5 research outputs found

    Attractiveness of Polish labour market for Ukrainian employees: reasons, mechanisms, and consequences of economic migration

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    Od czasu wejścia Polski do Unii Europejskiej jest obserwowany fenomen rosnącego zainteresowania obywateli Ukrainy podjęciem stałej pracy w Polsce i faktycznie ją podejmujących. Do niedawna pracownicy z krajów Europy Wschodniej znajdowali zatrudnienie sezonowe, pracując w rolnictwie, przy prostych pracach fizycznych, które nie wymagały kwalifikacji czy doświadczenia. Takie kraje, jak Wielka Brytania czy kraje skandynawskie przyciągały atrakcyjnymi zarobkami sumiennych i dobrze wykwalifikowanych pracowników. W efekcie migracji zarobkowych Polaków rodzimy rynek pracy zaczął odczuwać chroniczny brak pracowników. W tym samym czasie odnotowano zwiększone zainteresowanie migrantów ze Wschodu polskim rynkiem pracy. Od lat najliczniejszą grupę etniczną zatrudnianą przez polskich pracodawców stanowią Ukraińcy. Z powodu wojny, napięć politycznych i trudnej sytuacji ekonomicznej na Ukrainie w 2014 roku, stale rośnie liczba ukraińskich migrantów w Polsce. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza znaczenia migracji obywateli Ukrainy w rozwoju polskiego rynku pracy. Podstawowe pytania, na które starano się odpowiedzieć w artykule, dotyczyły przyczyn migracji zarobkowej ukraińskiej ludności do Polski, a także poziomu atrakcyjności polskiego rynku pracy dla Ukraińców z uwzględnieniem zróżnicowania regionalnego. Ponadto, udział Ukraińców w polskim rynku pracy poddano analizie pod względem: płci, okresu migracji, warunków zatrudnienia oraz wybieranych strategii przetrwania. Zwolennicy obecności obywateli Ukrainy w Polsce przekonują, że polski rynek pracy będzie dalej zainteresowany zatrudnianiem sąsiadów zza wschodniej granicy. Niewątpliwie, rosnące zainteresowanie przedsiębiorstw zasobem pracy ma swoje uzasadnienia m.in. w chęci zatrudniania Ukraińców, którzy są kulturowo bliscy Polakom i nie mają najmniejszych problemów z asymilacją w Polsce. Realizacja strategii zatrudniania pozwoli rozwiązać problem zapaści demograficznej de facto już od kilku lat obecnej w Polsce. Czynnikiem dodatkowo hamującym rozwój polskiego rynku pracy pozostaje nadwyżka osób z wyższym wykształceniem, a tym samym brakuje wykwalifikowanych pracowników fizycznych. Powinniśmy uzupełniać deficyt pracowników, wykorzystując instrumenty państwa oraz system instytucji rynku pracy w taki sposób, aby bliscy nam kulturowo Ukraińcy mogli stać się dobrym uzupełnieniem braków na rynku pracy w Polsce. Podsumowując kwestię korzyści dla polskiego rynku pracy, należy zauważyć, że wszystkie tu wskazane czynniki są następstwem obecności migrantów z Ukrainy na krajowym rynku w ujęciu tak lokalnym, jak i regionalnym. Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia praca obywateli Ukrainy na stanowiskach fizycznych sprzyja osiąganiu równowagi na wewnętrznym rynku pracy, pozostając uzupełnieniem znacznego niedoboru pracowników w niemalże wszystkich przekrojach stanowisk. W rezultacie atrakcyjność zatrudnienia obywateli Ukrainy na polskim rynku pracy głównie przekłada się na elastyczność zatrudnienia, określenie (wybór) formy prawnej zatrudniania migrantów, ich czas i system pracy a także ich osobistą dyspozycyjność. Zatrudnieni sumiennie wykonują powierzaną pracę, co bezpośrednio przekłada się na wyniki ekonomiczne działalności firm w postaci wyższych przychodów ze sprzedaży, osiąganych dzięki niższym kosztom pracy, zadowalającej wydajności, jakości i dyscyplinie wykonywanej pracy.Ever since Poland joined the European Union, the citizens of Ukraine have been increasingly interested in permanent employment in Poland, and many of them have actually found jobs in our country. Until recently, workers from Central and Eastern Europe were seasonal employees, working in agriculture or performing other simple physical work that did not require qualifications or experience. Later, however, countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden or Norway began to attract hardworking and well-qualified employees with high salaries. As a result of the migration of numerous Poles, the domestic labour market began to experience a chronic lack of staff. At the same time, migrants from the East started to manifest an increased interest in the Polish labour market. The largest ethnic group employed by Polish employers over the years are the Ukrainians. Because of the recent war, political tensions and the difficult economic situation in Ukraine in 2014, the number of Ukrainian migrants in Poland has been constantly growing. The main goal of the present paper is to analyze the importance of Ukrainian citizens' migration for the development of the Polish labour market. The main questions considered by the author are related to the causes of Ukrainian migration to Poland, the attractiveness of the Polish labour market for Ukrainians, with attention to regional differences. Moreover, the share of Ukrainians in the Polish labour market is analyzed in terms of gender, migration period, conditions of employment, and chosen survival strategies in foreign labour market.Justyna Szpakowska: [email protected] Buchwald: [email protected] Romanowski: [email protected] Szpakowska - studentka Wydziału Ekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowiemgr Tomasz Buchwald - doktorant Wydziału Gospodarki Międzynarodowej, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniudr Robert Romanowski - Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w PoznaniuBieniecki M., Pawlak M., 2009, Strategie przetrwania. 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    The role of ICT in creating the conscious development of green energy applications in times of crisis : comparison of Poland, Türkiye and People's Republic of China

