26 research outputs found

    A felsőoktatás-politika története és történetének tanúságai = The Development of the Hungarian Higher Education; Experiences and Conclusions

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    A kutatás eredményeként egy közel 600 ezer karakter terjedelmű zárótanulmány ''nulladik változata'' született. Ennek fejezetei az oktatáspolitika fogalmairól, és fejlődéséről, a magyar oktatás és oktatáspolitika sajátosságairól, az oktatáspolitika és demográfia összefüggéseiről, a közoktatásról, a szakképzésről, a felsőoktatásról, a felnőttképzésről, a pedagógusokról, az oktatásfinanszírozásról és az oktatás minőségügyéről szólnak. További finomítások után alkalmas arra, hogy egy, a felsőoktatásban jól használható szakkönyv alapanyag legyen . A kutatás közben 14 publikáció született, az oktatáspolitika témakörében. | The result of reseach is a closing study with 600 thousand characters. Chapters of the study reviews categories, development and Hungarian specialities of educational policy, relationship of demography and education, issue of compulsory education, vocational training, higher education, teachers, financing of education, and quality of education. We must rework the closing study, that it becomes the matter of book. During the research was born 14 publikation in subject of educational policy. The manuscript which was born the result of research becomes the matter of book. This book will available in training of higher educational (first of all in teachers? training) to get acquainted with categories, development and Hungarian specialities of educational policy


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    Spice pepper production has a history of almost 300 years in the southern part of Hungary. In this study the results of two biotechnological improvements are summarized. Anther and isolated microspore culture techniques were improved to release haploid and doubled haploid (DH) lines for spice pepper breeding. Both the anther and isolated microspore culture methods were successfully used in spice pepper haploid production. Microspore culture- derived structures were analysed to identify their different parts. Green plantlets were regenerated from embryos derived from both anther and microspore cultures. Their doubled haploid analogues were integrated into Hungarian spice pepper hybrid seed breeding programmes. One hybrid, Sláger, was released as a new genotype for spice pepper production in 2008 and two hybrid candidates (Délibáb and Bolero) are now being tested in official trials

    Magyar nyelvű orvosi szakcikkek hivatkozásainak automatikus feldolgozása

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    Cikkünkben bemutatunk egy szakirodalmi hivatkozások feldolgozására kidolgozott nyelvtechnológiai rendszert. A rendszer két legfontosabb modulja egy közelítő illesztésen alapuló visszakereső modul és egy szekvenciajelölő modul, ami a hivatkozások egyes elemeit azonosítja. Ez utóbbi megoldásnál egy újszerű kétlépcsős újrarangsoroló technikát is ismertetünk

    Increase in Alzheimer's related markers preceeds memory disturbances: Studies in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rat

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. For more effective therapy early diagnostic markers could be beneficial. Therefore we compared one year old rats with adults and examined if changes in possible brain markers of AD preceeded memory decline. We also tested if vasopressin-deficient animals were useful model of AD as vasopressin has well known positive effect on memory and AD patient has decreased vasopressin production. We compared adult (3 month) and old (12 month), normal and vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats. To receive a comprehensive picture about their memory we examined their social discrimination, object discrimination and conditioned learning abilities (shuttle box). Amyloid precursor protein (APP), mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1), β-actin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (TDO2) mRNA levels was measured by quantitative PCR. There was no difference between the memory of adult and aged groups. The vasopressin-deficient rats at both ages showed a weaker performance in the course of social and object discrimination tests and a higher escape failure during the shuttle box experiment. The brain marker mRNAs of the elder animals were higher than the levels of the adults, but the absence of vasopressin had no influence on them. Thus, the one year old rats showed elevated levels of AD-related markers, but memory deficits were observable only in vasopressin deficient animals. Vasopressin does not seem to have pathogenic role in AD. Changes in the studied markers might predict later symptoms, although further studies are required for confirmation

    Confirmation of the existence of the X17 particle

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    In a 2016 paper, an anomaly in the internal pair creation on theM1transition depopulating the 18.15 MeV isoscalar 1+ state on 8Be was observed. This could be explained by the creation and subsequent decay of a new boson, with mass mXc2=16.70 MeV. Further experiments of the same transition with an improved and independent setup were performed, which constrained the mass of the X17 boson (mXc2) and its branching ratio relative to the γ-decay of the 8Be excited state (BX), to mXc2=17.01(16) MeV and BX=6(1)×10−6, respectively. Using the latter setup, the e+e− pairs depopulating the 21 MeV Jπ=0−→0+ transition in 4He were investigated and a resonance in the angular correlation of the pairs was observed, which could be explained by the same X17 particle, with mass mXc2=16.98±0.16(stat)±0.20(syst) MeV

