13 research outputs found

    The analysis of renal artery cross-section area and kidney volume in computed tomography angiography

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between renal artery cross-section area and kidney volume with consideration of anatomical variants of renal arteries, sexual dimorphism and lateralisation. Materials and methods: Two hundred and two patients, 104 women and 98 men, aged 57.3 ± 16 years were examined using computed tomography angiography (CTA) of abdominal aorta for various reasons. The cross-section areas of renal arteries were measured automatically with a vessel tracking programme and summed up on each side in case of the presence of additional renal arteries. The kidneys were measured manually. Results: Additional renal arteries (ARA) were found in 68 (33.7%) patients. Fifty-three (77.9%) of them had one, 11 (16.2%) two and 4 (5.9%) three ARAs. Bilateral ARAs occurred in 10 cases (14.7% patients with ARA). Proximal branching of renal artery occurred in 36 (8.4%) renal arteries. The cross-section area of the largest renal artery depended on the number of ipsilateral renal arteries. Mean cross-section area of the main left renal artery was larger than on the right side (28.52 mm2 vs. 25.36 mm2, p < 0.01) in the whole analysed group. Strong sexual dimorphism in renal artery cross-section area was observed (p < 0.01) in favour of men (31.3 mm2 in men and 22.9 mm2 in women). Mean total renal artery cross-section area has positively correlated with kidney volume (p < 10–13) in both sexes with Pearson correlation value of 0.5. Conclusions: The cross-section area of renal arteries correlated positively with kidney volume in both sexes. Presence of ARAs does not influence the sum of cross-section areas of renal arteries. In case of a difference between left and right renal artery cross-section area with symmetrical kidneys, it is necessary to look for ARA

    Sexual dimorphism in socioeconomic differences regarding the risk factors, symptomatology and management of patients with stable coronary artery disease in Poland

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    Background: Relationships between socioeconomic status (SES) and the risk factors, applied treatment and outcomes of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have been demonstrated in Western European countries, however analogous evidence is missing from Eastern and Central European countries. The aim of the study was to investigate SES gradients regarding the risk factors, symptoms and management of patients with stable CAD in Poland, separately in men and women. Methods: We analyzed the data of 2,593 participants of the RECENT study. SES was assessed based on the level of education attainment: university, secondary school or primary school. Results: Socioeconomic differences in risk profile were most markedly seen in women: lower the education, higher body mass index (p < 0.01), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05), resting heart rate (p < 0.01), and greater prevalence of heart failure (p < 0.05) and dyslipidemia (p < 0.05). Importantly, smoking habit was the most frequent in women who graduated from univer­sity (p < 0.01). In men, socioeconomic gradients were only seen within resting heart rate (p < 0.01), LDL cholesterol level (p < 0.05) and smoking habit (p < 0.05). In both genders, better education was associated with less severe symptoms of angina and more frequent use of statins (p < 0.05). Conclusions: SES stratified based on education level differentiates patients with stable CAD in Poland regarding their risk profile, symptom control and the use of statins. Sexual dimorphism is found mainly within SES gradients regarding the prevalence of risk factors

    The Neurogenesis Actuator and NR2B/NMDA Receptor Antagonist Ro25-6981 Consistently Improves Spatial Memory Retraining Via Brain Region-Specific Gene Expression

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    NR2B-containing NMDA (NR2B/NMDA) receptors are important in controlling neurogenesis and are involved in generating spatial memory. Ro25-6981 is a selective antagonist at these receptors and actuates neurogenesis and spatial memory. Inter-structural neuroanatomical profiles of gene expression regulating adult neurogenesis and neuroapoptosis require examination in the context of memory retrieval and reversal learning. The aim was to investigate spatial memory retrieval and reversal learning in relation to gene expression-linked neurogenetic processes following blockade of NR2B/NMDA receptors by Ro25-6981. Rats were trained in Morris water maze (MWM) platform location for 5 days. Ro25-6981 was administered (protocol days 6–7) followed by retraining (days 15–18 or 29–32). Platform location was tested (on days 19 or 33) then post-mortem brain tissue sampling (on days 20 or 34). The expression of three genes known to regulate cell proliferation (S100a6), differentiation (Ascl1), and apoptosis (Casp-3) were concomitantly evaluated in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and cerebellum in relation to the MWM performance protocol. Following initial training, Ro25-6981 enhanced visuospatial memory retrieval performance during further retraining (protocol days 29–32) but did not influence visuospatial reversal learning (day 33). Hippocampal Ascl1 and Casp-3 expressions were correspondingly increased and decreased while cerebellar S100a6 and Casp-3 activities were decreased and increased respectively 27 days after Ro25-6981 treatment. Chronological analysis indicated a possible involvement of new mature neurons in the reconfiguration of memory processes. This was attended by behavioral/gene correlations which revealed direct links between spatial memory retrieval enhancement and modified gene activity induced by NR2B/NMDA receptor blockade and upregulation

