thistle was evaluatedbefore preemergence application of herbicides, in the spring time. Second screening of actual weed infestation of all standsin sustainable crop rotation with milk thistle was done before crops harvest. Screening of each field was made on 1 m2 areawith three replications. The three randomly established sample quadrants were situated minimally 10 m from field marginand apart from each other, respectively. The level of infestation was evaluated according to average density of weeds persquare meter. Obtained data were statistically analyzed by software Statistica 7.0 by Analysis of variance (ANOVA), LSDtest (P = 0.05). According to statistical analyses, in the year 2014 maize stands was infested with the highest and highlysignificant amount of Silybum marianum (7.8 plants per m2). Stands of pea for grain in the second year after milk thistlecropping were infested only with 1.23 plants per m2. Durum wheat stands were infested with 0.96 milk thistle plants per m2.The originality of this paper is in testing the introduction of a new perspective crops in sustainable crop rotation. Milk thistlenot infestation fields within the reporting unit. Dominant weed species in canopy of Silybum marianum are: Echinochloa crusgalli, Chenopodium album, Amaranthus spp. (retroflexus, powelli), Atriplex spp. (patula, acuminate, prostrata), Avena fatua,etc. All dominant weed species belongs to the group of annual early and late spring weeds. Next very dangerous group areperennial weeds Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis and Sonchus arvensis.Keywords: Sylibum marianum L. Geartn., milk thistle, weed infestation, sustainable crop rotationReferencesAFSHAR, R. K. et al. (2014) Interactive effect of deficit irrigation and soil organic amendments on seed yield and flavonolignan production of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.). In Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 58, pp. 166–172.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40003-012-0039-1AFSHAR, R. K. et al. (2015) Potential of Milk Thistle for Biomass Production in Semiarid Regions. In Crop Science, vol. 55, no 3, pp. 1295–1301. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.2135/cropsci2014.10.0678BROSTER, J. 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    Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris L.): noxious weed or powerful medical herb

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    Tribulus terrestris L., an annual dicot species of the family Zygophyllaceae, is a common herb that is often found in disturbed habitats and agricultural areas in many parts of the temperate, tropical and desert regions of the world. T. terrestris is an aggressive species that has the potential to injure livestock, reduce hay and wool values, detour recreationists and reduces plant biodivesity. The species may become troublesome because of its weedy potential. It has been declared a weed in at least 37 countries and in at least 21 crops (cotton, maize, vineyards, orchards, etc.). It is adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions and grows on a wide variety of soil types. The management of T. terrestris can be achieved by herbicide application, mechanical (hand pulling, hoeing, mulching) and biological control methods. Beside its invasive potential as a noxious and troublesome weed, T. terrestris is considered highly useful herb which is used for various purposes in folk and modern medicine and sport, as well

    Effect of controlled traffic farming on weed occurrence

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    ArticleSoil compaction caused by field traffic is one of the most important yield limiting factors. Moreover, published results report that soil over-compaction inhibits the uptake of plant nutrients and decreases their ability to compete with weeds. Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) is technology which prevents excessive soil compaction and minimizes compacted area to the least possible area of permanent traffic lines. A long-term experiment was established at University farm in Kolinany (Slovakia) in 2010 with 6 m OutTrack CTF system. Random Traffic Farming (RTF) is simulated by 1 annual machinery pass crossing the permanent traffic lines. Aim of presented study was to assess the effect of CTF on weed infection pressure. To achieve this, weed occurrence at different traffic treatments was determined. Emerged weeds per square meter were counted, identified and recorded at 14 monitoring points. Results showed that higher weed infection was found at the area with one machinery pass compared to the non-compacted area. Following weeds were identified: Bromus secalinus L., Stellaria media (L.) VILL., Veronica persica POIR. in LAMK., Poa annua L., Polygonum aviculare L., Convolvulus arvensis L. Occurrence of these weeds could be used as soil compaction indicator. Based on these results it can be concluded, that CTF technology has potential to decrease weed infestation in comparison to RTF system due to ration of non-compacted to compacted area. Moreover, with exact localization of weeds in traffic lines together with exact identification of weed species, it is possible to target the application of herbicides

    Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris L.): noxious weed or powerful medical herb

