17 research outputs found
Strategic Planning for Environmental Stewardship at Eastern Kentucky University
The 2006-2010 Strategic Plan for Eastern Kentucky University, under Strategic Direction 5.4, mandates the formulation of a plan to guide the University toward greater environmental stewardship. The creation and implementation of that plan is the charge of the Eastern Committee on Responsible Environmental Stewardship (ECRES), which was formed in September of 2005. On October 27th, 2006, ECRES hosted a Strategic Planning Workshop. This workshop brought together a wide range of paticipants, including elected officials, college and university representatives, and interested citizens. The result was a broad consensus in the identification of environmental goals and objectives toward which EKU should strive
Host-protozoans-bacteria-fungi interrelations in the mouths of patients with systemic illnesses
The aim of this work was to study clinical changes and microorganisms in mouths of three patient groups: with congenital disorders (Cd), dialyzed (D) and control (C). Fifty five patients, 20 to 62 years old were assessed. Swabs and samples of periodontal tissue were used for microscopical study to detect of protozoans and for bacterial and fungal cultures. E. Gingivalis and T. tenax were found in all groups. Three out of Cd patients were infected with Acanthamoeba sp. Fecal bacteria were more often found in D than Cd. In all 30-40 years old D patients, fecal bacteria and various strains of C. albicans occurred. We found that systemie diseases favour instabilities in mouths changing interrelations between protozoa, bacteria and fungi. It may increase risk of clinical complications