    Relationship of Tree Stand Heterogeneity and Forest Naturalness

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    The aim of our study was to investigate if compositional (tree species richness) andstructural (vertical structure, age-structure, patterns of canopy closure) heterogeneity of the canopylayer is related to individual naturalness criteria and to overall forest naturalness at the stand scale. Thenaturalness values of the assessed criteria (tree species composition, tree stand structure, speciescomposition and structure of shrub layer and forest floor vegetation, dead wood, effects of game, sitecharacteristics) showed similar behaviour when groups of stands with different heterogeneity werecompared, regardless of the studied aspect of canopy heterogeneity. The greatest difference was foundfor criteria describing the canopy layer. Composition and structure of canopy layer, dead wood andtotal naturalness of the stand differed significantly among the stand groups showing consistentlyhigher values from homogeneous to the most heterogeneous group. Naturalness of the compositionand structure of the shrub layer is slightly but significantly higher in stands with heterogeneous canopylayer. Regarding other criteria, significant differences were found only between the homogeneous andthe most heterogeneous groups, while groups with intermediate level of heterogeneity did not differsignificantly from one extreme. However, the criterion describing effects of game got lowernaturalness values in more heterogeneous stands. Naturalness of site characteristics did not differsignificantly among the groups except for when stands were grouped based on pattern of canopyclosure. From the practical viewpoint it is shown that purposeful forestry operations affecting thecanopy layer cause changes in compositional and structural characteristics of other layers as well as inoverall stand scale forest naturalness

    On the X(17) light-particle candidate observed in nuclear transitions

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    Recently, we observed an anomalous internal pair creation for the M1 transition depopulating the 18.15 MeV isoscalar 1+ state in 8Be. The deviation from the theoretical prediction can be described by assuming the creation and subsequent decay of a new, light boson with a mass of 16.7 MeV/c2. In order to clarify the interpretation, we re-investigated the 8Be anomaly with an improved and independent setup. We have confirmed the signal of the assumed X(17) particle and constrained its mass (m0c2= 17.01(16) MeV) and branching ratio compared to the γ-decay (Bx=6(1)x10−6). We investigated also the high-energy (21 MeV) J=0−->0+ transition in 4He and got a consistent result for the X(17) particle

    Potent Chimeric Antimicrobial Derivatives of the Medicago truncatula NCR247 Symbiotic Peptide

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    In Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, the bacteria are converted into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. In many legume species, differentiation of the endosymbiotic bacteria is irreversible, culminating in definitive loss of their cell division ability. This terminal differentiation is mediated by plant peptides produced in the symbiotic cells. In Medicago truncatula more than similar to 700 nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptides are involved in this process. We have shown previously that NCR247 and NCR335 have strong antimicrobial activity on various pathogenic bacteria and identified interaction of NCR247 with many bacterial proteins, including FtsZ and several ribosomal proteins, which prevent bacterial cell division and protein synthesis. In this study we designed and synthetized various derivatives of NCR247, including shorter fragments and various chimeric derivatives. The antimicrobial activity of these peptides was tested on the ESKAPE bacteria; Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli as a member of Enterobacteriaceae and in addition Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica. The 12 amino acid long C-terminal half of NCR247, NCR247C partially retained the antimicrobial activity and preserved the multitarget interactions with partners of NCR247. Nevertheless NCR247C became ineffective on S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and L. monocytogenes. The chimeric derivatives obtained by fusion of NCR247C with other peptide fragments and particularly with a truncated mastoparan sequence significantly increased bactericidal activity and altered the antimicrobial spectrum. The minimal bactericidal concentration of the most potent derivatives was 1.6 mu M, which is remarkably lower than that of most classical antibiotics. The killing activity of the NCR247-based chimeric peptides was practically instant. Importantly, these peptides had no hemolytic activity or cytotoxicity on human cells. The properties of these NCR derivatives make them promising antimicrobials for clinical use

    Searching for the double gamma-decay of the X particle

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    The e−e+ decay of the candidate new particle X(17) has already been confirmed by previous experiments. However, theoretical models give different predictions for the spin and the parity of this particle. The double gamma-decay process could be an appropriate probe to shed light on such properties. Thus, for the first time, we searched for the gamma-gamma decay of X(17) created in nuclear transitions. In this paper, we report preliminary results of two experiments on the Jπ= 0− -> 0+ transition in 4He