15 research outputs found

    Effect of air temperature and relative humidity on the stored Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) seeds

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    In the years 2018-2021, experiments on the effect of air temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the storage of Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) seeds were carried out. Three different cultivars and one breeding line received from commercial plant breeding and seed production companies were used. All their seeds at the beginning of storage had high germination over 90%, and moisture content 7-8%. Then, they were stored for 30 months in the controlled conditions at 3 different temparatures:  7-8 °C, 10 °C and 25 °C, each with 2 different air relative humidty (RH): 25% or 45%. During the experiment, their quality was evaluated by germination test according to the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) protocol. Additionally, after 1 and 2 years of storage at 7-8 °C and 25% air RH, the seeds of the line were evaluated for their incidence of fungi. It was found out that seeds of the tested genotypes kept good germination at 7-8 °C and at 10 °C, i.e. after storing them, the same effect was achieved. Thus, the latter can effectively lower the costs of the seed storage in commercial seed trade of the crop. The electric current consumption for the seeds stored at 7-8 °C in comparison with 10 °C was higher by 11.2%. In seeds of 3 genotypes, after storing them for 30 months, their germination was better at the air RH 45% than at 25%. Generally, low temperature (7-8 °C) favoured growth of Penicillium spp. and Phoma spp. on Welsh onion seeds during 2 years of storage, while storing at higher temperature (25 °C) resulted in the increase in seed infestation with Cladosporium spp. and Fusarium spp. The results obtained from this research can be used as a guideline for the storage in climatic and RH controlled chambers of all genotypes belonging to Allium fistulosum species, with the aim to maintain its seed germination quality related to the duration of the storage and taking into consideration the operating energy costs

    Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on the germination, vigour and health of Zinnia elegans seeds

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    Znaczące zasiedlenie nasion cynii (Zinnia elegans J acq.) p rzez g rzyby, z właszcza przez patogena Alternaria zinniae, często skutkuje pogorszeniem zdolności kiełkowania nasion. W doświadczeniu badano wpływ nadtlenku wodoru (H2O2) na kiełkowanie, wigor i zdrowotność nasion cynii. Testowano dwie próby nasion: próbę I - charakteryzującą się niską zdolnością kiełkowania (39.5%) i wysokim poziomem porażenia nasion przez A. zinniae ( 76%) o raz p róbę I I - o dznaczającą s ię wysoką zdolnością kiełkowania (87%) i wolną od tego patogena. Nasiona traktowano poprzez moczenie w 3%, 6%, 9% i 12% roztworach H2O2 przez 10, 20, 30 i 60 min. Kontrolę stanowiły początkowo nasiona moczone w wodzie destylowanej przez 10, 20, 30 i 60 min, a następnie wyniki wybranych wariantów traktowania porównywano z wynikami uzyskanymi dla nasion nietraktowanych i nasion traktowanych fungicydem, zawierającym 20% karbendazymu i 45% tiuramu. Na nasionach najczęściej identyfikowano grzyby rodzajów Alternaria i Fusarium. Stężenie nadtlenku wodoru w większym stopniu wpływało na jakość nasion cynii niż czas traktowania. Niemniej, zastosowane traktowanie, bez względu na czas jego trwania i stężenie H2O2, korzystnie wpływało na zdrowotność nasion obu prób, znacząco ograniczając ich zasiedlenie przez grzyby. Ponadto, najniższy poziom infekcji przez A. zinniae obserwowano po traktowaniu nasion 6% i 9% roztworem H2O2 przez odpowiednio 60 i 20 min. Nadtlenek wodoru w wyższych stężeniach (9% i 12%) negatywnie wpływał na kiełkowanie i wigor nasion, zwłaszcza u próby II. Można wnioskować, że traktowanie nasion cynii nadtlenkiem wodoru skutecznie poprawia ich kiełkowanie głównie u prób silnie porażonych przez patogeny, co oznacza, że powinno być ono poprzedzone oceną zdrowotności nasion

    The Effect of Microwave Treatment on Germination and Health of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Seeds

