5 research outputs found

    Autonomia e financiamento das IFES: desafios e ações Autonomy and financing of the federal higher education institutions: challenges and actions

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir o processo de autonomia e financiamento das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) nos últimos anos, sobretudo no período 1995-2006, abrangendo todo o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso e o primeiro mandato do governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. São analisadas as origens do financiamento das IFES, o caminho percorrido pelas propostas para se definir a autonomia das instituições, os limites impostos pela desigualdade social à expansão do setor privado, as fontes de financiamento da educação superior, os desafios existentes neste campo, e examina, ainda, possíveis ações a serem implementadas neste importante conjunto de instituições que desempenha um papel fundamental para a correção das desigualdades regionais brasileiras.<br>The purpose of this study is to dicuss the autonomy and financing process of the Federal Higher Education Institutions (IFES) in recent years, especially in the period 1995-2006, which comprises Fernando Henrique Cardoso's two governments and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's first government. It analyzes the origins of the IFES financing, the paths followed by the proposals to define the autonomy of the institutions, the limits imposed by social inequality on the expansion of the private sector, the financing sources of higher education, the existing challenges in this field, and the possible actions to be implemented in this important set of institutions that play a fundamental role in correcting Brazilian regional inequalities

    Reflexiones en torno a la financiación actual y futura de las universidades a nivel mundial Considerations about present and future university financing world wide

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    Durante la pasada década, las posiciones del Banco Mundial se orientaron hacia la defensa de la orientación competitiva y de mercado de la educación superior, mientras que UNESCO reafirmó el estatuto de servicio público de ella y abogó por mantener un importante financiamiento estatal, con el objetivo de desarrollar una educación superior igualmente accesible a todos sobre la base del mérito. Este artículo es un ejercicio de educación superior internacional comparada. Presenta reflexiones sobre todo respecto a los siguientes temas: principales tendencias globales de la educación superior; modelos mundiales de financiamiento; visión global del financiamiento de las universidades; financiamiento, políticas de educación superior, cooperación internacional e internacionalización; financiamiento de la educación superior en Europa. En resumen, concluye que diversificar las fuentes de financiamiento es positivo y necesario, pero esto no debe implicar una reducción o abdicación del Estado en el financiamiento de la educación terciaria.<br>During the past decade, the World Bank's higher education guidelines were geared towards competition and the market place, while Unesco reaffirmed the statute of its public service and advocated the importance of State financing, with the purpose of developing a higher education that is equally accessible to all and based on merit. This article is a comparison of international higher education. It presents considerations on the following topics: main global tendencies for higher education; world models of financing; global vision of university financing; financing, higher education policies, international cooperation and internationalization; higher education financing in Europe. In short, it concludes that diversifying the sources of financing is both positive and necessary, though this must not imply a reduction or abdication of the State in the financing of higher education