12 research outputs found

    The Ecological Conditions That Favor Tool Use and Innovation in Wild Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops sp.)

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    Dolphins are well known for their exquisite echolocation abilities, which enable them to detect and discriminate prey species and even locate buried prey. While these skills are widely used during foraging, some dolphins use tools to locate and extract prey. In the only known case of tool use in free-ranging cetaceans, a subset of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia habitually employs marine basket sponge tools to locate and ferret prey from the seafloor. While it is clear that sponges protect dolphins' rostra while searching for prey, it is still not known why dolphins probe the substrate at all instead of merely echolocating for buried prey as documented at other sites. By ‘sponge foraging’ ourselves, we show that these dolphins target prey that both lack swimbladders and burrow in a rubble-littered substrate. Delphinid echolocation and vision are critical for hunting but less effective on such prey. Consequently, if dolphins are to access this burrowing, swimbladderless prey, they must probe the seafloor and in turn benefit from using protective sponges. We suggest that these tools have allowed sponge foraging dolphins to exploit an empty niche inaccessible to their non-tool-using counterparts. Our study identifies the underlying ecological basis of dolphin tool use and strengthens our understanding of the conditions that favor tool use and innovation in the wild

    An Autonomous Hydroacoustic System for studying long-term scattering variability

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    A new instrument, an Autonomous Hydroacoustic System, was designed to probe a water column acoustically from the bottom to the sea surface. It is capable of operating from a depth of 100 m self sufficiently for up to 10 days. A brief description of its construction and electronic design is provided. Preliminary results from the first field study consisting of a 90-hour series of backscattering measurements are presented

    System matrix computation for iterative reconstruction algorithms in SPECT based on direct measurements

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    A method for system matrix calculation in the case of iterative reconstruction algorithms in SPECT was implemented and tested. Due to a complex mathematical description of the geometry of the detector set-up, we developed a method for system matrix computation that is based on direct measurements of the detector response. In this approach, the influence of the acquisition equipment on the image formation is measured directly. The objective was to obtain the best quality of reconstructed images with respect to specified measures. This is indispensable in order to be able to perform reliable quantitative analysis of SPECT images. It is also especially important in non-hybrid gamma cameras, where not all physical processes that disturb image acquisition can be easily corrected. Two experiments with an 131I point source placed at different distances from the detector plane were performed allowing the detector response to be acquired as a function of the point source distance. An analytical Gaussian function was fitted to the acquired data in both the one- and the two-dimensional case. A cylindrical phantom filled with a water solution of 131I containing a region of 'cold' spheres as well as a uniform solution (without any spheres) was used to perform algorithm evaluation. The reconstructed images obtained by using four different of methods system matrix computation were compared with those achieved using reconstruction software implemented in the gamma camera. The contrast of the spheres and uniformity were compared for each reconstruction result and also with the ranges of those values formulated by the AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine). The results show that the implementation of the OSEM (Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization) algorithm with a one-dimensional fit to the Gaussian CDR (Collimator-Detector Response) function provides the best results in terms of adopted measures. However, the fit of the two-dimensional function also gives satisfactory results. Furthermore, the CDR function has the potential to be applied to a fully 3D OSEM implementation. The lack of the CDR in system matrix calculation results in a very noisy image that cannot be used for diagnostic purposes

    E.Cam DUET gamma camera model validation in GATE

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    Monte Carlo simulations are more and more popular trend in nuclear medicine imaging. They were also widely used in radiotherapy and brachytherapy with use of more general simulation software. GATE (Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission) is a platform developed on general Monte Carlo code designed for simulating and tracking the passage of particles through matter (Geant4) but is specifically designed for nuclear medicine imaging purposes. The aim of this work was to create and validate a model of specific gamma-camera (E.Cam DUET), used in our department, for further use in image analysis and dosimetry field, with GATE simulation platform. We have modeled in first step a point source in the air in three configurations of gamma camera (without collimator, with low-energy high-resolution (LEHR) collimator and with high-energy (HE collimator)), then we have created a phantom with three spherical sources of different sizes but with the same concentration of the radiopharmaceutical. Simulation results were compared to the measured values of the energy spectrum and images obtained on the detectors, and show a good agreement for the point source experiments and revealed some differences for the phantom studies. This results shows that some additional tests and refinements are required but also allows us to study the image degrading quality factors, such as septal penetration and to work towards eliminating them from the pictures

