54 research outputs found

    Exosomes Communicate Protective Messages during Oxidative Stress; Possible Role of Exosomal Shuttle RNA

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    BACKGROUND: Exosomes are small extracellular nanovesicles of endocytic origin that mediate different signals between cells, by surface interactions and by shuttling functional RNA from one cell to another. Exosomes are released by many cells including mast cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, epithelial cells and tumour cells. Exosomes differ compared to their donor cells, not only in size, but also in their RNA, protein and lipid composition. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we show that exosomes, released by mouse mast cells exposed to oxidative stress, differ in their mRNA content. Also, we show that these exosomes can influence the response of other cells to oxidative stress by providing recipient cells with a resistance against oxidative stress, observed as an attenuated loss of cell viability. Furthermore, Affymetrix microarray analysis revealed that the exosomal mRNA content not only differs between exosomes and donor cells, but also between exosomes derived from cells grown under different conditions; oxidative stress and normal conditions. Finally, we also show that exposure to UV-light affects the biological functions associated with exosomes released under oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results argue that the exosomal shuttle of RNA is involved in cell-to-cell communication, by influencing the response of recipient cells to an external stress stimulus

    The COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Seasonality, With Increasing Cases of New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes in Children, From the Worldwide SWEET Registry

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    Objective: To analyze whether the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic increased the number of cases or impacted seasonality of new-onset type 1 diabetes (T1D) in large pediatric diabetes centers globally. Research design and methods: We analyzed data on 17,280 cases of T1D diagnosed during 2018-2021 from 92 worldwide centers participating in the SWEET registry using hierarchic linear regression models. Results: The average number of new-onset T1D cases per center adjusted for the total number of patients treated at the center per year and stratified by age-groups increased from 11.2 (95% CI 10.1-12.2) in 2018 to 21.7 (20.6-22.8) in 2021 for the youngest age-group, <6 years; from 13.1 (12.2-14.0) in 2018 to 26.7 (25.7-27.7) in 2021 for children ages 6 to <12 years; and from 12.2 (11.5-12.9) to 24.7 (24.0-25.5) for adolescents ages 12-18 years (all P < 0.001). These increases remained within the expected increase with the 95% CI of the regression line. However, in Europe and North America following the lockdown early in 2020, the typical seasonality of more cases during winter season was delayed, with a peak during the summer and autumn months. While the seasonal pattern in Europe returned to prepandemic times in 2021, this was not the case in North America. Compared with 2018-2019 (HbA1c 7.7%), higher average HbA1c levels (2020, 8.1%; 2021, 8.6%; P < 0.001) were present within the first year of T1D during the pandemic. Conclusions: The slope of the rise in pediatric new-onset T1D in SWEET centers remained unchanged during the COVID-19 pandemic, but a change in the seasonality at onset became apparent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of vitamin D in selected autoimmune diseases

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    The authors of recently published scientific papers are focusing increasingly often on the effect of vitamin D on immune processes. In the case of deficiencies of this vitamin, an imbalance in the immune system is observed, which is associated with the intensification of the inflammatory reaction in the body and the increased possibility of an autoimmune reaction. Therefore, due to the growing interest of scientists in the relationship between the effects of vitamin D and the development of autoimmune diseases, this paper considers the use of Vitamin D in autoimmune therapies. However, the mechanism of vitamin D on individual autoimmune diseases has not been elucidated so far, therefore there is a need for further research. The importance of maintaining normal plasma vitamin D levels to reduce the risk of developing autoimmune diseases has been demonstrated by the authors of other studies. They showed that vitamin D levels influenced the course, severity of symptoms and frequency of relapses of autoimmune thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis

