33 research outputs found

    Meditation in School Adolescents Who Sit in Olympic and Acceleration Class

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    Background:.Meditation is a state of consciousness in which the individual eliminates environmental stimuli from awareness so that the mind has single focus, producing a state of relaxation and relief from stress. Stress that happen in school environment or education is called academic stress. The purpose of this research was to analize the influence of meditation to academic stress in school adolescents who sit in olympic and acceleration class. Method: The researcher used a experimental quantitative with one-group pre-test and post test design without control group. This research had done to 27 respondents, such as first and second grade of olimpiade class and last grade of acceleration class in SMA N 3 Semarang. The tool that used in this research was Academic Expectations Stress Inventory (AESI) that indicated academic stress from expectations of self and expectations of parents and teacher Data analysis used Paired Sample t-Test. Result and Suggestion: This research showed that 25 respondents (92,59%) had depreciation score of academic stress, 1 respondent (3,70%) had permanent score and 1 respondent (3,70%) increase score of academic stress. Significant score from Paired Sample t-Test showed that 0,000 < α (0,05) so that H0 was aversed and H1 was accepted. This research resulted there was influence of meditation to academic stress in school adolescents who sit in olympic and acceleration class,it is expected in nursing practice and some resorts to use meditation as a self supporting interventio

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa dan Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Klinik Kota Tasikmalaya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh bauran pemasaran dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan JKN di Klinik Kota Tasikmalaya, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan 1) bauran pemasaran berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan JKN dengan nilai 0,589, 2) kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan JKN dengan nilai 0,669, dan 3) bauran pemasaran dan kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh secara bersama-sama terhadap kepuasan pelanggan JKN dengan nilai 0,684. xx

    Pengelompokan Plasmanutfah Spesies Padi Liar {Oryza Spp.) Berdas Arkan Peub Ah Kuantitatif Tanaman [Cluster Analysis of Wild Rice Species Germplasm {Oryza Spp.) Based on Quantitative Characters of Crops]

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    Wild rice species are important gene sources for the rice improvement programs.The morphological characters is the easiest way to identify the crop specificity, and it is applicable for determining the relation among species.The grouping on wild rice species are determined by using cluster analysis through the principal component analysis which involved 16 characters of quantitative traits of wild rice species. The total sample of wild rice species was 89 accessions of 18 species.The research was done at green house level during 3 seasons from 2004 to 2005.All the accessions of wild rice were planted in pots consists of 10 kg soil by 3 replications for each accession.The result of analysis of the first principal component from quantitative characters (plant height,amount of grain fill per panicle, amount of grain total per panicle, panicle length, 1000 grains weight, grain shape, days of flowering, total internodes and awning length ) could explain that variability were 82 %.The result of cluster analysis involved the four of principal component with similarity level equal to 80 %, obtained 5 groups of wild rice species. The result of the clusters was Oryza sativa included at cluster I, while O. officinalis had 3 clusters that is cluster III, IV and V. While O. meyeriana and Oryza ridleyi joint at cluster II.Quantitative character was applicable for clustering the accessions of wild rice species as according to each genome

    Foraminifera Bentik Terkait dengan Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Sekitar Pulau Damar, Kepulauan Seribu

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    Secara umum, kondisi lingkungan perairan di bagian Selatan Kepulauan Seribu cenderung lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan bagian Utara karena pengaruh polusi dari daratan. Salah satu pulau yang terletak di bagian selatan tersebut adalah Pulau Damar Besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran foraminifera bentik di perairan Pulau Damar Besar, Kepulauan Seribu terkait dengan kondisi lingkungan setempat. Dari 12 stasiun pengambilan sampel, teridentifikasi 64 spesies dari 10968 individu foraminifera bentik. Beberapa spesies foraminifera yang dijumpai hidup bersimbiosis dengan terumbu karang, seperti Amphistegina lessonii, Amphistegina radiata, Sorites marginalis, Heterostegina sp., dan Calcarina calcar. Berdasarkan indeks keragaman, keseragaman dan dominansi, struktur komunitas di foraminifera bentik di Pulau Damar Besar cenderung seragam. Namun berdasarkan hierarchical cluster analysis diperoleh empat kelompok sebaran dengan penciri masing-masing yang berbeda. Nilai indeks diversitas sekitar 3,48-3,84 yang menunjukkan lingkungan perairan di sekitar pulau ini dalam kondisi bagus. Kata kunci sebaran, Foraminifera bentik, Pulau Damar Besar dan Kepulauan Seribu In general, the marine environment in the southern part of the Seribu Islands is less good condition than the northern part due to the influence of pollution from the mainland. One of the islands in this southern part is Damar Besar Island. The purpose of this study is to recognize foraminiferal distribution from this island related to its environmental condition. From 12 sampling stations, it can be identified 64 species from 10968 individuals of benthic foraminifera. Several species are associated with coral reef such as Amphistegina lessonii, Amphistegina radiata, Sorites marginalis, Heterostegina sp., dan Calcarina calcar. Based on the diversity, evenness and dominance indexes, it seems that the community structure of benthic foraminifera in the study area tends to be equal. However, based on hierarchical cluster analysis, it is resulted four groups of distribution that characterized by their own shallow waters species. The diversity index is 3,48-3,84 that shows good environmental condition in the study area

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Lancar dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Metode Demontrasi pada Siswa Kelas I Sdn 02 Mempawah Timur

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    : The purpose of this research is to improve students' ability to read fluently in Indonesian subjects in Grade I Primary School 02 East Mempawah using the demonstration. The research method used was a descriptive study conducted while the shape is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Research is class I, while the subject is students and teachers. The results indicate that the first cycle of student learning outcomes in the first cycle that achieve mastery 80% or 10 students who earn scores of students with a minimum completeness criteria (KKM) with an average of 6.00. In the second cycle the number of students who achieve mastery of 93.3% or 14 students are getting scored according to criteria completeness Minilam (KKM) with an average of 6.86. So the average scores indicate that student learning outcomes Mempawah class I SDN 02 East are increasing

    Analisis TIME Value Of Money Atas Proses Penyelesaian Restitusi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (Studi Kasus terhadap Wajib Pajak Badan PT Xy)

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    Value Added Tax refund is one of the rights of taxpayers to ask for the overpayment of tax result principle of tax credit methods. This research aims to determine the completion of the refunds process that was associated with the time value of money from the refunds and a case study on PT XY. The research is a descriptive method with qualitative approach through the techniques of data collection such as interviews and documentation. Results of the study explained that VAT refunds PT XY happened because the business activities mainly field on export with completion through the step of the examination process which complicated and takes long time. Refund requested of PT XY for long terms make refund of money received has related with the time value of money. Comparison of PT XY restitution if the money is received more quickly, then deposits with interest rate without the risk of Indonesia Bank, has a higher value than refund results that have been received in the long term. Refunds process which practical, easy and accurate needed require preparation and good judgment by PT XY with new policy on VAT refunds

    Penggunaan Metode Demonstrasi untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA Kelas II SD 03 Karimunting

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    The use of Method Demonstration Activities To Enhance Studen Learning Science in class II SD 03 Karimunting. This study aimed to gain clarity on the use of demonstration to enhance science learning activities in class II SD 03 Karimunting. The research method used is descriptive method, the form of classroom action research. Based on statistical calculations using descriptive method by teachers increased yield of 61.54% in cycle 1 to cycle 2 at 92.30%. an increase in the student activity class result of 32.52% in cycle 1 to 71.23% in cycle 2. This means that the method of demonstration effect to increase the activity of learning science class II SD 03 Karimunting