4 research outputs found

    Historia rozwoju dermatologii i wenerologii na Podkarpaciu

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    Historia dermatologii i wenerologii na Podkarpaciu si臋ga XIX wieku. Dzi臋ki wielkiemu po艣wi臋ceniu i zaanga偶owaniu personelu medycznego mo偶liwe by艂o utworzenie pierwszych o艣rodk贸w dermatologicznych i wenerologicznych, nios膮cych pomoc chorym ze schorzeniami sk贸rnymi i chorobami przenoszonymi drog膮 p艂ciow膮. Ci膮g艂e starania i ci臋偶ka praca zaowocowa艂y poprawieniem jako艣ci i zwi臋kszeniem dost臋pu pacjent贸w do 艣wiadcze艅 zdrowotnych. Obecnie na Podkarpaciu funkcjonuje sze艣膰 oddzia艂贸w dermatologicznych, a ponadto s膮 tu liczne poradnie dermatologiczne, wyposa偶one w sprz臋t pozwalaj膮cy na diagnostyk臋 oraz leczenie schorze艅 dermatologicznych i popraw臋 komfortu 偶ycia chorych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono histori臋 i rozw贸j wybranych oddzia艂贸w i poradni dermatologicznych na terenie Podkarpacia

    Hornswogglers, whangdoodles and other dirty beasts : the comic grotesque in Roald Dahl's writings for children

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    The purpose of this thesis will be to substantiate the claim that Roald Dahl, the author of humorous writings for children, is simultaneously an avid creator of grotesque fiction. My argument is based on the premise that unless one views Dahl's texts in terms of their grotesque influence, critical evaluation of his work inevitably becomes reduced to a question of taste. A diachronic overview of the term "grotesque" is presented beginning with its delineation of an artistic mode in early Rome to its Rabelaisian extensions during the sixteenth century. The origins of the word are established, and its changing meaning throughout history is examined. A synchronic approach to the study follows, tracing both modern and post-modern theories of the grotesque. Of particular importance to the survey is Bakhtin's Rabelais and His World. By emphasizing the "positive, regenerating, creative" powers of laughter, Rabelais comes closest to defining the comic grotesque as embodied in Dahl's fiction. The final portion of the thesis is devoted to an interpretation of such texts as The Twits, George's Marvelous Medicine, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Dahl's treatment of character, his development of plot, and his use of language are discussed in relation to previous theories of the grotesque. A psychological defense of the genre is offered as a conclusion to the study. Ultimately, the grotesque will be viewed in its cathartic role: helping children work through feelings of oppression in a world governed by adult authority

    Why Does Obesity as an Inflammatory Condition Predispose to Colorectal Cancer?

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    Obesity is a complex and multifactorial problem of global importance. Additionally, obesity causes chronic inflammation, upregulates cell growth, disturbs the immune system, and causes genomic instability, increasing the risk of carcinogenesis. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers, and it has become a global problem. In 2018, there were around 1.8 million new cases and around 881,000 deaths worldwide. Another risk factor of colorectal cancer associated with obesity is poor diet. A Western diet, including a high intake of red and processed meat and a low consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and fiber, may increase the risk of both colorectal cancer and obesity. Moreover, the Western diet is associated with a proinflammatory profile diet, which may also affect chronic low-grade inflammation. In fact, people with obesity often present gut dysbiosis, increased inflammation, and risk of colorectal cancer. In this article, the association between obesity and colorectal cancer is discussed, including the most important mechanisms, such as low-grade chronic inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and poor diet

    Where Do We Stand in the Behavioral Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? The Western Dietary Pattern and Microbiota鈥擜 Narrative Review

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    Despite the increasing knowledge with regard to IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn鈥檚 disease (CD), the etiology of these conditions is still not fully understood. Apart from immunological, environmental and nutritional factors, which have already been well documented, it is worthwhile to look at the possible impact of genetic factors, as well as the composition of the microbiota in patients suffering from IBD. New technologies in biochemistry allow to obtain information that can add to the current state of knowledge in IBD etiology