39 research outputs found

    Technical Knowledge Accelerator庐 - designing the future

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    Dynamicznie rozwijaj膮ca si臋 gospodarka wymaga zasilania zasobami, w kt贸rych najwa偶niejsz膮 rol臋 odgrywa informacja. Wsparcie informacyjne konieczne jest na ka偶dym poziomie rozwoju jednostki oraz organizacji, a efektywne zarz膮dzanie przep艂ywami informacji umo偶liwia skuteczny rozw贸j spo艂eczno-ekonomiczny. Coraz cz臋艣ciej pojawia si臋 konieczno艣膰 rozwoju, podyktowanego, m.in. wyr贸wnywaniem zaleg艂o艣ci rozwojowych. W odpowiedzi na takie potrzeby w 2006 roku na Politechnice Pozna艅skiej uruchomiono program pod nazw膮 Akcelerator Wiedzy Technicznej庐 (AWT庐). W artykule zasygnalizowano podstawowe cele programu oraz wybrane dzia艂ania, ograniczaj膮c si臋 do obszaru kszta艂cenia zdalnego. Przedstawiono systemowe uj臋cie metod i narz臋dzi akceleracji wskazuj膮c rozwi膮zanie organizacyjne w zakresie e-learningu, jako przyk艂adu nowoczesnych technologii w doskonaleniu wiedzy i konkretnych umiej臋tno艣ci w艣r贸d uczni贸w i pracownik贸w.Dynamically developing economy requires the intensive reinforcement of resources where the information plays the most significant role. The informative support if necessary at each level of an individual鈥檚 development or at the growth of the organization and at the same time the effective management of the information stream enables efficient socio-economical development. More often there is a necessity of the intensive expansion due to the market competition, limits of resources recompensing or leveling out the progress which is in arrears, as well to the increasing social self-development awareness. In response to such needs in 2006 AWT庐 programme was introduced at Pozna艅 University of Technology. In the article below basic objectives of the programme are described. Besides actions which are focused on acquiring and improving technical competence which is to be adapted to needs being in progress on the labour market are drawn into attention. Presenting the system of approach to the methods and the tools of acceleration the organizational solution was pointed out in terms of e-learning as the example of the usage of modern technologies to improve knowledge and concrete abilities among students and workers

    Problems in communication between businesses and technical education system

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    This paper presents how some communication problems between business and Technical Education System (TES) can be reduced. This comes to a misunderstanding of the needs of entrepreneurs for the knowledge and skills, in this paper treated as a resource on the market. The authors explain why debated issue falls in the area of corporate management. It identifies one of the reasons hindering the solution of problems. In order to clarify the issues it references the achievements of analytic philosophy of language and the theory of communication code. It proposed a method of facilitating the solution of the problem, which is being implemented since 2016 by the research team, co-created by the authors of this publication. The aim of the development of this publication is to supplement the theoretical and practical knowledge of management in manufacturing companies and others with high technical potential, where there is a large, growing and rapidly changing demand for knowledge and technical skills

    Modelling partial discharge pulses propagation in the windings of power transformers using laboratory stand

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    Transformatory energetyczne s膮 jednymi z podstawowych element贸w systemu elektroenergetycznego. Objawem wewn臋trznych defekt贸w ich uk艂adu izolacyjnego mo偶e by膰 powstawanie wy艂adowa艅 niezupe艂nych (wnz). Sygna艂y elektryczne wywo艂ane przez wnz s膮 rejestrowane na doprowadzeniach liniowych, do kt贸rych docieraj膮 propaguj膮c wzd艂u偶 uzwoje艅, od miejsca ich wyst臋powania. W zale偶no艣ci od po艂o偶enia defektu oraz jednostkowych parametr贸w elektrycznych uzwojenia zmieniaj膮 si臋 parametry czasowo-cz臋stotliwo艣ciowe sygna艂贸w obserwowanych w miejscu ich detekcji. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 propagacji impuls贸w wnz na modelu laboratoryjnym uzwojenia transformatora oraz, dla por贸wnania, wyniki symulacji numerycznych w programie Matlab/Simulink. Podczas symulacji stosowano pewne uproszczenia z艂o偶onej struktury uzwojenia transformatora analizuj膮c wp艂yw miejsca wy艂adowania na wybrane w艂a艣ciwo艣ci impuls贸w rejestrowanych na zacisku liniowym.Power transformers are one of the basic elements of the power system. The occurrence of partial discharge is a symptom of internal defects of their insulating system. Electrical signals caused by partial discharges are recorded on the line terminals that receive electrical signals propagating along the winding from the source of discharge. Depending on the location of the defect and the characteristic parameters of the electrical windings are changing parameters of the timefrequency signals observed in the place of its detection. The article presents the results of the propagation of pulses PD in models of transformer windings, compared to the results of numerical simulations. During the simulation takes into account the complex, multi-element structure of the windings of the transformer and its impact on the time-frequency characteristics of pulses recorded on a terminal line