8 research outputs found

    Role of family physician in patient with chronic kidney disease care

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    Przewlekła choroba nerek (PChN) jako choroba ogólnoustrojowa prowadząca do zaburzenia równowagi organizmu, zarówno w kompartmencie wodno-elektrolitowym, jak i białkowo-energetycznym, stanowi znamienny problem w postępowaniu terapeutycznym. Im szybsza progresja choroby nerek, tym szybciej chory wymaga leczenia nerkozastępczego. Dlatego tak ważne jest szybkie i prawidłowe rozpoznanie PChN przez lekarza rodzinnego, dalsze postępowanie terapeutyczne i pokierowanie pacjenta do nefrologa. Rola lekarza rodzinnego w pierwszym etapie diagnozowania tej jednostki chorobowej jest kluczowym elementem postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego. Istotna jest również wiedza o procesach w zakresie czasokresu trwania choroby, zakresu badań specjalistycznych niezbędnych do postępowania diagnostyczno-nefrologicznego oraz monitorowanie przebiegu choroby. W opiece nad pacjentem z PChN leczonym hemodializami bardzo ważną rolę pełni również pielęgniarka środowiskowa. To ona w ścisłej współpracy i pod kierunkiem lekarza rodzinnego, który planuje i koordynuje opiekę pielęgniarską zgodnie z wybranym modelem pielęgnowania, ustala sposoby, formy, metody realizacji kompleksowej opieki pielęgniarskiej zgodnie z wiedzą i standardami obowiązującymi w medycynie i zgodnie z kodeksem etyki zawodowej. Właściwa współpraca lekarza rodzinnego, pielęgniarki środowiskowej i nefrologa na etapie diagnostyczno-terapeutycznym w PChN jest nieodzownym elementem sukcesu w szybkim wdrożeniu odpowiedniego leczenia, zminimalizowania działań niepożądanych, co w sposób bardzo istotny poprawi komfort życia i wydłuży okres przeżycia pacjentów z PChN.Chronic kidney disease (CKD), as a systemic disease leading to body balance disturbance in both water-electrolytic and protein-energetic compartments, is a serious problem in the therapeutic management. The more rapid the progression of kidney disease, the sooner the patient requires renal replacement therapy. Therefore, making a quick and correct diagnosis of CKD by a family physician, further therapeutic management, and referral of the patient to a nephrologist is extremely important. The role of a family physician at the first stage of diagnosing this pathological entity is the key element of the diagnostic-therapeutic management. Knowledge of the processes within the area of duration of the disease, scope of specialist tests indispensable in diagnostic-nephrologic management and monitoring of the course of the disease. An environmental nurse also plays a very important role in the care of a patient with CKD treated with dialyses. This nurse, in close cooperation and under supervision of a family physician who plans and coordinates nursing care in accordance with a selected model of nursing, establishes the ways, forms and methods of provision of a complex nursing care, according to the knowledge and standards valid in medicine, as well as the professional ethical code. Proper cooperation among a family physician, environmental nurse, and nephrologist at the diagnostic-therapeutic stage in CKD is an indispensable element of success in a quick implementation of appropriate treatment and minimization of adverse effects, which would considerably improve the life comfort and the period of survival of patients with CKD

    Przewlekła choroba nerek a leczenie przeciwpłytkowe — co warto wiedzieć?

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    Przewlekła choroba nerek jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, w tym ostrych zespołów wieńcowych. Ich leczenie w większości przypadków polega na wykonaniu przezskórnej angioplastyki wieńcowej i włączeniu podwójnej terapii przeciwpłytkowej. Leczenie przeciwpłytkowe u osób z przewlekłą chorobą nerek jest trudniejsze ze względu na zwiększone ryzyko powikłań zarówno zakrzepowo-zatorowych, jak też krwotocznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono praktyczne zagadnienia związane z leczeniem przeciwpłytkowym u pacjentów z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

    Przewlekła choroba nerek a leczenie przeciwpłytkowe — co warto wiedzieć?

