38 research outputs found

    An International Expert Delphi Consensus to Develop Dedicated Geriatric Radiation Oncology Curriculum Learning Outcomes.

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    PURPOSE: The management of older adults with cancer is rapidly becoming a significant challenge in radiation oncology (RO) practice. The education of future radiation oncologists in geriatric oncology is fundamental to ensuring that older adults receive high-quality care. Currently RO trainees receive little training and education in geriatric oncology. The objective of this study was to define core geriatric RO curriculum learning outcomes relevant to RO trainees worldwide. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A 2-stage modified Delphi consensus was conducted. Stage 1 involved the formation of an expert reference panel (ERP) of multiprofessional experts in geriatric oncology and/or RO and the compilation of a potential geriatric RO learning outcomes set. Stage 2 involved 3 iterative rounds: round 1 and round 2 (both online surveys), and an intervening ERP round. These aimed at identifying and refining ideal geriatric RO learning outcomes. Invited participants for round 1 and 2 included oncology health care professionals with expertise across RO, geriatric oncology, and/or education and consumers. Predefined Delphi consensus definitions were applied to the results of rounds 1 and 2. RESULTS: An ERP of 11 experts in geriatric oncology and/or RO was formed. Seventy potential knowledge- and skill-based learning outcomes were identified. In round 1, 103 of 179 invited eligible Delphi participants completed the survey (58% response rate). The ERP round was conducted, resulting in the exclusion of 28 learning outcomes. In round 2, 54 of 103 completed the survey (52% response rate). This identified a final total of 33 geriatric RO learning outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The geriatric RO learning outcomes described in this study form an international consensus that can inform RO training bodies worldwide. This represents the first fundamental step in developing a global educational framework aimed at improving RO trainee knowledge and skills in geriatric oncology

    Hydrorefining of hydrocarbon fraction from waste plastics cracking

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    W wyniku krakingu mieszaniny tworzyw sztucznych otrzymano frakcj臋 w臋glowodorow膮 o szerokim zakresie temperatury wrzenia, zawieraj膮c膮 zwi膮zki heteroorganiczne. Z otrzymanego produktu wydzielono frakcj臋 o zakresie temperatury wrzenia do 330掳C. Frakcj臋 t臋 poddano hydrorafinacji na katalizatorze stosowanym w rafineryjnych instalacjach hydroodsiarczania (NiMo/Al2O3). Stwierdzono ca艂kowite hydroodchlorowanie frakcji pod ci艣nieniem 3 MPa, przy przep艂ywie surowca LHSV = 1 h-1, stosunku wod贸r/surowiec 300 Ndm3/dm3, w temperaturze 260掳C i wy偶szej. W trakcie procesu przebiega艂o tak偶e nasycanie w臋glowodor贸w olefinowych. Konwersja ros艂a wraz ze wzrostem temperatury prowadzenia procesu. Ustalono, 偶e chlorek amonu, tworz膮cy si臋 podczas ch艂odzenia produktu hydrorafinacji, osadza si臋 na 艣ciankach ruroci膮g贸w i aparat贸w.The hydrocarbon fraction of vast boiling temperature range was obtained from cracking of waste plastics. The product contained heterorganic compounds. The fraction of boiling temperature below 330掳C was isolated from the product by distillation and hydrorefined on NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst. Thecomplete hydrodechlorination was found at 3 MPa, LHSV=1 h-1, hydrogen/crude ratio 300 Ndm3/dm3 and temperature equal to 260掳C and higher. Saturation of olefins during the process was also noticed. The higher temperature, the higher yield of olefins hydrogenation. The by- product of process was ammonium chloride fouled on pipes and vessels after cooling

    Influence of heteroatom containing plastics on yield and properties of polyolefin cracking products

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    W pracy przeanalizowano wp艂yw potencjalnych zanieczyszcze艅 surowca dla instalacji krakingu odpadowych poliolefinowych tworzyw sztucznych na przebieg procesu oraz wydajno艣膰 i w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizykochemiczne produktu. Ustalono wp艂yw obecno艣ci powszechnie stosowanych tworzyw sztucznych zawieraj膮cych azot (poliamidy), chlor (PVC) i tlen (PET) oraz mieszaniny tych polimer贸w z celuloz膮. Stwierdzono, 偶e obecno艣膰 wymienionych materia艂贸w niekorzystnie wp艂ywa na proces i jego produkty. Wzrasta wydajno艣膰 koksu, spada wydajno艣膰 i pogarszaj膮 si臋 niskotemperaturowe w艂a艣ciwo艣ci g艂贸wnego produktu procesu. Ponadto produkt ten zawiera chlorowe, azotowe lub/i tlenowe zwi膮zki organiczne.The influence of the waste polyolefin contamination on the catalytic cracking process, yield and physicochemical properties of the products was analyzed. The incidence of the common plastics containing nitrogen, chlorine and oxygen or cellulose in the reaction environment was examined and found disadvantageous. It causes coke yield increasing and liquid product yield decreasing. The low-temperature properties of the liquid hydrocarbon fraction are worse and it contains heteroatom organic compounds