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of microwave treatment on seed germination and health of carrot seeds using two seed lots naturally infected with the pathogens Alternaria dauci and A. radicina. Seeds of cv. Amsterdam and cv. Berlikumer varied in seed germination at the final count (50% and 29%, respectively), and seed infestation with A. radicina (38% and 5%, respectively). For treatment, seeds were placed in a Petri dish (dry treatment) or in a beaker with distilled water (wet treatment) and irradiated at power output levels 500, 650 and 750 W for 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 s. Germination and health were determined in treated and untreated (control) seed samples. Wet treatment controlled seed-borne fungi more efficiently than dry treatment. However, the exposure duration longer than 60 s frequently resulted in deterioration of seed germination. The highest seed germination in cv. Amsterdam was observed after microwave wet treatment at power output levels of 500 W for 75 s (81%), 650 W for 45 s (85%), and 750 W for 60 s (77%), whereas in the case of cv. Berlikumer this occurred when wet seeds were treated at 500 and 650 W for 60 s (46% and 43% respectively). Treating seeds soaked in water with microwaves for a period longer than 30 s, regardless of the power output, significantly decreased seed infestation with Alternaria spp. in both samples

    The effects of hydro- and osmopriming on the germination, vigour and hydrolytic enzymes activity of common zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jacq.) seeds

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    Priming is one of the most common methods of improving seed quality. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of hydro- and osmopriming on the germination, vigour and hydrolytic enzymes (α-amylase, β-glucosidase, exopeptidase and lipases) activity of zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jacq.) seeds. Seeds of three cultivars: Jowita, Kirke and Orys, and Z. elegans fl.pl., a mixture of cultivars (Mix), were tested. The seeds were hydroprimed in a restricted volume of water (200 μl H2O g−1 seed, 24 h at 15°C) and osmoprimed in a polyethylene glycol solution (−1.0 MPa PEG 8000, 5 days at 20°C). Untreated seeds served as the control. The cultivars differed significantly in terms of seed quality as well as response to priming. On average, ‘Jowita’ seeds were characterised by the highest quality, expressed by the total number of germinating seeds (Gmax) and germination at the 1st and 2nd counts. Mix seeds showed the lowest quality, expressed by germination at the 1st and 2nd counts and vigour. Generally, an increase in α-amylase activity and a decrease in lipase activity was found in hydroprimed and osmoprimed seeds, and α-amylase activity was significantly higher in ‘Jowita’ seeds than Mix seeds. The applied treatments did not affect β-glucosidase and exopeptidase activity in the tested seeds. Osmopriming accelerated seed germination and influenced α-amylase and lipase activity to a greater extent than hydropriming. Among the assayed enzymes, only the activity of α-amylase may be potentially useful for the seed industry as a physiological marker of zinnia seed vigour and the effectiveness of osmopriming

    Incubation methods for the detection of fungi associated with caraway (Carum carvi L.) seeds

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    S u m m a r y Introduction: Infestation with fungi may significantly affect the quality of seeds. However, there is no standard method for caraway (Carum carvi L.) seed health testing. Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the most efficient method of the detection of fungi associatyed with caraway seeds. Methods: Seven incubation methods for evaluation of health of these seeds were compared: deep freeze blotter test, blotter test with mannitol, blotter test with polyethylene glycol, agar tests on potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) and on reduced PDA (RPDA) without seed disinfection, and agar tests on PDA and RPDA after seed disinfection. The evaluation was performed after 10 and 14 days of incubation. Results: Thirty two fungal genera were associated with the seeds. Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium spp. and Rhizopus nigricans were identified most frequently. Prolongation of incubation time favoured growth of Fusarium spp. and R. nigricans to the highest extent. Conclusions: The greatest seed infestation with fungi, especially Alternaria spp., was observed in the deep freeze blotter test followed by the blotter test with mannitol. Both of them could be recommended for further study on caraway seed health testing

    The Effect of Acetic Acid Treatments on the Quality of Stored Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Seeds