    Significance of low-carbohydrate diets and fasting in patients with cancer

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    The differences between the metabolism and the physiology of cancer cells and the cells of the human body are assessed and used in most anticancer treatments. These differences encompass, among others, increased glucose metabolism in the changed cells. The aim of the paper was to discuss the results of studies concerning the relationship between lowcarbohydrate diets and fasting and the course of cancer. An inappropriately composed diet consisting of high amounts of simple sugars supplies cancer cells with nutrients, which may impair the effectiveness of cancer patients treatment. Lowcarbohydrate diets may, therefore, constitute an element of supplementary therapy in cancer treatment. The mechanism of low-carbohydrate diets in combination with standard treatment has not been completely explained, though. In initial studies it was proven that patients who were able to continue low-carbohydrate diets showed improvement in health and reduction of tumor mass or its slower growth. Moreover, it was observed that the inability of cancer cells to adapt in new environmental conditions that occur while fasting may have toxic effect on them. Introduction of fasting may sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapy, decrease concentration of growth factors and lead to repair of normal cells. On the other hand, fasting may also promote autophagy and, as can be concluded from the literature, its mechanism may have twofold activity: as a process impacting the survival or death of cancer cells.W większości terapii przeciwnowotworowych oceniane i wykorzystywane są różnice między metabolizmem i fizjologią komórek nowotworowych, a komórkami ciała człowieka. Różnice te obejmują między innymi nasilony metabolizm glukozy w zmienionych komórkach. Celem pracy było omówienie wyników badań na temat związku diet niskowęglowodanowych i głodówek z przebiegiem choroby nowotworowej. Nieodpowiednio skomponowana dieta składająca się ze znacznej ilości cukrów prostych dostarcza składniki odżywcze komórkom nowotworowym, co może pogarszać skuteczność leczenia pacjentów onkologicznych. Diety niskowęglowodanowe mogą więc stanowić element terapii uzupełniającej w chorobie nowotworowej. Mechanizm działania diet niskowęglowodanowych w połączeniu ze standardowym leczeniem nie został jednak w pełni wyjaśniony. We wstępnych badaniach wykazano, że pacjenci, którzy byli w stanie kontynuować diety niskowęglowodanowe wykazywali poprawę stanu zdrowia, zmniejszenie masy guza lub jego spowolniony wzrost. Ponadto zaobserwowano, że niezdolność komórek nowotworowych do adaptacji w nowych warunkach środowiska, jakie występują podczas głodzenia, może działać na nie toksycznie. Wprowadzenie postu może uwrażliwić komórki nowotworowe na chemioterapię, zmniejszać stężenie czynników wzrostu i prowadzić do naprawy prawidłowych komórek. Z drugiej strony post może również promować proces autofagii, a jak wynika z piśmiennictwa, jej mechanizm może mieć działanie dwukierunkowe: jako proces wpływający na przeżycie lub śmierć komórek nowotworowych

    Assessment of eating and lifestyle habits among Polish cosmetology and physiotherapy students

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    Background: Proper nutritional behaviors are one of the most important factors shaping our health, as they influence people's physical and mental state. Good eating habits help prevent many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, some types of cancer, and osteoporosis. The Polish population aged 20-34 years displays improper nutritional behaviors which may put them at risk of developing diet-dependent diseases in the future. There is a need to assess students' lifestyle, including their eating habits, as it would help adapt already existing education programs. Objective. We evaluated and compared eating habits and lifestyle of students studying cosmetology and physiotherapy in association with selected risk factors of civilization diseases. Material and methods. We used a standardized dietary questionnaire evaluating respondents' physical activity, smoking and dietary habits. The obtained results were compared with the recommendations from the Polish food-based dietary guidelines. We evaluated respondents' nutritional status based on their anthropometric measurements such as body weight, body height, hips and waist circumferences and then we estimated their body mass index (BMI) and waist hip ratio (WHR). Results. Students studying cosmetology and physiotherapy obtained on average 5.3 ±1.5 points based on their compliance with the nutritional recommendations. The academic youth did not meet principles of healthy nutrition according to the given recommendations. There were no significant differences in nutrition status between the faculties, except for products that provide complete protein. Conclusions. There is a need to increase nutritional awareness of academic youth, especially students of health-related faculties, because better knowledge on nutrition would help them choose healthier food options.Wprowadzenie: Prawidłowe zwyczaje żywieniowe są jednym z ważniejszych czynników kształtujących zdrowie, ponieważ wpływają na właściwy stan fizyczny i psychiczny. Wskazuje się na korzystną rolę żywienia w profilaktyce wielu chorób przewlekłych, takich jak choroby układu krążenia, cukrzycy typu 2, niektórych nowotworów oraz osteoporozy. Wykazano, że wśród populacji polskiej w wieku 20-34 lat występują niewłaściwe zachowania żywieniowe, co może w przyszłości prowadzić do rozwoju chorób dietozależnych. Istnieje potrzeba oceny elementów stylu życia, w tym zwyczajów żywieniowych, młodzieży akademickiej w celu dostosowania odpowiednich programów edukacyjnych. Cel. Celem badania była ocena i porównanie zwyczajów żywieniowych oraz elementów stylu życia studentów Fizjoterapii i Kosmetologii, w kontekście występowania wybranych czynników ryzyka chorób cywilizacyjnych. Materiał i metody. Ocena zwyczajów żywieniowych została przeprowadzona z użyciem metody ankietowej. Narzędziem badawczym był wystandaryzowany kwestionariusz diety, dotyczący wskaźnika aktywności fizycznej, statusu palenia papierosów oraz zwyczajów żywieniowych. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z rekomendacjami zawartymi w Złotej Karcie Prawidłowego Żywienia. Oceny stanu odżywienia dokonano na podstawie pomiarów antropometrycznych takich jak: masa i wysokość ciała, obwody bioder i talii, a następnie oszacowano wartość wskaźnika BMI (body mass index) oraz wskaźnika WHR (waist hip ratio). Wyniki. Średnia liczba punktów uzyskanych na podstawie zgodności deklarowanego sposobu żywienia studentów z zaleceniami dla obu kierunków wynosiła 5,3±1,5. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników zaobserwowano, że młodzież akademicka nie realizowała zasad zdrowego żywienia zgodnie z rekomendacjami. Nie odnotowano istotnych różnic w przestrzeganiu zasad żywienia między poszczególnymi kierunkami studiów, za wyjątkiem spożycia produktów będących źródłem pełnowartościowego białka. Wnioski. Właściwe zwyczaje żywieniowe stanowią istotny element profilaktyki chorób dietozależnych, dlatego istnieje potrzeba zwiększania świadomości żywieniowej młodzieży akademickiej, szczególnie na kierunkach związanych ze zdrowiem, ponieważ wyższy poziom wiedzy sprzyja propagowaniu prozdrowotnych zachowań