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    Tribulus terrestris L., an annual dicot species of the family Zygophyllaceae, is a common herb that is often found in disturbed habitats and agricultural areas in many parts of the temperate, tropical and desert regions of the world. T. terrestris is an aggressive species that has the potential to injure livestock, reduce hay and wool values, detour recreationists and reduces plant biodivesity. The species may become troublesome because of its weedy potential. It has been declared a weed in at least 37 countries and in at least 21 crops (cotton, maize, vineyards, orchards, etc.). It is adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions and grows on a wide variety of soil types. The management of T. terrestris can be achieved by herbicide application, mechanical (hand pulling, hoeing, mulching) and biological control methods. Beside its invasive potential as a noxious and troublesome weed, T. terrestris is considered highly useful herb which is used for various purposes in folk and modern medicine and sport, as well

    Allelopathic potential of Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) on the early growth of maize (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Laboratory and glasshouse experiments were carried out to investigate the allelopathic potential of different plant parts of D. stramonium on maize and sunflower on early growth stages. The aqueous leachates of D. stramonium roots and shoot did not produc a significant effect on germination and shoot length of maize, but root length of maize was significantly reduced at the highest (1/1) D. stramonium roots leachate compared to control. From the other side, germination of sunflower was significantly reduced at the highest (1/1) D. stramonium shoot leachate concentration, but lower (1/5 and 1/2) D. stramonium roots leachate concentrations significantly increased root and shoot length of sunflower compared to control. In glasshouse experiment, no one treatment with different D. stramonium plant residues significantly affected density, height and fresh weight of maize plants compared to control. Contrary, D. stramonium mixtures with 1/1 root and shoot residues significantly reduced plants density and fresh weight of sunflower plants compared to control. Lower (1/2 and 1/5) mixtures of D. stramonium roots residues and mixture with 1/5 D. stramonium shoot residues significantly increased the height of the sunflower plants

    Nýliðar í ferðaþjónustufyrirtækjum. Nýliðamóttaka og þjálfun í íslenskum ferðaþjónustufyrirtækjum

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    Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna hvernig upplifun og viðhorf starfsmanna í íslenskum ferðaþjónustufyrirtækjum er af móttöku og þjálfun. Rannsókn þessi er byggð á eigindlegri aðferðafræði þar sem stuðst er við fyrirbærafræðilega nálgun. Skoðuð voru fjögur fyrirtæki innan íslenskrar ferðaþjónustu. Tekin voru sex viðtöl, þrjú viðtöl við starfsmenn í mannauðsdeildum eða starfsmannadeildum og þrjú viðtöl við starfsmenn í framlínu. Fræðilegur bakgrunnur var einkum sóttur til rannsókna í mannauðsstjórnun og fræðirita um móttöku og þjálfun starfsmanna. Sérstök áhersla var lögð á að skoða starfsánægju í fyrirtækjunum. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar benda til þess að að móttöka og þjálfun sé almennt í góðum farvegi innan ferðaþjónustufyrirtækja á Íslandi. Viðmælendur töldu að móttaka og þjálfun hefði áhrif á starfsánægju að undanskyldum einum viðmælanda. Fyrirtæki sem höfðu stækkað mikið á síðastliðnum árum höfðu bætt verulega móttöku og þálfun starfsmanna

