4 research outputs found
Gps tracking data of western marsh harriers breeding in belgium and the Netherlands
In this data paper three datasets are described containing GPS tracking and acceleration data of Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus) breeding in Belgium and the Netherlands. The Western marsh harrier is included as a threatened bird species in Annex I of the European Bird Directive due to the steep decline in population densities. In order to collect data of habitat use and migration behaviour, Western marsh harriers were equipped with light-weight solar powered GPS trackers developed by the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) at the University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System, UvA-BiTS). These trackers automatically collect and store data on the bird’s activity and 3D position in time and transmit these data to ground stations. The datasets were collected by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) and the Dutch Montagu’s Harrier Foundation. Tracked Western marsh harriers were breeding in the northeast of the Dutch province of Groningen and on the opposite side of the river Ems in Germany (H_GRONINGEN), in the region of Waterland-Oudeman near the Belgian-Dutch border (MH_WATERLAND), and at the left bank of the Scheldt estuary, close to the Belgian-Dutch border and north of the city of Antwerp (MH_ANTWERPEN). Most individuals remained within 10 km from their nesting sites during the breeding season and wintered in West Africa. H_GRONINGEN contains 987,493 GPS fixes and 3,853,859 acceleration records of four individuals since 2012. MH_WATERLAND contains 377,910 GPS fixes of seven individuals. Sampling in this region began in 2013. Three more Western marsh harriers were tagged in the Scheldt estuary near Antwerp more recently in 2018 (one individual) and 2019 (two individuals) for the MH_ANTWERPEN study, which contains 47,917 GPS fixes and 227,746 acceleration records. The three Western marsh harrier datasets were published as separate studies in Movebank (https://www. movebank.org) and archived as data packages in Zenodo (https://www.zenodo.org) to ensure long-term preservation and versioning of the data
Ontwikkeling van criteria voor de beoordeling van de lokale staat van instandhouding van de Natura 2000 habitattypen, versie 2.0
De Habitat- en Vogelrichtlijn vormen samen de hoeksteen van het Europese natuurbeleid. Dit werd opgebouwd rond twee pijlers: enerzijds het Natura 2000 netwerk van speciale beschermingszones en anderzijds soortenbescherming. Elke lidstaat dient te streven naar een gunstige staat van instandhouding van de op haar grondgebied aanwezige Natura 2000 habitattypen en soorten. Zesjaarlijks moet die toestand gerapporteerd worden aan de Europese Commissie. Ook een rapportering over de toestand van de habitats en soorten binnen elke speciale beschermingszone dient op regelmatige tijdstippen aan de Commissie overgemaakt.
Het doel van dit rapport is het grondig uitwerken van een instrument om de lokale staat van instandhouding van de habitattypen te evalueren. Voor de soorten werd dit eerder al gedaan in Adriaens, D. et al. (2008) en Adriaens, P. et al. (2008). Die kennis is bv. nodig voor het formuleren van instandhoudingdoelstellingen per gebied en voor het nemen van instandhoudingmaatregelen nodig om de betrokken habitats te herstellen, te versterken en te beheren. Het bepalen van de lokale staat van instandhouding is ook vereist voor de passende beoordeling (vergunningenbeleid), voor het opzetten van monitoring, enz. Dit rapport is dan ook een belangrijke schakel in het proces dat moet leiden tot een waardevol en duurzaam netwerk van natuurgebieden waarin biotopen duurzaam kunnen voortbestaan, in Vlaanderen en Europa.
In Vlaanderen komen 46 habitattypen voor. Bepaalde daarvan zijn vrij heterogeen en zijn op Vlaams niveau verder opgesplitst in logische en bruikbare subtypen. Dit rapport bevat 70 tabellen voor 44 habitattypen om de lokale staat van instandhouding van individuele habitatlocaties te beoordelen. Eerst worden aan de hand van de voor het habitat(sub)type relevante criteria de milieukarakteristieken voor een goede staat van instandhouding beschreven.
