27 research outputs found

    Optymalizacja grubo艣ci wyk艂adzin w maszynach prasowalniczych podczas sprz臋偶onego transportu ciep艂a i masy

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    The main goal of the paper is to determine the physical and mathematical models of coupled heat and mass transport within pads during ironing as well as optimize the pads thicknesses. Introducing the Fick鈥檚 diffusion in fibers, heat and mass transport equations are formulated and accompanied by a set of boundary and initial conditions. Optimization of thickness is gradient oriented, the necessary objective functionals are analyzed. Numerical examples of optimization concerning the pads thickness are presented.G艂贸wny cel artyku艂u to okre艣lenie modelu fizycznego i matematycznego sprz臋偶onego transportu masy i ciep艂a w wyk艂adzinach podczas prasowania, jak r贸wnie偶 optymalizacja grubo艣ci wyk艂adzin. Wprowadzenie dyfuzji Ficka we w艂贸knach pozwala sformu艂owa膰 r贸wnania transportu ciep艂a i masy, uzupe艂nione o uk艂ad warunk贸w brzegowych i pocz膮tkowych. Optymalizacja grubo艣ci jest zorientowana gradientowo, dlatego s膮 analizowane niezb臋dne funkcjona艂y celu. Zosta艂y zaprezentowane przyk艂ady numeryczne dotycz膮ce optymalizacji grubo艣ci wyk艂adzin

    Wra偶liwo艣膰 pola temperatury na parametry materia艂owe w procesie laminowania odzie偶y

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    Textile laminate is created by introducing a thermoplastic polymer between the inner layer and outer material, which is then softened by heat. The connection is secured by adhesive properties of the polymer and the pressure applied after the heating zone. The state variables are defined as thus: the temperature of the heating zone and the pressure of rollers for the pressure system. The heat problem is described by the heat transport equation as well as the boundary and initial conditions. The distributions of the mean temperature within the polymer layer can be determined by numerical simulation. The sensitivity of the temperature field to the selected material parameters within clothing laminates is determined.Laminat w艂贸kienniczy jest tworzony przez termoplastyczny polimer zmi臋kczany cieplnie, wprowadzany mi臋dzy wk艂ad odzie偶owy i materia艂 zewn臋trzny. Po艂膮czenie jest tworzone dzi臋ki w艂a艣ciwo艣ciom adhezyjnym polimeru oraz naciskowi przyk艂adanemu poza stref膮 nagrzewania. Zmienne stanu to temperatura dla strefy nagrzewania oraz nacisk wa艂k贸w systemu dociskowego. Problem cieplny jest opisany przez r贸wnanie transportu ciep艂a oraz warunki brzegowe i pocz膮tkowe. Rozk艂ad 艣redniej temperatury w warstwie polimeru mo偶e zosta膰 okre艣lony poprzez symulacje numeryczne. Zosta艂a wyznaczona wra偶liwo艣膰 pola temperatury w laminatach odzie偶owych na wybrane parametry materia艂owe

    Optymalizacja grubo艣ci szw贸w uszczelnianych ze wzgl臋du na w艂asno艣ci izolacyjne

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    The main goal is to determine the optimal thickness of material layers in seams in respect of their insulating properties. The impact of structure on heat insulation and moisture resistance is also described. The insulation was analysed for different types of sealed seams which are typically used to connect the different parts of clothing. The coupled heat and mass transport problem is defined by the transport equations and a set of boundary and initial conditions. Based on the variational approach, we introduce the typical objective functionals and the optimality conditions. The problem was solved using the finite element method at the analysis stage and sensitivity approach at the synthesis stage.G艂贸wnym celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie optymalnej grubo艣ci warstw materia艂u w szwach ze wzgl臋du na ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci izolacyjne. Opisano r贸wnie偶 wp艂yw konstrukcji na izolacj臋 ciepln膮 oraz op贸r przenikania wilgoci. Analizowano izolacj臋 dla r贸偶nych typ贸w szw贸w uszczelnianych, kt贸re s膮 zwykle u偶ywane do 艂膮czenia r贸偶nych cz臋艣ci odzie偶y. Sprz臋偶ony problem transportu masy i ciep艂a zosta艂 zdefiniowany przez r贸wnania transportu oraz uk艂ad warunk贸w brzegowych i pocz膮tkowych. Bazuj膮c na sformu艂owaniu wariacyjnym, wprowadzono typowe funkcjona艂y celu oraz warunki optymalno艣ci. Problem zosta艂 rozwi膮zany za pomoc膮 metody element贸w sko艅czonych oraz analizy wra偶liwo艣ci w etapie syntezy

    Modelowanie pola temperatury we wk艂adach w艂贸kienniczych laminat贸w odzie偶owych

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    Inlayers are introduced to improve the aesthetic qualities and stiffness against the creasing of clothing laminates. The laminate is created by the thermoplastic polymer glue between the inlayer and clothing material, softened by the heat. The connection is secured by the adhesive properties of the polymer and the pressure applied. The state variable is temperature. The heat transfer is described by the heat transport equation as well as by the set of boundary and intial conditions. The temperature distributions within the inlayers are determined by the numerical simulation for different temperatures of the heating plates. The temperature maps are shown by means of the graphical modulus of the program ADINA. The mean temperature of the polymer layer is next calculated.Wk艂ady w艂贸kiennicze s膮 stosowane w celu poprawy w艂a艣ciwo艣ci estetycznych i wzrostu sztywno艣ci zgniatania laminat贸w odzie偶owych. Laminat odzie偶owy jest tworzony z wykorzystaniem termoplastycznego kleju polimerowego, umieszczonego mi臋dzy wk艂adem i materia艂em odzie偶owym, rozrzedzonego za pomoc膮 ciep艂a. Po艂膮czenie jest utrwalane dzi臋ki w艂a艣ciwo艣ciom adhezyjnym polimeru oraz przy艂o偶onemu naciskowi. Zmienna stanu to temperatura. Przep艂yw ciep艂a jest opisywany za pomoc膮 r贸wnania transportu ciep艂a oraz uk艂adu warunk贸w brzegowych i pocz膮tkowych. Rozk艂ad temperatury we wk艂adzie mo偶na okre艣li膰 za pomoc膮 symulacji numerycznej dla r贸偶nych temperatur p艂yt grzejnych. Mapy temperatury mo偶na podda膰 wizualizacji za pomoc膮 modu艂u graficznego programu ADINA. Nast臋pnie mo偶na okre艣li膰 temperatur臋 warstwy polimeru

    Procedures for Breadmaking Quality Assessment of Rye Wholemeal Flour

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the baking value of rye flours from industrial mills and to indicate which rye flour quality parameters are the most important predictors of wholemeal rye bread quality for commercially milled rye grains. Ten wholemeal rye flours, which were characterized by ash content ranging from 1.43% to 2.42% d.m. (dry mass), were used for the study. The parameters that characterize the flour properties and the baking test were assessed. The study revealed that for the analyzed commercial rye flours, the falling number test and the amylograph properties are insufficient parameters for predicting the quality of wholemeal rye bread. The manufacture of good quality wholemeal bread requires the use of rye flour with superior quality, such as fine granulation, low protein content, low total and insoluble pentosans content, and, in particular, a high percentage of water-soluble pentosans content. Breads with a higher volume were obtained from rye flours that were generally characterized by lower protein content, lower total and insoluble pentosans content, and higher water-soluble pentosans content. Flour granulation and the percentage of water-soluble pentosans content especially, had a significant impact on bread’s hardness of crumb and the hardness of crumb’s increase during bread storage