    Mediterranean diet adherence among cosmetology students

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    Background. The Mediterranean diet (MD) is universally recognized as the healthiest model of nutrition whose beneficial effects help prevent many diet-related diseases. Objective. The aim of the study was to assess cosmetology students’ adherence to the Mediterranean Diet using the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS). Material and methods. The study group consisted of 175 cosmetology students of the School of Physiotherapy whose dietary habits were assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) consisting of 154 food and drink items representative of the diet during the last year. We analyzed data obtained from FFQ and calculated the average number of daily and/or weekly servings from each of the 9 MDS food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits/nuts, milk/ dairy products, meat/meat products, legumes, alcohol, olive oil, fish). To obtain more reliable results, we analyzed other products consumed by study participants (sweets, beverages, eggs and potatoes). Study participants were assigned 0, 1 or 2 points for each MDS ingredient. Mediterranean diet adherence was assessed on a 17-point scale. Low adherence to MD was defined at 0-7 points, moderate at 8-10 points, and high at 11-17 points. Results. The mean MDS was 7.1 ± 2.3. Students who were assigned 11-17 points (n = 20) consumed significantly more vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, olive oil and significantly less meat, meat products, milk, dairy, and sweets compared to study participants who were assigned the lowest number of points (n = 78). We reported significant differences in the amounts of consumed vegetables and sweets between participants who received 8-10 points (n = 77) and those who received 11-17 points. The higher MDS was significantly associated with the higher intakes of vegetables and dietary fiber. Conclusions. The dietary patterns of study group of Polish cosmetology students did not adhere to the MD recommendations

    Influence of two different methods of nutrition education on the quality of life in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus - a randomized study

