5 research outputs found
Future management of arable perennials - an introduction to the project AC/DC-weeds
Mehrjährige Wurzelunkräuter beeinträchtigen die ackerbauliche Produktion. Verbreitete Bekämpfungspraktiken sind intensive wendende Bodenbearbeitung und chemisch-synthetische Herbizide. Diese gebräuchlichen Methoden haben allerdings unerwünschte Effekte auf Nicht-Ziel-Organismen und die Umwelt.
Ziel des SusCrop-ERA-NET geförderten Europäischen Projekts ‘AC/DC-weeds’ ist es, agrarökologisch basiertes Management von mehrjährigen Wurzelunkräutern zu etablieren. Beiträge zur Reduktion von wendender Bodenbearbeitung in ökologischen und konventionellen Ackerbau und dem Ersatz von Glyphosat in letzterem zu liefern, sind die übergeordneten Aufgaben. Getragen von sieben Partnern aus fünf europäischen Ländern läuft das Projekt von 2019 bis 2022. Drei wichtige mehrjährige Arten in Nord- und Zentral-Europa werden fokussiert (Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvense und Elymus repens). Zu diesen Arten erfasst AC/DC-weeds Ökologie und Wirkungen des agronomischen Managements mit Experimenten und einer systematischen Literatur-Recherche. Neues agrar-ökologisches Managements der Arten wird in Feldversuchen und Semi-Feld Versuchen untersucht. Für die Erfassung werden innovative Technologien eingesetzt, um der nesterweisen Verteilung im Feld gerecht zu werden. Qualitative Modelle nutzen Wissen zu den Einflussfaktoren auf das Vorkommen von mehrjährigen Unkräutern, um sie für Entscheidungen nutzbar zu machen. Das Wachstum der Arten und die Effekte des Managements werden einfach und grafisch in einer Web-Anwendung visualisiert. Die Versuche und Modellierungen werden begleitet durch eine Umweltbewertung- und ökonomische Kalkulationen.Creeping perennial weeds have strong negative impacts on arable production. The common control practices are intensive inversion tillage and chemical herbicides. However, these traditional methods negatively affect non-target species and the environment.
The objective of the SusCrop-ERA-NET funded European project ‘AC/DC-weeds’ is to implement agro-ecological management for creeping perennials in arable farming. The overall aim of this project is to reduce plough-tillage in organic and conventional farming, and to replace glyphosate in the latter system. From 2019 to 2022, this project involves seven partners from five European countries. Focusing on three important perennial species in central and northern Europe (Sonchus arvensis, Cirsium arvense and Elymus repens), AC/DC-weeds will thoroughly study the ecology and agronomical management of these species through systematic literature reviews and experiments. Novel agro-ecological management of these species is examined in field experiments and semi-field approaches. Innovative technology will be used to identify and monitor the distribution of these weeds on fields. Qualitative models are developed to make use of existing knowledge and expertise of the influences on perennial infestations in management decisions. A graphic web tool will enable visualization of the growth of the species and the effects of weed management. Environmental and economic evaluations on different weed management accompany the experimental and modelling work
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Comparing the emergence of Echinochloa crus-galli populations in different locations. Part II: similarities and threshold parameters
The variability in the emergence process of different populations was confirmed for two Echinochloa crus-galli populations, one from Italy (IT) and the second from Norway (NO). Seeds were sown in 12 localities over Europe and the Middle East, and the emergence patterns of IT and NO were compared with those of several local populations at each location. Seeds of each population were sown in pots buried to the ground level. The base temperature (Tb) for emergence was estimated by (1) analysing logistic models applied to the field emergence of IT and NO, and (2) a germination assay set in winter 2020 at constant temperatures (8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 26, 29°C) with newly collected seeds in 2019 from the same fields where IT and NO