17 research outputs found

    Polymorphisms in xenobiotic transporters ABCB1, ABCG2, ABCC2, ABCC1, ABCC3 and multiple myeloma risk : a case--control study in the context of the International Q1 Multiple Myeloma rESEarch consortium

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological neoplasm that arises from a single clone of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. In Europe, 4.6/100 000 males and 3.2/100 000 females every year develop MM, with a median age at diagnosis around 60 years.Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Lodz, Poland) - NN40217833Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Madrid, Spain) - PI081051Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia (Sevilla, Spain) - P08-CVI-411

    Genetics and molecular epidemiology of multiple myeloma : the rationale for the IMMEnSE consortium (review)

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    There is strong evidence suggesting the presence of a genetic component in the aetiology of multiple myeloma (MM). However no genetic risk factors have been unequivocally established so far. To further our understanding of the genetic determinants of MM risk, a promising strategy is to collect a large set of patients in a consortium, as successfully done for other cancers. In this article, we review the main findings in the genetic susceptibility and pharmacogenetics of MM and present the strategy of the IMMEnSE (International Multiple Myeloma rESEarch) consortium in contributing to determine the role of genetic variation in pharmacogenetics and in MM risk.We acknowledge support by the recruiting hospitals and physicians of the study regions as well as their collaborating nurses and technicians. Collection of blood samples from Spain, patients from Granada area and DNA extraction was partially supported by grants P08-CVI-4116 from Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia (Sevilla, Spain) and PI081051 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Madrid, Spain). Collection of blood samples from Polish patients and controls from Lodz area and DNA extraction was supported by a grant from Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (No. N N402178334)

    Polimorfizm genu a predyspozycja genetyczna do szpiczaka mnogiego

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of adhesion and signaling genes may influence the etiopathogenesis of multiple myeloma (MM). CD38 molecule and its ligand CD31 are expressed and interact in malignant plasma cells and MM microenvironment. In this study we evaluated allele frequencies and distribution of two potentially functional CD38 SNPs, intronic rs6449182 (184C > G) and missense rs1800561 (418C > T, Arg140Trp) in 175 Caucasian patients with MM and 207 healthy blood donors. The carriers of variant G allele of the rs6449182 SNPs were found to have significantly elevated risk of MM as compared to non-carriers; odds ratio=5.69 (95% confidence interval=3.7–8.7), p < 0.0001. In contrast, rs1800561 SNP minor T allele was detected at very low and comparable frequencies in patients and controls groups. In conclusion, our data suggest that inherited genetic variation in CD38 gene may impact on the risk of MM development.Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of adhesion and signaling genes may influence the etiopathogenesis of multiple myeloma (MM). CD38 molecule and its ligand CD31 are expressed and interact in malignant plasma cells and MM microenvironment. In this study we evaluated allele frequencies and distribution of two potentially functional CD38 SNPs, intronic rs6449182 (184C &gt; G) and missense rs1800561 (418C &gt; T, Arg140Trp) in 175 Caucasian patients with MM and 207 healthy blood donors. The carriers of variant G allele of the rs6449182 SNPs were found to have significantly elevated risk of MM as compared to non-carriers; odds ratio=5.69 (95% confidence interval=3.7–8.7), p &lt; 0.0001. In contrast, rs1800561 SNP minor T allele was detected at very low and comparable frequencies in patients and controls groups. In conclusion, our data suggest that inherited genetic variation in CD38 gene may impact on the risk of MM development

    Tissue distribution of a menthyl-conjugated oligodeoxyribonucleotide antisense to PAI-1 mRNA

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    The inhibitory effect of numerous analogues of PO-16, an hexadecadeoxyribonucleotide antisense to sequences -22 to -17 of PAI-1 mRNA coding for a fragment of the signal peptide, on the expression of PAI-1 in endothelial cells, and physiological consequences of the subsequently reduced PAI-1 activity tested in vitro and in vivo, were described in our previous studies. Of particular interest was PO-16 5'-O-conjugated with menthyl phosphorothioate (MPO-16R). In this work, tissue localisation of MPO-16R labelled with [35S] phosphorothioate at the 3'-end, was determined. [35S]MPO-16R and control [35S]MPO-16R-SENSE oligonucleotides were administered intravenously into 22 rats and organ distribution of the labelled bioconjugates was assessed after 24 and 48 h. For this purpose, tissue sections were subjected to autoradiography, and quantitated by liquid scintillation after solubilisation. Overall clearance of radioactivity was already seen after 24 h, with the radioactivity recovered mainly in the kidney and liver. A smaller fraction of radioactivity was also retained in the spleen and heart. The kidney concentration of the labelled probe was higher than that of liver by 50%. The distribution of PAI-1 mRNA in untreated rat kidney, liver, spleen and heart established by two independent techniques: Ribonuclease Protection Assay and Real-Time PCR, shows the same pattern as that observed for [35S]MPO-16R antisense

    Cloning and expression of a new recombinant thrombolytic and anthithrombotic agent - a staphylokinase variant

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    To develop a more potent antithrombin agent with thrombolytic and antiplatelet properties, a new staphylokinase (SAK) variant was constructed. The kringle 2 domain (K2) of tissue type-plasminogen activator (t-PA) containing a fibrin-specific binding site (i), the RGD sequence (Arg-Gly-Asp) for the prevention of platelet aggregation (ii) and the antithrombotic agent - hirulog (iii) was assembled to the C-terminal part of recombinant staphylokinase (r-SAK). cDNA for the hybrid protein SAK-RGD-K2-Hirul was cloned into Pichia pastoris pPIC9K yeast expression vector. The introduction of K2 t-PA, the RGD sequence and hirulog into the C-terminus of r-SAK did not alter the staphylokinase activity. We observed a higher clot lysis potency of SAK-RGD-K2-Hirul as evidenced by a faster and more profound lysis of 125I-labeled human fibrin clots. The potency of thrombin inhibition by the hirulog C-terminal part of the recombinant fusion protein was almost identical to that of r-Hir alone. These results suggest that the SAK-RGD-K2-Hirul construct can be a more potent and faster-acting thrombolytic agent with better antithrombin and antiplatelet properties compared to r-SAK and SAK-RGD-K2-Hir