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    Background. Nutrition education is one of the most important factors determining the effectiveness of treatment and maintaining an adequate quality of life (QoL) in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Objective. The primary objective was to compare the influence of two methods of nutrition education on the QoL. The secondary objective was to identify other determinants of the QoL. Material and Methods. A randomized single-blind study was conducted between October 2017 and April 2019 at the Children’s Clinical Hospital in Warsaw. The study included 170 patients (aged 8-17) with at least 1-year history of type 1 diabetes, treated with insulin pumps. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (C) – traditional/ informative education methods, and an experimental group (E) – modern/interactive methods. PedsQL Diabetes Module 3.0 questionnaire was used in the assessment of the QoL. Total PedsQL score was the primary outcome. The secondary outcomes included the results obtained in five subscales of the questionnaire. The relationships between selected variables and changes in scores were also verified. Results. Data obtained from 136 patients were analyzed. In both groups no significant changes regarding total PedsQL were noted 6 months after the intervention. However, a significant reduction occurred as regards the scores of ‘Communication’ subscale in group C. Analyzing other determinants of the QoL, significant dependencies were observed between: the level of physical activity and a change in ‘Diabetes symptoms’ subscale, and the level of parents’ education and a change in ‘Treatment barriers’ subscale. Conclusions. Both methods of nutrition education exerted a comparable influence on the total QoL. However, modern methods were more effective in terms of the improvement in the aspect of communication. Additionally, moderate physical activity and parents’ tertiary education constituted valid determinants of various aspects of the QoL in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.Wprowadzenie. Edukacja żywieniowa stanowi jeden z najważniejszych elementów warunkujących skuteczność leczenia oraz utrzymanie odpowiedniej jakości życia dzieci i młodzieży z cukrzycą typu 1. Cel badań. Głównym celem badania było porównanie wpływu dwóch metod edukacji żywieniowej na jakość życia. Cel drugorzędny stanowiło zidentyfikowanie pozostałych czynników determinujących jakość życia. Materiał i metody. Przeprowadzono badanie randomizowane, pojedynczo zaślepione. Badanie było realizowane od października 2017 r. do kwietnia 2019 r. w Dziecięcym Szpitalu Klinicznym w Warszawie. Do badania zakwalifikowano 170 pacjentów (w wieku 8-17 lat) z cukrzycą typu 1 rozpoznaną przynajmniej rok wcześniej, leczonych za pomocą pomp insulinowych. Uczestnicy zostali losowo podzieleni na dwie grupy: kontrolną (C), w której zastosowano tradycyjne/informacyjne metody edukacji oraz eksperymentalną (E), w której wdrożono metody nowoczesne/interaktywne. Do oceny jakości życia wykorzystano kwestionariusz PedsQL Diabetes Module 3.0. Pierwszorzędowy punkt końcowy stanowiła całkowita punktacja uzyskana w kwestionariuszu. Do drugorzędowych punktów końcowych należały rezultaty osiągnięte w pięciu podskalach kwestionariusza. Zweryfikowano również występowanie zależności pomiędzy wybranymi zmiennymi a zmianami w punktacji. Wyniki. Przeanalizowano dane 136 pacjentów. Po upływie 6 miesięcy od zastosowanej interwencji w obydwu grupach nie odnotowano istotnych zmian w zakresie całkowitej punktacji. W grupie C stwierdzono jednak znamienne pogorszenie wyników w podskali „Komunikacja”. Analizując inne determinanty jakości życia pacjentów, zaobserwowano znamienne zależności pomiędzy: poziomem aktywności fizycznej a zmianą w podskali „Objawy cukrzycy” oraz stopniem wykształcenia rodziców a zmianą w podskali „Bariery związane z leczeniem”. Wnioski. Obydwie metody edukacji żywieniowej miały porównywalny wpływ na ogólną jakość życia. Metody nowoczesne były jednak skuteczniejsze w zakresie poprawy aspektu komunikacji. Co więcej, umiarkowany stopień aktywności fizycznej oraz wyższe wykształcenie rodziców stanowiły istotne determinanty różnych aspektów jakości życia dzieci i młodzieży z cukrzycą typu 1

    Analysis of the diet quality and dietary habits of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

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    Karolina Dłużniak-Gołaska,1 Mariusz Panczyk,2 Dorota Szostak-Węgierek,1 Agnieszka Szypowska,3 Beata Sińska4 1Department of Clinical Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 2Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 3Department of Pediatrics, The First Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 4Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Introduction: The dietary habits of patients with type 1 diabetes are key elements of treatment as they facilitate the normalization of glycemia and maintenance of normal body weight (BW), lipid concentration, and the level of blood pressure. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze dietary habits and to verify the influence of the quality of diet on insulin dosage and selected clinical variables.Materials and methods: The study included 194 subjects (8&ndash;18 years old) suffering from type 1 diabetes and treated with the use of insulin pump. A modified KomPAN questionnaire was used to assess dietary habits and the frequency of the consumption of selected products. Two groups of patients were distinguished: G1 (poorer quality of diet) and G2 (better quality of diet). Clinical data were also collected.Results: Very low scores were noted in the whole study group as regards the index of healthy diet (27.6&plusmn;11.1, 3.8&ndash;61.0). After dividing the participants into groups, it was observed that G1 included more boys (63.8%), and more girls were found in G2 (66.9%). G2 patients chose sweet and salty snacks and fried meals less frequently, and they consumed boiled dishes and avoided sweetening with sugar or honey more frequently. The following characteristics were observed in G1 patients: longer duration of the disease (6.5 vs 5.2 years), higher doses of insulin (0.86 vs 0.76 U/kg of BW/day), and being overweight (31.0% vs 17.6%) and underweight (19.0% vs 8.8%) noted twice more frequently. We did not observe differences concerning the concentration of glycated hemoglobin and lipids in the serum and the values of blood pressure.Conclusion: The findings revealed unsatisfactory dietary habits in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and indicated the necessity to analyze additional factors that might influence the quality of diet of the patients. Keywords: quality of diet, dietary habits, type 1 diabetes, index of healthy diet, index of unhealthy die