18 research outputs found

    South African Paediatric Surgical Outcomes Study : a 14-day prospective, observational cohort study of paediatric surgical patients

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    BACKGROUND : Children comprise a large proportion of the population in sub-Saharan Africa. The burden of paediatric surgical disease exceeds available resources in Africa, potentially increasing morbidity and mortality. There are few prospective paediatric perioperative outcomes studies, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS : We conducted a 14-day multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of paediatric patients (aged <16 yrs) undergoing surgery in 43 government-funded hospitals in South Africa. The primary outcome was the incidence of in-hospital postoperative complications. RESULTS : We recruited 2024 patients at 43 hospitals. The overall incidence of postoperative complications was 9.7% [95% confidence interval (CI): 8.4–11.0]. The most common postoperative complications were infective (7.3%; 95% CI: 6.2–8.4%). In-hospital mortality rate was 1.1% (95% CI: 0.6–1.5), of which nine of the deaths (41%) were in ASA physical status 1 and 2 patients. The preoperative risk factors independently associated with postoperative complications were ASA physcial status, urgency of surgery, severity of surgery, and an infective indication for surgery. CONCLUSIONS : The risk factors, frequency, and type of complications after paediatric surgery differ between LMICs and high-income countries. The in-hospital mortality is 10 times greater than in high-income countries. These findings should be used to develop strategies to improve paediatric surgical outcomes in LMICs, and support the need for larger prospective, observational paediatric surgical outcomes research in LMICs. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION : NCT03367832.Jan Pretorius Research Fund; Discipline of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal; Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town; Department of Anaesthesia, University of the Witwatersrand; and the Paediatric Anaesthesia Community of South Africa (PACSA).https://bjanaesthesia.org2020-02-01gl2019Anaesthesiolog

    Metody monitoringu przestrzeni roboczej urządzenia transportowego

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    Paper is focusing on methods helping monitoring an operating surrounding of transport device. The special attention have been taken on overhead travelling cranes, playing crucial position in overloading hubs and other logistic type centres. Paper is describing the distance supervision techniques of transport devices with use visual tools, based on image analysis, as well as based on information technology solutions. The solutions of the process of exploitation monitoring are discussed, of both laboratorial equipment and the real objects. Additionally the visional solutions for selected technical objects and the proposals of their remote visual supervision are submitted. Visional systems are finding even broader application in industry, particularly in the identification and control systems and positioning the means of transport and the translocated loads. The particularly useful property of visional systems is the possibility for the observation realization in real time, contactless and remotely. Continuous monitoring and the observation of selected exploitation parameters of equipment enable the extension of knowledge in the range of the changes of their exploitation potential. In their result the working out of efficient legal procedures of servicing superintended means of transport is possible. In the essential manner visional technology influence on the level of automatism of systems and of transport means and the superintendences of their of technical state, but moreover they allow to design the integrated systems of transport means control, in particular in distributed system form. Visional technology have also influence on the security level and reliability of systems and means of transport. The tested solutions enable the realization of the superintendence of the exploitation process of the distributed technical objects with the use of internet nets in the on-line mode and in the preventive system mode. The submitted solutions will be the object of farther research directed on the decision processes of exploited technical objects.Przedmiotem artykułu są rozwiązania w zakresie obserwowania przestrzeni roboczej wybranego środka transportu bliskiego - suwnicy pomostowej. Uwagę zwrócono na budowę oraz badania układów zdalnego nadzorowania wybranych systemów technicznych dla potrzeb operatora z wykorzystaniem odpowiednio opracowanych układów monitoringu (technik wizyjnych). Omówiono rozwiązania monitorowania procesu eksploatacji, zarówno urządzeń laboratoryjnych jak i obiektów rzeczywistych. Dodatkowo przedstawiono rozwiązania wizyjne dla wybranych obiektów technicznych oraz propozycje ich zdalnego wizualnego nadzoru. Systemy wizyjne znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie w przemyśle, szczególnie w układach identyfikacji oraz sterowania i pozycjonowania środka transportu i przemieszczanego ładunku. Szczególnie przydatnymi własnościami układów wizyjnych jest możliwość realizacji obserwacji w czasie rzeczywistym, bezstykowo i zdalnie. Ciągły monitoring i obserwacja wybranych parametrów eksploatacyjnych urządzeń umożliwia poszerzenie wiedzy w zakresie zmian ich potencjału eksploatacyjnego. Możliwe jest w ich rezultacie opracowanie skutecznych procedur obsługowych nadzorowanych środków transportu. W istotny sposób techniki wizyjne wpływają na poziom automatyzacji systemów i środków transportowych oraz nadzorowania ich stanu technicznego, a ponadto umożliwiają budowę zintegrowanych systemów sterowania środkami transportu, w szczególności w układzie rozproszonym. Techniki wizyjne mają również wpływ na poziom bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności systemów i środków transportowych. Przetestowane rozwiązania umożliwiają realizację nadzorowania procesu użytkowania rozproszonych obiektów technicznych z użyciem sieci internetowych w trybie on - line oraz w układzie prewencyjnym. Przedstawione rozwiązania będą przedmiotem dalszych badań ukierunkowanych na procesy decyzyjne użytkowanych obiektów technicznych