had previously been harvested in 2015. The logistic models developed for IT and NO in each location showed that the emergence pattern of IT was similar to that of the local populations in Poland, Italy, Spain, Turkey South and Iran, while NO fitted better to those in Sweden and Latvia. No germination was obtained for IT in a germination chamber, but the estimated Tb with the logistic model was 11.2°C. For NO, the estimated Tb was 8.8°C in the germination chamber and 8.1°C in the field. Results suggest that adaptation to local environmental conditions has led to inter-population differences in Tb and parameter estimates of thermal-time models to predict the emergence of E. crus-galli should only be used for populations with similar climatic and habitat conditions.The authors thank all the technicians, students and institutions that have contributed to establishing and maintaining the field experiment. We also thank Dr. Frank Forcella and James Eklund, from the USDA‐ARS in Morris (MN), for providing the dataloggers and facilitating the collection of soil temperature data in each location. Our thanks also to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for funding to Royo‐Esnal through the AGL2017‐83325‐C4‐2‐R; Duzce Üniversitesi, Turkey, for funding to Uludag (Project No: 2015.11.02.375); and the Norwegian Research Funding for Agriculture and the Food Industry and project partners in Research Council of Norway Project no. 267700 for supporting Tørresen in the experiment. Uludag thank his two graduate students, Miss Buyukkurt and Zambak, and Murdoch thank MSc student, Mr Guangxing Xie, who carried out some of the germination assays. Royo‐Esnal thank Jordi Izquierdo for providing the seeds of L3 population for the experiment in Lleida. Finally, the authors are also grateful to the EWRS, for providing funds to enable the working group participants to meet and discuss the collaborative experiment
Plantevernmiddelresistens i norske jord- og hagebrukskulturer. Resultater fra kartlegging og overvåking i 2019 og vurdering av resistensrisiko.
Resistens mot kjemiske plantevernmidler hos skadedyr, plantepatogene sopper og ugras er et alvorlig problem i flere matkulturer. Resistens oppstår som følge av for hyppig og ensidig bruk av plantevernmidler med samme biokjemiske virkemåte. Resistente skadegjørere kan også spre seg over landegrensene ved immigrasjon eller ved at de følger med importert plantemateriale. Vi har hatt mistanke om at immigrerende kålmøll og gråskimmel som følger med importerte småplanter av jordbær kan være resistente mot kjemiske plantevernmidler som brukes til å bekjempe disse skadegjørerne i Norge. I 2016 immigrerte store mengder kålmøll (Plutella xylostella) til Norge, og det ble påvist resistens mot insektmiddelet (insekticidet) lambda-cyhalotrin hos kålmøll-larver som ble samlet inn fra to kålfelt i Viken og Trøndelag. I 2019 var det en ny kålmøllinvasjon, og vi samlet inn og testet kålmøll-larver fra tre kålfelt i Rogaland og Viken. Larvene på alle de tre stedene var resistente mot lambda-cyhalotrin.publishedVersio
Plantevernmiddelresistens i norske jord- og hagebrukskulturer. Resultater fra kartlegging og overvåking i 2019 og vurdering av resistensrisiko.
Resistens mot kjemiske plantevernmidler hos skadedyr, plantepatogene sopper og ugras er et alvorlig problem i flere matkulturer. Resistens oppstår som følge av for hyppig og ensidig bruk av plantevernmidler med samme biokjemiske virkemåte. Resistente skadegjørere kan også spre seg over landegrensene ved immigrasjon eller ved at de følger med importert plantemateriale. Vi har hatt mistanke om at immigrerende kålmøll og gråskimmel som følger med importerte småplanter av jordbær kan være resistente mot kjemiske plantevernmidler som brukes til å bekjempe disse skadegjørerne i Norge. I 2016 immigrerte store mengder kålmøll (Plutella xylostella) til Norge, og det ble påvist resistens mot insektmiddelet (insekticidet) lambda-cyhalotrin hos kålmøll-larver som ble samlet inn fra to kålfelt i Viken og Trøndelag. I 2019 var det en ny kålmøllinvasjon, og vi samlet inn og testet kålmøll-larver fra tre kålfelt i Rogaland og Viken. Larvene på alle de tre stedene var resistente mot lambda-cyhalotrin