    Má ég fá nokkur læk hingað? Um málfar og málnotkun á Fésbókinni

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    Undanfarin ár hefur samskiptavefurinn Facebook verið stór hluti af daglegu lífi Íslendinga. Um leið og við segjum fréttir af okkur sjálfum á þessum vef getum við fengið helstu fréttir af merkilegum og ómerkilegum atburðum sem eiga sér stað í lífi vina okkar og kunningja. Í ritgerðinni verður vefurinn nefndur upp á íslensku og kallaður Fésbókin. Stór hluti af því sem notendur Fésbókarinnar skrifa eru frásagnir af sjálfum sér og því hvernig þeir verja tíma sínum. Hér verður meðal annars skoðað hvernig þessum sjálfsfrásögnum er háttað. Sérstaklega verða teknar fyrir sjálfsfrásagnir sem líta út eins og þær væru í þriðju persónu. Slíkar frásagnir eru vel þekktar í íslenskum bókmenntum, til dæmis í sjálfsævisögum og endurminningum sem skrifaðar voru fyrir miðja 20. öld. Einnig verður málfar almennra netnotenda athugað og skoðað verður að hve miklu leyti hægt er að heimfæra eldri lýsingar á málfari netnotenda upp á Fésbókarnotendur á árinu 2012. Mörg af einkennum málfarsins á Fésbókinni má einnig finna í málnotkun á eldri netmiðlum, s.s. á bloggi, „MSN“-samtölum og „IRC“-samtölum. En önnur atriði sem nefnd eru í eldri rannsóknum eru dottin úr tísku. Auk þess hafa ný einkenni komið til sögunnar með nýjum samskiptamiðlum á borð við Fésbókina. Slíkt er eðlilegt, þar sem slangur, hvort sem það er notað í talmáli eða á netinu, úreldist mjög fljótt. Þó eru enn fjölmörg atriði sem hafa lítið sem ekkert breyst. Af sjálfsfrásögnum sem hér verða athugaðar hefur u.þ.b. fjórðungur einkenni þriðju persónu frásagna. Tilfinningin sem ég hafði fyrir slíkum frásögnum áður en rannsóknin fór fram var hins vegar sú að þær væru algengari á Fésbókinni en sjálfsfrásagnir í fyrstu persónu, þó að í daglegu máli sé eðlilegra að segja frá sjálfum sér í fyrstu persónu

    Orðin skipta máli: Orðabókin.is verður til

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    Greinargerð þessi er fyrri hluti lokaverkefnis í hagnýtri menningarmiðlun frá Háskóla Íslands. Seinni hluti verkefnisins er vefurinn ordabokin.is, auk þriggja stuttra hlaðvarpsþátta sem aðgengilegir eru á sama vef. Hér verður sagt frá tilurð vefsins og fjallað um miðlunarleiðirnar sem notaðar eru, þ.e. vefinn og hlaðvarpið. Gefin verður innsýn í orðabókafræði og viðfangsefni hennar. Leitað verður svara við því hvernig hægt er að miðla orðabókum á vefnum og hvaða miðlunarleiðir henta til að koma efni þeirra á framfæri. Nokkrar íslenskar veforðabækur verða skoðaðar; athugað verður hvað vel er gert í þeim og hvað mætti betur fara. Þá verður sagt frá undirbúningi verkefnisins og framkvæmd þess. Að lokum birtast hugleiðingar um framtíð vefsins. Markmiðið með vefnum er að gera tungumálið aðgengilegt og sýna fram á að það er lifandi og í stöðugri þróun. Hver sem er getur tekið þátt í að skapa tungumálið; það er ekki bara búið til og skilgreint af sérfræðingum á skrifstofum. Á vefnum verður mest áhersla lögð á slangurorð, nýyrði og gömul orð sem hafa fengið nýja merkingu á undanförnum árum


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    Abstract: In the years 1994 -2009 (15 years

    Weed control in dormant alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) with active ingredients’ metribuzin, imazetapyr and pronamide

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    Field trials were conducted during 2008 – 2010 to evaluate weed control in dormant alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) with metribuzin, imazetapyr and pronamide. The weed population in all experimental years was consisted mainly of annual winter and spring grass and broadleaf weeds, and some perennial weeds. The number of weed species and weed density increased with the years of alfalfa growing, from second to the fourth year. Weed density in the untreated control plots was 201.0, 217.2 and 240.5 plants per m2 in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. The most dominant weeds were Anthemis cotula, Capsell bursa-pastoris and Taraxacum officinale in 2008, Alopecurus myosuroides and Poa pratensis in 2009 and Millium vernale and Arabidopsis thaliana in 2010. Efficacy of herbicides in control of weeds was ranged of 91.8% (pronamide) to 98.4% (metribuzin 1.0 kg*ha-1) in 2008, 93.1% (imazetapyr) to 97.3% (metribuzin 1.0 kg*ha-1) in 2009 and 92.1% (imazetapyr) to 97.3% (metribuzin 1.0 kg*ha-1) in 2010, respectively. Efficacy of herbicides in control of prevailing weeds during the 3 years field trial period was ranged of 48.5% to 100.0%. No visual alfalfa injured was determined by any rates during the experimental period, and consequently, none of the applied herbicides reduced first-harvest alfalfa yields. Alfalfa yield was markedly affected by herbicide efficacy in all experimental years, particularly in the second year, where yields of herbicide treatments were similar to that of the weed free control