    Long-term changes in phytoplankton in a humic lake in response to the water level rising: the effects of beaver engineering on a freshwater ecosystem

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    Although water level changes are supposed to be a key factor affecting the functioning of lake ecosystems, knowledge on this topic is scarce, particularly for humic lakes. This paper presents the results of 18 years’ research on a small humic lake exposed to hydrological change (rising of the water level), which was induced by spontaneous colonization of the lake by the European beaver (Castor fiber L.). We put forward a hypothesis that this change will be reflected in the quantity and structure of summer phytoplankton due to expected changes in the water chemistry. We noted a statistically significant decrease in total phosphorus and calcium concentrations, electrolytic conductivity, and Secchi disc transparency, and an increase in water color. The phytoplankton structure changed, with cyanoprocaryota and greens decreasing and flagellates increasing. The alteration was observed in a lake which had previously been drained by ditches, so beaver damming appeared to cause the return of the lake to its original endorheic conditions as well as to a water chemistry and phytoplankton structure more typical of undisturbed humic lakes

    Long-term changes in phytoplankton in a humic lake in response to the water level rising: the effects of beaver engineering on a freshwater ecosystem

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    Although water level changes are supposed to be a key factor affecting the functioning of lake ecosystems, knowledge on this topic is scarce, particularly for humic lakes. This paper presents the results of 18 years’ research on a small humic lake exposed to hydrological change (rising of the water level), which was induced by spontaneous colonization of the lake by the European beaver (Castor fiber L.). We put forward a hypothesis that this change will be reflected in the quantity and structure of summer phytoplankton due to expected changes in the water chemistry. We noted a statistically significant decrease in total phosphorus and calcium concentrations, electrolytic conductivity, and Secchi disc transparency, and an increase in water color. The phytoplankton structure changed, with cyanoprocaryota and greens decreasing and flagellates increasing. The alteration was observed in a lake which had previously been drained by ditches, so beaver damming appeared to cause the return of the lake to its original endorheic conditions as well as to a water chemistry and phytoplankton structure more typical of undisturbed humic lakes

    Rośliny naczyniowe kompleksu wodno-torfowiskowego Krugłe Bagno (Pojezierze Łęczyńsko-Włodawa)

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    This paper presents the richness of vascular plant species of the Kruge Bagno aquatic peatland complex and its structure. A field study was carried out in the growing seasons of 2008–2010. The aim of the study was to determine the species richness of the flora and its characteristics as well as to document changes in its composition taking place in successive years of the study. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the stability of the qualitative and quantitative structure of the phytocoenoses and abiotic environmental factors bodes well for the maintenance of this aquatic peatland complex in good condition. However, due to the specificity of its species composition (a large proportion of stenobiontic species), it seems advisable to monitor regularly the biotic and abiotic conditions of this habitat.Artykuł przedstawia bogactwo gatunkowe ro- ślin naczyniowych kompleksu wodno-torfowiskowego Krugłe Bagno oraz analizy jego struktury. Badania terenowe przeprowadzono w sezonach wegetacyjnych, 2008–2010. Celem badań było określenie bogactwa gatunkowego flory oraz jej charakterystyka i udokumentowanie zmian w jej składzie w kolejnych latach badań. W oparciu o otrzymane wyniki można stwierdzić, że stałość struktury jakościowej i ilościowej fitocenoz oraz abiotycznych czynników środowiska prognozuje zachowanie tego ekosystemu wodno-torfowiskowego w dobrej kondycji. Jednak ze względu na specyfiki flory (duży udział gatunków stenobiontycznych) celowym wydaje się stałe monitorowanie warunków biotycznych i abiotycznych siedliska

    Physico-chemical groundwater conditions at Salix lapponum stands in Eastern Poland

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    A subarctic-boreal relict species, Salix lapponum, found within the area of the Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland (Eastern Poland), is particularly threatened with extinction due to the southern limit of its range and the specific conditions of its occurrence. This conclusion is evidenced by a systematic reduction in the number of its locations, which is accompanied by a decrease in the numbers of individuals making up its populations. The aim of the present study was to determine habitat conditions of the occurrence of Salix lapponum populations on the basis of an analysis of physico-chemical factors of groundwater at the sites associated with various stages of succession taking place in small peatland water bodies. The results of this study confirm the trend that the stands and population numbers of this species are decreasing with the intensification of ecological succession and the degree of its progress and at the same time show that this species exhibits a wide amplitude of many of the investigated factors. Among the groundwater parameters under investigation, the low level of total nitrogen, phosphorus fraction and DOC as well as the high level of Ca, pH and electrolytic conductivity can be considered to be a set of conditions that promote the maintenance of Salix lapponum populations. On the other hand, in the case of nitrates, nitrites, sulphates as well as the Na, K and Mg ions, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test showed that the distribution of their values was invariant in relation to the studied habitats, which is probably evidence that they do not determine the development or extinction of the investigated populations in these habitats