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    Alternaria dauci (J.G. Kühn) J.W. Groves et Skolko and A. radicina Meier, Drechsler et E.D. Eddy are important seed-transmitted pathogens of carrot. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of acetic acid treatments on the quality of stored carrot seeds. Seeds of two samples were soaked for 30 min in 0.5, 1 and 2% acetic acid. Controls included untreated seeds, seeds soaked in distilled water and seeds treated with fungicide Zaprawa Nasienna T 75 WS/DS (a.i. thiram 75%). Germination, vigour and health of untreated and treated seeds were evaluated before and after 5 and 12 months of storage at 4 and 20 °C. Seeds of both samples treated with 0.5 and 1% acetic acid were characterized by higher germination capacity after storage than untreated seeds. However, treatments with 1 and 2% acetic acid negatively affected seed vigour. Generally, seeds of both samples treated with acetic acid were characterized by lower infestation with A. alternata and A. radicina after storage than untreated seeds and seeds soaked in distilled water. Moreover, acetic acid often controlled these fungi more effectively than the fungicide. Regardless of the storage duration, infestation with fungi was higher if seeds of both samples were stored at a lower temperature

    Experimental Paper. The effect of colour grading of milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) seeds on their quality for sowing

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    Introduction: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) is a medicinal plant belonging to Asteraceae family. Extract from milk thistle achenes (termed in practice as seeds) contains sylimarin, which protects liver cells against inorganic and organic toxic compounds. Objective: The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of colour grading on the quality of milk thistle seeds. Methods: Seeds were graded manually by colour according to the Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, issued in Great Britain. In three samples two fractions of seeds were separated: beige and brown, whereas seeds of the fourth sample were graded into three fractions: yellow, beige and brown. The 1000-seed weight and germination of graded and non-graded seeds were evaluated. Infestation of graded seeds with fungi was assessed. Results: Brown seeds had a higher 1000-seed weight than beige or yellow ones. Germination at the final count of beige seeds did not differ as compared to that of brown seeds or was even better. Milk thistle seeds were infested with numerous fungi, however Alternaria alternata and Ulocladium consortiale predominated. Conclusions: Less mature beige seeds can be used as sowing material because their germination at the final count did not differ as compared to that of fully mature brown seeds or was even better. Infestation of these seeds with some of the fungi was lower than brown seeds

    Przydatność ultrasonografii dopplerowskiej naczyń oczodołu w ocenie aktywności i ciężkości orbitopatii tarczycowej

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    Patients with symptoms of thyroid-associated orbitopathy are classified on the basis of the clinical activity score (CAS) proposed by Mourits in 1989. Despite its undoubted clinical usefulness, it has several limitations which can decide about the success or failure of the implemented treatment. Numerous reports mention the presence of hemodynamic changes in orbital and bulbar vessels in the course of an orbitopathy called Graves’ disease. The usage of Doppler sonography in the diagnosis of numerous ophthalmologic vascular diseases suggests that changes in thyroid-associated orbitopathy can correlate with the activity and severity of the disease. This paper presents the overview of the state-of-the-art concerning the usefulness of Doppler imaging in patient selection for the treatment of thyroid-associated orbitopathy. It has been shown that the velocity of blood flow in the superior ophthalmic vein, which is the most susceptible to changes in anatomical conditions in the enclosed orbital space, decreases in a statistically significant way. A decrease in blood flow velocity is closely associated with the active stage of the disease whereas reverse flow or its absence attest to severe orbitopathy and constitute a risk factor of ocular neuropathy. The activity of the inflammatory process in the eyeball is also confirmed by an increase in peak systolic velocity (PSV) in the ophthalmic artery and central retinal artery as well as end-diastolic velocity (EDV) in the ophthalmic artery. Resistance index values decrease in the ophthalmic artery and increase in the central retinal artery mainly in cases with considerable expansion of the extraocular muscles.Podstawą kwalifikacji do leczenia pacjentów z objawami orbitopatii tarczycowej jest skala aktywności choroby (clinical activity score, CAS), zaproponowana przez Mouritsa w 1989 roku. Mimo jej niewątpliwej przydatności klinicznej cechuje ją kilka ograniczeń, które mogą stanowić o sukcesie lub porażce zastosowanego leczenia. W licznych doniesieniach wykazywano zmiany hemodynamiczne, do jakich dochodzi w naczyniach oczodołu i gałki ocznej w przebiegu orbitopatii związanej z chorobą Gravesa. Wykorzystanie ultrasonografii dopplerowskiej w diagnostyce wielu schorzeń okulistycznych o podłożu naczyniowym pozwala sądzić, że również w orbitopatii tarczycowej zmiany te mogą korelować z aktywnością i ciężkością choroby. W poniższym opracowaniu przedstawiamy przegląd aktualnej wiedzy dotyczącej przydatności ultrasonografii dopplerowskiej w kwalifikacji pacjentów do leczenia orbitopatii tarczycowej. Wykazano statystycznie znamienne obniżenie prędkości przepływu krwi w żyle ocznej górnej, która jest naczyniem najbardziej podatnym na zmianę warunków anatomicznych w zamkniętej przestrzeni oczodołu. Obniżenie prędkości było ściśle związane z aktywną fazą choroby, natomiast przepływ odwrócony lub brak przepływu świadczyły o ciężkiej postaci orbitopatii i stanowiły czynnik ryzyka wystąpienia neuropatii nerwu wzrokowego. Aktywność procesu zapalnego w oczodole potwierdzają również: wzrost prędkości skurczowej (PSV) w tętnicy ocznej i tętnicy środkowej siatkówki oraz prędkości końcoworozkurczowej (EDV) w tętnicy ocznej. Natomiast wartości wskaźnika oporu ulegają obniżeniu w tętnicy ocznej, a rosną w tętnicy środkowej siatkówki, głównie w tych przypadkach, w których dochodzi do znacznego powiększenia objętości mięśni gałkoruchowych