    The application of image analysis methods in selected issue solution dedicated for overhead travelling

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    The paper talk over the proposal of use a combined vision system architecture for solved well known issue occurring in material handling devices (MHDs) exploitation, especially in the crane devices. The described in the presented paper stereovision system for work space mapping and non-contact sensor type for rope angle swinging measure were a part of solutions enabling a full autonomous navigation system (ANS) realized by the overhead travelling crane. In the paper special authors care was dedicated on two issues. The first one was connected with MHDs workspace mapping with built three-dimensional model of their structure. The second part of the paper considering the possibility of attaches image analysis technique into non-contact rope swinging sensor architecture. In this paper, two main problems were identified: crane workspace visualization and need of develop new type of anti-sway technique. For workspace, visualization technique of author's proposed, well known stereovision, but not in standard architecture (to compose stereovision picture one camera was use). In terms of anti-sway technique, authors choose close-loop control system. Thus was develop non-contact anti sway sensor. The common point of both developed methods (anti sway solution and workspace visualization) is vision methods. At the end raises a following conclusion: vision systems and image analysis method are perfect not only in acquiring an information about crane workspace and potential obstacles dimension (stereovision), but also useful as a standalone measurements system of chosen and useful crane parameters. All tests were conducted on the physical model of the scaled overhead travelling crane with 150 kg hosting capability

    Impact of transportation telematics to sustainbale development, India and Poland case study

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    This paper presents the positive impacts of telematics system in the sustainable development of any country. With the growing population and urbanization, high demand of movement of people and goods are occurring. From last few years in India, transportation system network is expanding rapidly and contributing a huge role into the economic growth. Due to the enhancement of traffic flow, there is need of implementation of telematics system so that the negative effects caused by the increased traffic can be converted in sustainable development of the country. Use of Telematics system in India and Poland can helps to improve the efficiency of transport system by minimize the fuel consumption which overall results into sustainable development by reducing the environmental effect by transportation. This paper outlines how the telematics system into transportation system aim to contribute in achieving sustainable development in country with the case studies of India and Poland

    Advanced communication system: for the survey of rail tracks to improve safety of rail transportation

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    Railway transportation is a backbone of any country for transporting people and cargo. At present Indian railway is the largest network in Asia. So that safety is always big concern. Here in this article low cost railway track surveillance and monitoring system is proposed which will identify drastic and minor changes into the railway track. It consist a high-resolution CMOS camera mounted on robot. It is designed like: it can easily roll on railway track. In case of any obstacle or train coming on track, robot folds itself and provides a path to pass the train. It is controlled by wireless control system, which can be operated from remote location or station. For accurate results, a live video streaming is done to the remote station for future references and comparison of results. On the assembly of robot, a GPS (Global Positioning System) is mounted to know the location of robot on the rail track. An obstacle detector sensor is also mounted on the front of the robot to detect any coming obstacle. In this article ultrasonic method (Non-Destructive Method) is also explained to detects presence of cracks on rail track in real time. Overall, power utilization of this system will be very low by operating this system by solar power. Signal processing and wireless communication system is used as technology, which cuts off the overall cost. By implementing this surveillance system, we can improve the safety parameters of Indian railway by minimizing the errors and reducing the time and cost

    Określanie chwilowego wzniesienia pokładu statku dla potrzeb sterowania suwnicą podczas operacji ładunkowych w portach morskich

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    The paper presents a proposal of a method for the computation of ship’s deck elevation at any time and location on-board. The need for such a computation results from an interaction between a ship and cargo being loaded or discharged by a gantry in port, in terms of heeling and rolling of the vessel. The main purpose of such modeling is the need for improvement of gantry control with regard to faster operations thanks to more accurate estimation of level and moment of cargo release from a gantry hook or spreader. The study may be the contribution to the development of gantry control systems in sea ports.W artykule przedstawiono propozycję metody obliczania chwilowego wzniosu pokładu statku podczas operacji ładunkowych w porcie. Potrzeba prowadzenia takich obliczeń wynika ze wzajemnego oddziaływania ładowanego ładunku na statek i odpowiednio – statku na proces załadunku. Statek doznaje bowiem zmiennego w czasie przechyłu wskutek umieszczenia na pokładzie bądź w ładowni dowolnej masy, np. kontenera. Zasadniczym celem opisywanych obliczeń jest poprawa dokładności sterowania suwnicą kontenerową poprzez wyznaczenie chwilowego poziomu pokładu w miejscu przeznaczenia każdego ładowanego kontenera i dalej – precyzyjne określenie wysokości i momentu ustawienia kontenera. Przeprowadzone badania mogą się przyczynić do rozwoju systemu sterowania suwnicami w portach morskich

