6 research outputs found

    Power of MOOC - time to polish system solutions

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    MOOC-i, czyli masowe otwarte kursy online to nowoczesna, efektywna i bardzo wygodna forma kszta艂cenia docieraj膮ca do szerokiego grona odbiorc贸w. MOOC-i umo偶liwiaj膮 prowadzenie zaj臋膰 o szerokiej tematyce pocz膮wszy od kurs贸w poradniczych, przez popularnonaukowe po wyja艣niaj膮ce z艂o偶one zagadnienia techniczne. Artyku艂 prezentowany przez Fundacj臋 M艂odej Nauki po艣wi臋cony jest inicjatywie maj膮cej wspiera膰 powstawanie i promowanie polskich MOOC-贸w, omawia podj臋te ju偶 dzia艂ania i zdobyte do艣wiadczenia oraz ukazuje drog臋, jaka stoi przed tw贸rcami polskich kurs贸w.MOOC, massive open online courses is a modern, efficient and very convenient form of education that reaches a wide audience. MOOCs are dedicated for a broad-themed courses from the courses guidance, by popular after explaining complex technical issues. Article presented by the Foundation of Young Science is an initiative dedicated to support the creation and promotion of Polish MOOC Facilities, discusses the work already undertaken and lessons learned, and shows the way, which is facing the creators of Polish courses

    In vitro propagation of Rhododendron tomentosum - an endangered essential oil bearing plant from peatland

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    Rhododendron tomentosum Harmaja (formerly Ledum palustre L.) is a medicinal peat bog plant native to northern Europe, Asia and North America. This plant has a distinctive aroma thanks to the presence of essential oil, to which it also owes its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and insecticidal properties. However, in Europe R. tomentosum is classified as an endangered species, mainly due to degradation of peatlands. In the present work, the micropropagation protocol for R. tomentosum was established for the first time, providing both an ex situ conservation tool and a means of continuous production of in vivo and in vitro plant material for further studies. R. tomentosum microshoots were initiated from leaf explants and further multiplied using Schenk- Hildebrandt (SH) medium supplemented with 9.84 渭M 2iP and 1.00 渭M TDZ. The shoots were elongated on the SH medium supplemented with 24.6 渭M 2iP and subsequently rooted using the perlite substrate saturated with half-strength Woody Plant medium supplemented with 1.0% sucrose and 4.92 渭M IBA. The regenerated plants were hardened on the phytohormone-free SH medium and acclimatized using 3:1:1 deacidified peat:perlite:gravel substrate. The identity of the mother plant was confirmed at morphological and molecular levels and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was implemented to assess the genetic fidelity of the regenerants. The essential oil content of the maternal plant, in vitro shoots and the regenerants was determined by steamdistillation, and the obtained volatile fractions were analyzed by GC/MS

    Emerging trends in photodegradation of petrochemical wastes: a review

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