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    Chronic kidney disease is regarded as one of the most significant risk factors for development of cardiovascular complications including acute coronary syndrome (ACS). In most cases the treatment of ACS requires percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) with additional introduction of dual antiplatelet therapy. In patients with chronic kidney disease antiplatelet therapy tends to be more complicated due to increased risk of both thrombo­embolic and bleeding events. This paper focuses on the practical aspects of antiplatelet therapy in patients with accompanying chronic kidney disease.Przewlekła choroba nerek jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, w tym ostrych zespołów wieńcowych. Ich leczenie w większości przypadków polega na wykonaniu przezskórnej angioplastyki wieńcowej i włączeniu podwójnej terapii prze­ciwpłytkowej. Leczenie przeciwpłytkowe u osób z przewlekłą chorobą nerek jest trudniejsze ze względu na zwiększone ryzyko powikłań zarówno zakrzepowo-zatorowych, jak też krwotocznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono praktyczne zagadnienia związane z leczeniem przeciwpłytkowym u pacjentów z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

    Impedance cardiography – optimization and efficacy evaluation of antihypertensive treatment

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    Background . Hypertension is a civilization disease which currently affects about 10.5 m people in Poland. The number of patients with diagnosed, untreated hypertension amounts to 18%, and as many as 45% of patients are treated ineffectively whereas only 26% are treated effectively. Impedance cardiography (IC) is an important tool both in diagnostics and the treatment of hypertensive patients, particularly in the case of antihypertensive treatment resistance. This method allows for the individualized treatment of each patient on the basis of hemodynamic parameters, monitoring of hypertensive patients in the outpatient care setting, and the assessment of cardiovascular risk factors. Objectives . The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of hypotensive medications in patients with hypertension using impedance cardiography. Material and methods. The study involved 60 hypertensive patients, treated with antihypertensives, who failed to achieve the required blood pressure values. The modification of hypertension therapy was based on EBM (evidence-based medicine) and on hemodynamic parameters obtained using impedance cardiography. Results . It was found that high blood pressure therapy based on impedance cardiography parameters has a significant influence on blood pressure reduction compared to EM B-based therapy: below 140/90: 66.8 vs. 55.1% and below 130/80: 23.5 vs. 18.9%. Conclusions . On the basis of this study it was confirmed that impedance cardiography allows for a significant reduction of hypertension and the selection of the most effective therapeutic strategy, providing for the optimization and efficacy of hypertension treatment

    Impedance cardiography – optimization and efficacy evaluation of antihypertensive treatment

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    Background . Hypertension is a civilization disease which currently affects about 10.5 m people in Poland. The number of patients with diagnosed, untreated hypertension amounts to 18%, and as many as 45% of patients are treated ineffectively whereas only 26% are treated effectively. Impedance cardiography (IC) is an important tool both in diagnostics and the treatment of hypertensive patients, particularly in the case of antihypertensive treatment resistance. This method allows for the individualized treatment of each patient on the basis of hemodynamic parameters, monitoring of hypertensive patients in the outpatient care setting, and the assessment of cardiovascular risk factors. Objectives . The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of hypotensive medications in patients with hypertension using impedance cardiography. Material and methods. The study involved 60 hypertensive patients, treated with antihypertensives, who failed to achieve the required blood pressure values. The modification of hypertension therapy was based on EBM (evidence-based medicine) and on hemodynamic parameters obtained using impedance cardiography. Results . It was found that high blood pressure therapy based on impedance cardiography parameters has a significant influence on blood pressure reduction compared to EM B-based therapy: below 140/90: 66.8 vs. 55.1% and below 130/80: 23.5 vs. 18.9%. Conclusions . On the basis of this study it was confirmed that impedance cardiography allows for a significant reduction of hypertension and the selection of the most effective therapeutic strategy, providing for the optimization and efficacy of hypertension treatment

    Comparison of the Cockroft–Gault, simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formulas in the determination of chronic kidney disease advancement

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    Background . Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is at present a worldwide health problem. According to the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF KDOQI), chronic kidney disease has five stages of advancement based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). The formulas that are most frequently used in determining eGFR are the Cockroft–Gault (CG ) formula, the simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD ) formula, and the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology (CKD-EPI) Collaboration formula, which is considered the most accurate formula. Objectives . The aim of our study was to compare the CG, simplified MDRD and CKD-EPI formulas for determining eGFR and thus CKD advancement. Material and methods. The study was conducted on a group of 202 patients with previously diagnosed CKD. To calculate the eGFR, the CG, simplified MDRD, and CKD-EPI formulas were used. Patients were assigned a disease stage (from 1 to 5) according to the NKF KDOQI guidelines. Results . The calculated eGFR values varied depending on the formula, which resulted different assignations of patients to CKD stages. The largest difference regarded the qualification of the patients to the first and the fifth stage. A similar number of patients were classed as stage three by all formulas. Differences were also seen in how the formulas classified patients to the second and fourth stages. Conclusions . GFR estimation remains a problematic clinical concern. The CKD stage assigned to patients varies depending on the formula used, a fact which may be particularly significant for general practitioners. Laboratories should apply the CKD-EPI formula for eGFR calculation, as it gives the least false results