    Non-destructive tests of CNG car reductors influencing their final quality

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    W pracy porĂłwnano sposĂłb zasilania pojazdu paliwem CNG z paliwami konwencjonalnymi oraz paliwem LPG. Poruszono aspekty ekonomiczne i zasadnicze rĂłĆŒnice w budowie instalacji CNG i LPG. Przedstawiono wymagania stawiane reduktorom CNG. Opisano ich budowę, parametry techniczne oraz warunki pracy. Zasygnalizowano rodzaje badaƄ, okreƛlające jakoƛć korpusĂłw reduktorĂłw, ktĂłre są prowadzane przed wprowadzeniem produktu do seryjnej produkcji. Scharakteryzowano i opisano kryteria wyboru materiaƂu odlewanego korpusu reduktora R14 STAG. W badaniach wƂasnych przedstawiono wady odlewnicze korpusu reduktorĂłw oraz zaproponowano zmiany w procesie kontroli korpusĂłw, w celu zapobiegania instalacji nieszczelnych reduktorĂłw CNG.The paper compared the method of supplying the vehicle with CNG fuel as compared to conventional fuels and LPG. Economic aspects and other fundamental differences in the construction of the CNG and LPG installations are discussed. Requirements for CNG reducers are presented. Their construction, technical parameters and working conditions have been described. The types of tests determining the quality of reduction gear housings, which are carried out before the product is put into series production, have been indicated. The criteria for selecting the cast material of the R14 STAG reducer body have been characterized and described. In our own research, casting defects of the reducer body were presented and changes in the body inspection process were proposed in order to prevent installation of leaking CNG reducers

    Thermal and epithermal neutrons in the vicinity of the Primus Siemens biomedical accelerator

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    In this paper, the thermal and epithermal neutron fluence distributions in the vicinity of the Primus Siemens accelerator are presented. The measurements were carried out by the use of the neutron activation method for 15 MV X-rays and electron beams of 18 MeV and 21 MeV. From the radiation safety point of view for the hospital personnel, it is important to know the thermal and epithermal neutron fluence distribution in the vicinity of the accelerator because the neutrons interacting with atoms of a medium by various processes induce the activity of objects (accelerator, other apparatus etc.) and walls in the treatment room. The thermal and epithermal neutron capture, particularly, in high atomic number materials of the accelerator head can be a significant source of gamma radiation and it has to be taken into account for estimation of the work safety of the personnel. Values of the neutron fluence were normalized to the maximum photon (or electron) dose Dmax,gamma (e) measured at the central axis of therapeutic X-ray (or electron) beam in a water phantom. The thermal neutron fluences measured during the 15 MV X-ray emission varied between 1.1 × 10 5 n Ćș cm 2Ćș Gy -1 and 4.4 × 10 5 n Ćș cm -2Ćș Gy 1 whereas the epithermal neutron fluences ranged from 0.2 × 10 5 n Ćș cm 2Ćș Gy- 1 to 1.8 × 105 n Ćș cm -2Ćș Gy -1. In the case of electron beams, the neutron fluence measurements were performed only at the isocentre. The obtained thermal and epithermal neutron fluences were 1.2 × 10 4 n Ćș cm -2Ćș Gy -1 and 0.6 × 10 4 n Ćș cm -2Ćș Gy -1, respectively, for the 18 MeV electrons. In the the case of the 21 MeV electron beams the thermal neutron fluence was -2.0 × 10 4 n Ćș cm -2Ćș Gy -1 whereas the epithermal neutron fluence was 0.8 × 10 4 n Ćș cm -2Ćș Gy-1