    Analysis of polyolefin cracking conditions on product properties

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    W pracy opisano badania laboratoryjne nad krakingiem katalitycznym lub/i termicznym odpadowych, poliolefinowych tworzyw sztucznych. Ustalono wp艂yw parametr贸w pracy reaktora, takich jak temperatura, ilo艣膰 i jako艣膰 surowca, stosunek masowy wsad/katalizator, pr臋dko艣膰 przep艂ywu gazu inertnego, na przebieg procesu, uzyski produkt贸w oraz w艂asno艣ci fizyko-chemiczne frakcji w臋glowodorowej o szerokim zakresie temperatury wrzenia. Stwierdzono, 偶e wzrost ilo艣ci ciep艂a lub pr臋dko艣ci przep艂ywu gazu oraz spadek stosunku masowego wsad/katalizator lub ilo艣ci wsadu przyspiesza proces. Wzrost pr臋dko艣ci procesu powoduje zwi臋kszenie wydajno艣ci ci臋偶szych frakcji kosztem wydajno艣ci frakcji benzynowej. Zmiany wymienionych parametr贸w w niewielkim zakresie wp艂ywaj膮 na uzyski produkt贸w procesu.Effect of the parameters of waste polyolefin catalytic cracking reaction (temperature, quantity and quality of plastics, ratio of plastics/catalyst and flow rate of inert gas) on the course and yield of reaction, as well as on physicochemical properties of the liquid hydrocarbon fraction was studied. The results showed that increasing either temperature or flow rate of inert gas accelerated the conversion of waste plastics. A similar effect was observed after decreasing the mass ratio of plastics/catalyst or quantity of waste polyolefin. The changes of the examined factors hardly had an effect on the yield of reaction. Moreover, the acceleration of the process caused a decrease of gasoline and an increase in concentration of heavier hydrocarbons

    Use of hydrorefined product from decomposition of waste plastics as liquid fuels components

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    Z produktu krakingu tworzyw sztucznych (g艂贸wnie polietylenu) po hydrorafinacji wydzielono frakcje o zakresie temperatury wrzenia charakterystycznym dla benzyny silnikowej i oleju nap臋dowego. Stwierdzono, 偶e frakcja benzynowa charakteryzuje si臋 na tyle niskimi warto艣ciami liczby oktanowej, 偶e mo偶na j膮 zmiesza膰 z komercyjn膮 benzyn膮 silnikow膮 w stosunku masowym nie wi臋kszym ni偶 odpowiednio 1:99. Wy偶sza zawarto艣膰 tej frakcji sprawia, 偶e skomponowane paliwo nie spe艂nia wymaga艅 normy co do liczby oktanowej. Frakcja olejowa zosta艂a wkomponowana do handlowego oleju nap臋dowego i lekkiego oleju opa艂owego. Wzrost ich zawarto艣ci niekorzystnie wp艂ywa na w艂asno艣ci niskotemperaturowe paliw. Niemniej jednak olej nap臋dowy o zawarto艣ci 10% mas. frakcji i olej opa艂owy zawieraj膮cy 20% mas. frakcji olejowej spe艂niaj膮 wymagania przedmiotowych norm.Gasoline and diesel oil fractions were separated from hydro-refined broad-boiling liquid product of plastic (mainly polyethylene) waste pyrolysis. The gasoline fraction had very low octane number (RON and MON), and it could be mixed with commercial gasoline at mass ratio 1:99 relatively. The higher share of the fraction caused that the composed fuel did not match the octane number standard requirements. The diesel oil fraction was mixed with commercial diesel oil and fuel oil. The more share of the fraction, the worse low-temperature properties of the composed fuels. However, diesel oil containing 10% mas. and fuel oil containing 20% mas. of the fraction met the standard requirements