    Implementation of intelligent vehicle safety system eCall type, India case study

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    The Indian government is still promoting eCall to minimize the number of roadway disaster by reducing the response time when an accident has occurred. The eCall system is combination of an In Vehicle System(IVS), consisting of a device with a GSM cell phone and GPS (Global Positioning System)for location Tracking facility and it all consist of corresponding infrastructure of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).This Intelligent Vehicle Safety System uses information and communication technologies for providing solutions for improving road safety in particular in the pre-crash phase when the accident can still be avoided or at least its severity significantly reduced. By using this system which can operate either manually or autonomously on-board the vehicle, the number of accidents and their severity can be reduced. The implementation of on board emergency call (eCall) is an ITS (Intelligent Transport System) service which has been already been deployed in different countries. Several private and public initiatives have already resulted into preliminary and pure private eCall services, mainly to the car industry. Location, enhanced emergency calls like in vehicle eCall have their primary benefit to society of saving lives and in offering an increased sense of security significance

    Wspomagany komputerowo system nadzorowania procesu eksploatacji środków transportu

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    Requirements put before means of transport are directed towards increasing exploitation's safety and dependability. It requires of evolution into preventive maintenance taking into consideration current technical state of a device. Preventive approach to the exploitation process of machines and devices requires specific methods and tools enable to study reasons and results of events occurred during exploitation as well as taking proper decision according to the scheduled strategy and environmental conditions. Keeping acceptable technical state of machines and devices is possible by applying continuous and periodic monitoring changes of exploitation parameters. Analysis of chosen exploitation parameters during monitoring technical object connected with knowledge about reason-result relationship allows taking effective actions. The programming environment, built for the aim of supervising the exploitation process of devices used in works transport is presented in the paper. Realized application, using InTouch software package, enables to aid in useroperator decision process and monitoring and visualization of crane's transportation process and exploitation of the device.Wymagania stawiane eksploatowanym środkom transportu są ukierunkowane na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności eksploatacyjnej oraz obniżenie kosztów eksploatacji. Urządzenia ewoluują w kierunku obsługiwania typu prewencyjnego z uwzględnieniem ich stanu technicznego. Prewencyjne podejście do procesu eksploatacji maszyn i urządzeń wymaga określonych metod i narzędzi umożliwiających badanie przyczyn i skutków zdarzeń zachodzących podczas eksploatacji systemu oraz podejmowanie właściwych decyzji, z uwzględnieniem przyjętych strategii i warunków otoczenia. Utrzymanie akceptowalnego stanu technicznego maszyn i urządzeń wymaga ciągłego i okresowego monitorowania zmian ich parametrów eksploatacyjnych. Analiza trendów zmian wybranych monitorowanych parametrów eksploatacyjnych obiektu technicznego w powiązaniu ze znajomością relacji przyczynowo-skutkowych w systemie, pozwala na podejmowanie skutecznych działań. W artykule przedstawione zostało środowisko programowe zbudowane do celów nadzorowania procesu eksploatacji urządzeń transportu bliskiego. Zrealizowana aplikacja, z wykorzystaniem pakietu programowego InTouch umożliwia wspomaganie procesu decyzyjnego użytkownika-operatora oraz monitorowanie oraz wizualizację procesu transportowego realizowanego przez suwnice

    Crane frame inspection using metal magnetic memory method

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    The large industrial cranes carry out transportation operations in the presence of a large impact load and mechanical stresses acting on the crane’s structure. The safety and efficiency of crane operations can be improved through providing the continuous structural health monitoring of crane’s equipment and components. Advanced non-destructive techniques can be employed for inspection of cranes during operation, that leads to reduce the down time costs and increase the safety confidence in the monitoring process. Magnetic flux leakage methods of non-destructive inspection are widely utilized in identification of damaged areas in steel structures. However, the traditional magnetic flux leakage techniques are more appropriate in detecting cracks, but not sensitive to the detection of micro-defects. Metal magnetic memory is a relatively novel method of detecting the micro-damage in ferro-magnets due to the stress concentration. This method proved its effectiveness in early identification of the possible defect location. However, the method is preferable to off-line inspection due to the presence of operational variations in on-line measurements that can cause false indications of damage. In this paper, the problem of continuous inspection of crane’s frame using the metal magnetic memory method is considered. The influence of operational variations on the self-magnetic flux leakage signal is investigated and quantitatively analysed based on the experimental results obtained on a laboratory-scaled overhead travelling crane

    Concept of the sustainable intelligent transport system, Iraq case study

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    Existing defi nitions for sustainable intelligent transport may vary and promote one particular dimension such as the environment (green transport), society (mass transport) or the economic dimension (eff ective and competitive transport). However, the sustainable intelligent transport is generally aimed at balancing the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the sector in an integrated manner to ensure synergies, complementarities, and coherence. The sustainable intelligent transport systems require, among other following features: the ability to provide safe means of transport socially inclusive, affordable, reliable, affordable and fuel/energy efficient, environmentally friendly, low-carbon and resilient to shocks and disturbances, including those caused by climate change and natural disasters. The three basic pillars of a sustainable transport system include economic, social and environmental aspects related to technology. The subject of the paper is the concept of the sustainable intelligent transport system on the Iraq example