185 research outputs found

    Cichy katastrofizm: Czesław Miłosz i Józef Czechowicz

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    Tekst stanowi próbę porównania poetyckiego języka Józefa Czechowicza i Czesława Miłosza w kontekście katastrofizmu. Tych dwu poetów łączy wykorzystanie tzw. cichego katastrofizmu. Są wyrazicielami emocji całej polskiej społeczności okresu międzywojnia. Teksty te są ekspresyjne, wręcz afektywne – jednak nie niedelikatne, co stanowi o fenomenie ich twórczości

    Railway network of Galicia and Austrian Silesia (1847-1914)

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    We describe and share reconstructed data of the historical railway network of Galicia and Austrian Silesia – two regions of the Habsburg Empire that covered more than 80 000 km2 that are currently divided among Czechia, Poland and Ukraine. The network dataset includes the times of railway appearance and of the most dynamic development until 1914, which marked the outbreak of the First World War. Most of the lines were reconstructed based on OpenStreetMap data, and the lines, which were closed down between 1914 and 2019 and are no longer available in spatial datasets, were reconstructed based on high-resolution satellite imagery and historical maps. Altogether, the network dataset covers nearly 5000 km on 127 lines. The data are accompanied by a set of attributes, i.e. the year of construction, length, starting point, finish point, and type (normal, narrow-gauge, etc.), and are available for download in the shp format

    Forest recovery in set-aside windthrow is facilitated by fast growth of advance regeneration

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    Funding This study was conducted as a part of research project 2012/07/ B/NZ8/01908 “Patterns and drivers of the regeneration processes following catastrophic wind disturbances in forests” funded by the Polish National Science Foundation (NCN) and research project Poland N N304 048934 “Comparison of the dynamics of woody species and vascular plants in active and passive protected areas of the Roztoczański National Park” funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. This work was also partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (DS 3421/ZBL).The disturbance of a research plot by a windstorm allowed us to study the role of the seedling bank in the regeneration processes. The released advance regeneration dominated among the saplings; taller individuals retained their position until the end of the study. Pioneer species occurred sporadically. Seven years after the disturbance, the windthrow was covered by a dense thicket of young trees. Context: The dominant role played by advance regeneration in natural regeneration processes after intense wind disturbances is still a matter of dispute. Aims: We took advantage of a windstorm in one of our research plots to study the role of the seedling bank released by the disturbance in the regeneration processes. Methods: We collected data in 70 plots, recording the survivorship of seedlings, annual height growth, and signs of browsing. The height ranking was analyzed with Kendall’s concordance coefficient, and the height growth rates were compared using Dunn’s test. Results: The density of seedlings increased from 6.7/m2 in 2008 to 8.1/m2 in 2010 and then decreased to 1.2/m2 in 2015. The density of saplings increased continuously from 0.14 to 1.9/m2. The highest size differentiation occurred in sycamore maple; the individuals which were taller before the windstorm retained their position until the year 2015. The only species that was recruited mainly from germinants was European hornbeam. Conclusion: The advance regeneration released by the windstorm played a major role in the regeneration process, while pioneer species occurred only sporadically. Seven years after the disturbance, the windthrow was already covered by a dense thicket of young trees.NC

    Melpomena w krótkich spodenkach

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    Impact of future land use change on large carnivores connectivity in the Polish Carpathians

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    The Polish Carpathians, like many mountain areas in Europe, are currently facing dynamic land use changes that will shape their future landscapes. As there are many different possible scenarios of potential change, we compared three different land use scenarios up until the year 2060 and assessed their impact on the potential habitat connectivity of two large carnivores—wolf (Canis lupus) and lynx (Lynx lynx). We first analysed the main directions of change within and outside the pan-European wildlife corridor located in the western part of the Polish Carpathians. Then we calculated and compared least-cost paths among randomly selected points for each land use scenario separately. Our results showed that the main direction of change—forest cover increase—may positively influence habitat connectivity for both wolf and lynx. However, due to the future spread of settlements, this positive impact might be locally limited. Therefore, to realise the potential conservation opportunities resulting from on-going land use changes, adequate orientation of spatial planning towards habitat connectivity is crucial

    Mid-19th-century building structure locations in Galicia and Austrian Silesia under the Habsburg Monarchy

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    We produced a reconstruction of mid-19th-century building structure locations in former Galicia and Austrian Silesia (parts of the Habsburg Monarchy), which are located in present-day Czechia, Poland, and Ukraine and cover more than 80 000 km2. Our reconstruction was based on a homogeneous series of detailed Second Military Survey maps (1:28 800) that were the result of a cadastral mapping (1:2880) generalization. The dataset consists of two types of building structures based on the original map legend - residential and outbuildings (mainly farm-related buildings). The dataset's accuracy was assessed quantitatively and qualitatively by using independent data sources and may serve as an important input in studying long-term socioeconomic processes and human-environmental interactions or as a valuable reference for continental settlement reconstructions. The dataset is available at https://doi.org/10.17632/md8jp9ny9z.2 (Kaim et al., 2020a)

    Mid-19th century road network dataset for Galicia and Austrian Silesia, Habsburg Empire

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    In this paper, we present the vector dataset of the historical road network of Galicia and Austrian Silesia (>80 000 km^{2}) in the mid-19th century - two regions of the former Habsburg Empire, located in Central Europe. The data were acquired manually from 455 map sheets of the Austrian second military survey map (1:28,800) for the four main road categories, according to the map legend. All the road categories present the roads passable at any time of the year, which was strategic information from the military point of view and build a network of 15 461 km. Currently, the data can be used by various researchers studying migrations, regional development, but also human impact on the environment, like land use change, invasive species introduction or landscape fragmentation. The dataset presents the times just before the most dynamic economic changes of the 19th century, which had a great impact on the region. On the other hand, the road network presented here was developed in the conditions of one country, the Habsburg Empire, which collapsed after the First World War, triggering the rise of new states and remodelling the transport network connections in Central Europe. Additionally, the data are accompanied by the layer of towns and villages with more than 2000 inhabitants, based on the 1857 Austrian census data

    Poezja polska po roku 2000: diagnozy, problemy, interpretacje

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: historia literatury polskiej \u2013 20-21 w.; poezja polska \u2013 21 w.; krytyka literacka polska \u2013 20-21 w.; literatura polska \u2013 tematyka \u2013 20-21 w.; literatura a kultura nowoczesn