4 research outputs found

    Rogueus belgodereae, a new raninoid crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Raninoidea) from the Upper Palaeocene (Thanetian) of Southern France, with comments on early palaeocene decapod crustacean faunules

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    Palaeocene crabs are rare globally; crab faunules of this period are mostly described from reefal environments, and little is reported about non-reefal environments. A new raninoid crab is described and formally named from Thanetian (upper Palaeocene) non-reefal deeper water deposits of Boussens, southern France. The new species is assigned to the genus Rogueus, from which only two species were previously known, and this new record suggests the genus was widespread in the European Palaeocene. A rich Palaeocene brachyuran assemblage of this locality is preliminarily presented and briefly discussed. It appears that eubrachyuran crabs dominated this palaeoenvironment. Based on the global fossil record, it appears that brachyuran crabs quickly recovered after the K/Pg extinction event and were able to restock both reefal and non-reefal environments, prior to the explosive diversification of decapods during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum

    Hadrosaur remains in the Late Cretaceous marine sediments of Larcan(Petites Pyrenees, Haute-Garonne, France)

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    The discovery of two hadrosaur fragments (maxilla and quadrate) in marine sediments of the end of the Cretaceous (uppermost Maastrichtian) is reported. Although this type of taphocoenosis is not exceptional for continental organisms, its situation at approximately 1 m under the iridium zone of the K/T boundary deserves to be emphasized.La dĂ©couverte de deux fragments d'hadrosaure (maxillaire et carrĂ©) dans des sĂ©diments marins de la fin du CrĂ©tacĂ© (Maastrichtien terminal) est relatĂ©e. Si ce type de taphocoenose n'est pas exceptionnel pour des organismes continentaux, sa situation Ă  environ 1 m sous la zone Ă  iridium de la limite K/T mĂ©ritait d'ĂȘtre soulignĂ©e. Cette prĂ©sentation permet en outre de faire le point sur des donnĂ©es bio et chronostratigraphiques rĂ©cemment formulĂ©es dans cette rĂ©gion

    Restes d'hadrosaure dans le Crétacé terminal marin de Larcan (Petites Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne, France) [Hadrosaur remains in the Late Cretaceous marine sediments of Larcan (Petites Pyrenees, Haute-Garonne, France)]

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    The discovery of two hadrosaur fragments (maxilla and quadrate) in marine sediments of the end of the Cretaceous (uppermost Maastrichtian) is reported. Although this type of taphocoenosis is not exceptional for continental organisms, its situation at approximately 1 m under the iridium zone of the K/T boundary deserves to be emphasized