5 research outputs found
Ochrona zasobów biosfery w produkcji roślinnej
The article analyzes the impact of plant production on the protection of biosphere resources. Agriculture significantly affects the quality of resources and natural environment assets and shapes their character. The quality of environmental resources determines the size and directions of agricultural production, and agriculture changes ecosystems, shapes the landscape, affects the quality and quantity of natural resources. European integration has influenced the relationship between agriculture and the environment in many directions. EU legislation and the formulation of development strategies and economic programs contribute to the greening of agricultural land use and the protection of biosphere resources. The assessment of these activities is definitely positive due to the creation of conditions for conflict-free coexistence of the protective function and the agricultural function.Artykuł zawiera analizę wpływu produkcji roślinnej na ochronę zasobów biosfery. Rolnictwo w istotny sposób wpływa na jakość zasobów i walorów środowiska przyrodniczego oraz kształtuje ich charakter. Jakość zasobów środowiskowych determinuje wielkość i kierunki produkcji rolniczej, a gospodarka rolna zmienia ekosystemy, kształtuje krajobraz, wpływa na jakość i ilość zasobów naturalnych. Integracja europejska wielokierunkowo wpłynęła na relację rolnictwo – środowisko. Legislacja unijna oraz konstruowanie strategii rozwojowych i programów gospodarczych przyczyniają się do ekologizacji użytkowania gruntów rolnych i ochrony zasobów biosfery. Ocena tych działań jest zdecydowanie pozytywna ze względu na tworzenie warunków do bezkonfliktowego współistnienia funkcji ochronnej i funkcji rolniczej
The state-of-the-art determination of urinary nucleosides using chromatographic techniques “hyphenated” with advanced bioinformatic methods
Over the last decade metabolomics has gained increasing popularity and significance in life sciences. Together with genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, metabolomics provides additional information on specific reactions occurring in humans, allowing us to understand some of the metabolic pathways in pathological processes. Abnormal levels of such metabolites as nucleosides in the urine of cancer patients (abnormal in relation to the levels observed in healthy volunteers) seem to be an original potential diagnostic marker of carcinogenesis. However, the expectations regarding the diagnostic value of nucleosides may only be justified once an appropriate analytical procedure has been applied for their determination. The achievement of good specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the analysis depends on the right choice of the phases (e.g. sample pretreatment procedure), the analytical technique and the bioinformatic approach. Improving the techniques and methods applied implies greater interest in exploration of reliable diagnostic markers. This review covers the last 11 years of determination of urinary nucleosides conducted with the use of high-performance liquid chromatography in conjunction with various types of detection, sample pretreatment methods as well as bioinformatic data processing procedures
Andrzej Witkowski, Pełnomocnicy rządowi do spraw podatku gruntowego w Polsce (1947- 1950), 2009
Recenzja: Andrzej Witkowski, Pełnomocnicy rządowi do spraw podatku gruntowego w Polsce (1947-1950), Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2009, ss. 40
Estrogen receptor beta participate in the regulation of metabolizm of extracellular matrix in estrogen alpha negative breast cancer.
The biology of breast cancer is closely releted to sex steroid hormones. Estrogen receptor beta is overexpressed in around 70% breast cancer cases, referrd to as "ER positive". Estrogens bind to estrogen receptor and stimulate the transcription of genes involved in control of cell proliferation. Moreover, estrogens may induce growth factors and components of extracellular matrix and interact with them in a complex manner. Extracellular matrix and integrins play an important role in cell functions and their aberrant expressions are implicated in breast cancer development, invasion and metastasis. ER beta is certainly associated with more differentiated tumors, while evidence of role of ER beta is controversial. The highly invasive breast cancer ER beta negative cell line MDA-MB 231 can be the model of exam the role of ER beta in breast cancer. The aim of this study was to examine the role of activation of ER beta on the metabolism of the extracellular matrix and the expression of beta-1 integrin in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 231. The cells were exposed on the estradiol, tamoxifen, raloxifen and genisteina in dose dependent concentrations. To determine the relative rate of collagen syntesis we measured the time-dependent reduction of collagen-bound radioactivity after pulse-chase labeling with [3 H] prolina by Peterkofsky methods. The expression of beta-1 integrin was determine by Western blot analysis. The activity of MMP2 and 9 were measured using gelatin zymography with an image analysis system. Our data suggest on the role of estrogen receptor beta on the metabolism of extracellular matrix in the breast cancer line MDA - MB 231. Estradiol and SERMs regulate the expression of ECM proteins: collagen, integrins and enhance activity of metaloproteinases 2 and 9