Vervolgens worden vegetatie-, structuur- en verstoringscriteria beschreven en wordt per criterium aangegeven wanneer er sprake is van een goede, voldoende of gedegradeerde lokale staat van instandhouding. De selectie van de criteria en de bijbehorende drempelwaarden in de beoordelingstabellen is gebaseerd op ecologische relevantie, eenduidigheid, praktische bruikbaarheid, meetbaarheid en de volledigheid waarmee ze de kwaliteit van de habitats beschrijven. De bronnen hiertoe zijn literatuur (bij voorkeur gericht op de Vlaamse situatie maar steeds geplaatst in een internationale context), verwerking van beschikbare gegevens en in geval van te weinig beschikbare meetgegevens, zo nodig op expertoordeel
MH_WATERLAND - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border
<p><em>MH_WATERLAND - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border</em> is a bird tracking dataset published by the <a href="https://www.inbo.be/en">Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)</a>. It contains animal tracking data collected by the LifeWatch GPS tracking network for large birds (<a href="http://lifewatch.be/en/gps-tracking-network-large-birds">http://lifewatch.be/en/gps-tracking-network-large-birds</a>) for the project/study <strong>MH_WATERLAND</strong>, using trackers developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, <a href="http://www.uva-bits.nl">http://www.uva-bits.nl</a>). The study was operational from 2013 until 2018. In total 7 individuals of western marsh harrier (<em>Circus aeruginosus</em>) have been tagged in their breeding area near the Belgium-Netherlands border (provinces of East Flanders in Belgium and Zeeland in the Netherlands), mainly to study their habitat use and migration behaviour. Data are uploaded from the UvA-BiTS database to Movebank and from there archived on Zenodo (see <a href="https://github.com/inbo/bird-tracking">https://github.com/inbo/bird-tracking</a>). No new data are expected.</p>
<p>See Milotic et al. (2020, <a href="https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.947.52570">https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.947.52570</a>) for a more detailed description of this dataset.</p>
<p>Data in this package are exported from Movebank study <a href="https://www.movebank.org/cms/webapp?gwt_fragment=page=studies,path=study604806671">604806671</a>. Fields in the data follow the <a href="http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/MVB">Movebank Attribute Dictionary</a> and are described in <code>datapackage.json</code>. Files are structured as a <a href="https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package/">Frictionless Data Package</a>. You can access all data in R via <code>https://zenodo.org/records/10053583/files/datapackage.json</code> using <a href="https://frictionlessdata.github.io/frictionless-r/">frictionless</a>.</p>
<li><strong>datapackage.json</strong>: technical description of the data files.</li>
<li><strong>MH_WATERLAND-reference-data.csv</strong>: reference data about the animals, tags and deployments.</li>
<li><strong>MH_WATERLAND-gps-yyyy.csv.gz</strong>: GPS data recorded by the tags, grouped by year.</li>
<p>This dataset was collected using infrastructure provided by INBO and funded by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch.</p><p>This version adds alt-project-id to the reference-data and references the latest Movebank Attribute Dictionary.</p>
Bird tracking - GPS tracking of Western Marsh Harriers breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border
Bird tracking - GPS tracking of Western Marsh Harriers breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border is a species occurrence dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). The dataset contains over 290.000 occurrences (GPS fixes) recorded between 2013 and 2017 by GPS trackers mounted on 6 Western Marsh Harriers breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border. The trackers are developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, http://www.uva-bits.nl) and allow to study the harriers' habitat use and migration behaviour in great detail. Our bird tracking network is operational since 2013 and is maintained and used by the INBO, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), UvA-BiTS, Ghent University (UGent), and the University of Antwerp (UA). See the dataset metadata for contact information, scope, and methodology. Issues with the dataset can be reported at https://github.com/inbo/data-publication/tree/master/datasets/bird-tracking-wmh-occurrences The following information is not included in the dataset and available upon request: outliers, speed, temperature, barometric pressure, GPS metadata (fix time, number of satellites used, vertical accuracy), and bird weight measured during tagging. To allow anyone to use this dataset, we have released the data to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). We would appreciate however, if you read and follow these norms for data use (http://www.inbo.be/en/norms-for-data-use) and provide a link to the original dataset (https://doi.org/10.15468/rbguhj) whenever possible. If you use these data for a scientific paper, please cite the dataset following the applicable citation norms and/or consider us for co-authorship. We are always interested to know how you have used or visualized the data, or to provide more information, so please contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata, [email protected] or https://twitter.com/LifeWatchINBO. The bird tracking network used to collect these data is set up and maintained by the INBO and VLIZ as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch