2 research outputs found
Is body mass index associated with asthma in children?
Wst臋p: Astma oskrzelowa jest chorob膮 o z艂o偶onej patogenezie. Istotnym czynnikiem ryzyka zachorowa艅 i przebiegu choroby
jest oty艂o艣膰. Celem pracy by艂a ocena zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy mas膮 cia艂a a stopniem ci臋偶ko艣ci choroby oraz wst臋pna analiza
czynnik贸w o potencjalnym wp艂ywie na stan od偶ywienia u chorych na astm臋 oskrzelow膮.
Materia艂 i metody: Badaniem obj臋to 101 dzieci chorych na przewlek艂膮 astm臋 oskrzelow膮 lekk膮, umiarkowan膮 i ci臋偶k膮. Dane
na temat przebiegu choroby uzyskano z wywiadu i analizy dokumentacji lekarskiej. U wszystkich badanych wykonano
pomiar masy cia艂a i wysoko艣ci. Warto艣ci wska藕nika masy cia艂a (BMI) odniesiono do odpowiednich dla wieku siatek
centylowych. Grup臋 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 45 zdrowych dzieci w wieku szkolnym.
Wyniki: 艢rednia warto艣膰 centyli BMI u dzieci chorych na astm臋 nie r贸偶ni艂a si臋 znacz膮co w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 dzieci
zdrowych (odpowiednio 53,4 ± 32,3 i 59,5 ± 30,5). U chorych na astm臋 zaobserwowano wy偶sze warto艣ci centyli BMI
w艣r贸d ch艂opc贸w w por贸wnaniu z dziewczynkami (p = 0,018). Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnej zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy
warto艣ci膮 centyli BMI a stopniem ci臋偶ko艣ci astmy, chocia偶 zanotowano wy偶sze warto艣ci centyli BMI w艣r贸d chorych
ch艂opc贸w z ci臋偶k膮 astm膮 przewlek艂膮. Dawki steroid贸w wziewnych oraz czas ich stosowania nie mia艂y wp艂ywu na warto艣ci
centyli BMI. Alergia pokarmowa i atopowe zapalenie sk贸ry w przesz艂o艣ci mia艂y wp艂yw na warto艣膰 centyli BMI. Wnioski: 艢rednia warto艣膰 BMI u dzieci chorych na astm臋 nie r贸偶ni艂a si臋 w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 dzieci zdrowych. Nie
stwierdzono zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy warto艣ci膮 BMI a stopniem ci臋偶ko艣ci astmy i stosowanym leczeniem glikokortykosteroidami
wziewnymi.Introduction: Asthma is a disease with a complex pathogenesis. Obesity seems to be crucial risk factor for the development
and worse clinical outcome of the disease. The aim of the study was to assess the relation between the body weight and the
severity of asthma and preliminary analysis of factors influencing nutritional status among asthmatic children.
Material and methods: Complete data have been available for 101 children with mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe
persistent asthma. The questionnaires have been completed according to the physical and spirometric examination, analysis of
medical documentation and anamnesis. Weight and height were measured in all children. To estimate the body mass index (BMI)
values we used Body Mass Index Percentile Charts for Age. The control group consisted of 45 healthy school children.
Results: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children (53.4 ± 32.3 and
59.5 ± 30.5 respectively). Higher BMI percentiles for the age were observed among boys in comparison to girls (p =0.018).
We did not find statistically significant relation between values of BMI percentiles and severity of asthma, although higher BMI
values in boys with severe persistent asthma were noticed. Body mass index percentiles did not correlate with time of
treatment and the doses of inhaled corticosteroids. Food allergy and atopic dermatitis in the past influenced BMI values.
Conclusions: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children. The correlation
between BMI values and severity of asthma and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids were not found
Is Body Mass Index Associated with Asthma in Children?
Introduction: Asthma is a disease with a complex pathogenesis. Obesity seems to be crucial risk factor for the development and worse clinical outcome of the disease. The aim of the study was to assess the relation between the body weight and the severity of asthma and preliminary analysis of factors influencing nutritional status among asthmatic children. Material and methods: Complete data have been available for 101 children with mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent asthma. The questionnaires have been completed according to the physical and spirometric examination, analysis of medical documentation and anamnesis. Weight and height were measured in all children. To estimate the body mass index (BMI) values we used Body Mass Index Percentile Charts for Age. The control group consisted of 45 healthy school children. Results: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children (53.4 卤 32.3 and 59.5 卤 30.5 respectively). Higher BMI percentiles for the age were observed among boys in comparison to girls (p = 0.018). We did not find statistically significant relation between values of BMI percentiles and severity of asthma, although higher BMI values in boys with severe persistent asthma were noticed. Body mass index percentiles did not correlate with time of treatment and the doses of inhaled corticosteroids. Food allergy and atopic dermatitis in the past influenced BMI values. Conclusions: Mean BMI percentile for age in asthmatic children did not significantly differ from healthy children. The correlation between BMI values and severity of asthma and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids were not found