    Evaluation of milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) seed germination in relation to seed health and seedling emergence

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    Introduction: : Milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) is an important medicinal plant. Achenes of milk thistle contain sylimarin, protecting liver cells against toxic compounds

    Wpływ pól elektromagnetycznych na jakość nasion cebuli (Allium cepa l.)

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    The aim of this paper was to establish whether electromagnetic fields (EMF) with a super low frequency (SLF) have a negative effect on onion seed quality. Three sectors were separated on the device emitting electromagnetic fields: „E” – sector emitting electromagnetic radiation with the predominance of the electrical component, „EM” – sector emitting electromagnetic radiation without domination of its components and „M” – sector with a predominance of magnetic component. Seed germination and vigour were evaluated at 20 oC in darkness. Mycological analysis was performed using a agar plate method. Exposure of seeds to electromagnetic fields did not affect Gmax. Treated seeds were characterized with significantly lower germination capacity and higher percentage of deformed abnormal seedlings than untreated seeds. Electromagnetic radiation with the predominance of electrical component (E), and electromagnetic radiation with the predominance of magnetic component (M) also significantly decreased the germination energy. The effect of electromagnetic fields on the speed of germination was ambiguous. Seeds treated with the electromagnetic field with predominance of magnetic component (M), and electromagnetic field without domination of its components (EM) germinated significantly less uniformly than control. Generally, exposure of seeds to electromagnetic fields did not influence the incidence of fungi.Celem prowadzonych badań było ustalenie, czy pola elektromagnetyczne (EMF) o super niskiej częstotliwości (SLF) mają negatywny wpływ na jakość nasion cebuli. Na urządzeniu emitującym pola elektromagnetyczne wyodrębniono trzy sektory: „E” – sektor emitujący promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne z przewagą składowej elektrycznej, „EM” – sektor emitujący promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne bez dominacji jego składowych oraz „M” – sektor z przewagą składowej magnetycznej. Kiełkowanie i wigor nasion oceniono w temperaturze 20 oC w ciemności. Analizę mikologiczną przeprowadzono za pomocą testu agarowego. Poddanie nasion działaniu pól elektromagnetycznych nie wpłynęło na wartość Gmax. Traktowane nasiona charakteryzowały się znacznie niższą zdolnością kiełkowania i wyższym odsetkiem siewek anormalnych zniekształconych niż nasiona nietraktowane. Promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne z przewagą składowej elektrycznej (E) oraz promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne z przewagą składowej magnetycznej (M) istotnie zmniejszyło także energię kiełkowania. Wpływ pól elektromagnetycznych na szybkość kiełkowania był niejednoznaczny. Nasiona poddane działaniu pola elektromagnetycznego z przewagą składowej magnetycznej (M) i pola elektromagnetycznego bez dominacji jego składowych (EM) kiełkowały istotnie mniej wyrównanie niż nasiona nietraktowane. Zasadniczo, poddanie nasion działaniu pól elektromagnetycznych nie miało wpływu na występowanie na nich grzybów