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    PURPOSE: The main purpose of this article is to analyze and compare the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in creating awareness of the possibility to obtain and use green energy sources in the era of ecological, health, economic and political crisis in selected countries, Poland, Türkiye and the People's Republic of China (PRC).DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The comparative analysis was carried out at the turn of October and November 2022, i.e., during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis in the first two countries and the return of the pandemic in China, in the situation of the growing economic crisis in Poland and Türkiye, intensified by worsening political crises and the war in Ukraine. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire distributed using the CAWI method on the servers of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. The survey covered a group of 1,101 people, with the total of 483 participants.FINDINGS: The results of the study may be useful for practitioners to show possible strategies for the development and implementation of green energy in culturally diverse countries, located in different geographical regions.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The conclusions can be used by organizations that want to promote or sell green energy solutions as an alternative to traditional energy sources.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The value of the study is related to the fact that, for the first time in the literature, the authors carried out a comparative analysis of respondents' opinions on the use of ICT technologies in disseminating the idea of using green energy in place of traditional energy sources for countries which are culturally different and experience diverse crises conditions.peer-reviewe

    On a Comparative Analysis of Individual Customer Purchases on the Internet for Poland, Turkey and the People’s Republic of China at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The main purpose of this article is to compare the state and dynamics of e-commerce development in selected countries: Poland, Turkey and the PRC (People’s Republic of China), from the point of view of individual customers. The comparison was carried out in two stages: the first months of 2020 (before the COVID-19 pandemic) and the first months of 2021 (during the pandemic). The study conducted involved university students. The surveys were carried out using the CAWI method, and they were made available on the servers of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. The research sample included 650 individuals. Differences in the obtained results were evaluated using the City distance. The hypothesis concerning the lack of differentiation between the evaluations of individual e-commerce criteria was formulated, and it was disproved in the course of the study. The results of the research indicate that the variation between countries appeared mainly in relation to the direction of the development of e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic, the type of (mobile/traditional) device used to shop online and, above all, the specificity of the country where the study took place with its past experiences, cultural circumstances and shopping habits, as reflected in the development of online commerce. The limitation of the study was the fact that it was conducted in an academic environment and, at this stage, it was limited to the analysis of the results covering selected countries. Nevertheless, the valuable contribution and undoubted achievement of the work consist in the fact that, for the first time, e-commerce solutions have been compared for countries that are so culturally, economically and demographically different. The results of this study may be used by business practitioners to guide them on possible strategies regarding the development of e-commerce in their countries in the post-pandemic reality

    Amino acids, glycans, peptides and proteins in the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways of the 21st century civilization diseases : design, physicochemical and structural characterisation

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    The civilization diseases of the 21st century are non-infectious disorders, affecting a large part of modern society. They are associated with the significant development of industry and technology, and hence with environmental pollution and an unhealthy lifestyle. These factors have led to the development of many civilization diseases, which currently include: cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, obesity, malignant tumors, gastrointestinal diseases, mental disorders and allergic diseases. The development of technologies, including modern therapies and new drugs, resulted in increase in life expectancy. This creates a global problem of an aging population with an increasing number of diseases of the old age, i.e. dementias. In addition, sedentary lifestyles and changing diets are the reasons why more and more people develop metabolic diseases, as well as neurological and cognitive disorders characterized by progressive damage to nerve cells and dementia. Currently, problem on a global scale is also the growing resistance to existing antimicrobial drugs. Therefore, the scientists face many challenges related to searching for the causes of these diseases, their diagnosis and treatment. Scientific research conducted at the Department of Biomedical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk is part of this research trend. In this publication, we discuss various research topics with the long-term aim of solving the problems associated with the diseases mentioned above. The following chapters are dedicated to (i) looking for new effective fluorophores with diagnostic and anti-cancer activity; (ii) designing of new compounds with antibacterial and antiviral activity and their synthesis; (iii) investigating the mechanisms of amyloid deposit formation by human cystatin C and possibilities of inhibition of this process; (iv) designing and studies of compounds activating the proteasome with the potential to suppress the development of neurodegenerative diseases; (v) designing peptide fibrils and hydrogels as drug carriers; (vi) searching for peptide inhibitors of immune checkpoint as potential drugs for immunotherapy; (vii) studying the mechanism of action of selected herpesviruses by determining the structure of viral proteins and (viii) studying the composition of natural glycans and glycoconjugates in order to better understand the mechanisms of interaction of bacteria with the environment or with the host