291 research outputs found

    Duality and Braiding in Twisted Quantum Field Theory

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    We re-examine various issues surrounding the definition of twisted quantum field theories on flat noncommutative spaces. We propose an interpretation based on nonlocal commutative field redefinitions which clarifies previously observed properties such as the formal equivalence of Green's functions in the noncommutative and commutative theories, causality, and the absence of UV/IR mixing. We use these fields to define the functional integral formulation of twisted quantum field theory. We exploit techniques from braided tensor algebra to argue that the twisted Fock space states of these free fields obey conventional statistics. We support our claims with a detailed analysis of the modifications induced in the presence of background magnetic fields, which induces additional twists by magnetic translation operators and alters the effective noncommutative geometry seen by the twisted quantum fields. When two such field theories are dual to one another, we demonstrate that only our braided physical states are covariant under the duality.Comment: 35 pages; v2: Typos correcte

    Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and Seiberg-Witten Map

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    In order to overcome ambiguity problem on identification of mathematical objects in noncommutative theory with physical observables, quantum mechanical system coupled to the NC U(1) gauge field in the noncommutative space is reformulated by making use of the unitarized Seiberg-Witten map, and applied to the Aharonov-Bohm and Hall effects of the NC U(1) gauge field. Retaining terms only up to linear order in the NC parameter \theta, we find that the AB topological phase and the Hall conductivity have both the same formulas as those of the ordinary commutative space with no \theta-dependence.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, uses revtex4; 8 pages, conclusion changed, Appendix adde

    Theory of a Higher Order Phase Transition: Superconducting Transition in BKBO

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    We describe here the properties expected of a higher (with emphasis on the order fourth) order phase transition. The order is identified in the sense first noted by Ehrenfest, namely in terms of the temperature dependence of the ordered state free energy near the phase boundary. We have derived an equation for the phase boundary in terms of the discontinuities in thermodynamic observables, developed a Ginzburg-Landau free energy and studied the thermodynamic and magnetic properties. We also discuss the current status of experiments on Ba0.6K0.4BiO3Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4}BiO_3 and other BiO3BiO_3 based superconductors, the expectations for parameters and examine alternative explanations of the experimental results.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Noncommutativity and Lorentz Violation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The experimental detection of the effects of noncommuting coordinates in electrodynamic phenomena depends on the magnitude of |\theta B|, where \theta is the noncommutativity parameter and B a background magnetic field. With the present upper bound on \theta, given by \theta_{\rm bound} \simeq 1/(10 {\rm TeV})^2, there was no large enough magnetic field in nature, including those observed in magnetars, that could give visible effects or, conversely, that could be used to further improve \theta_{\rm bound}. On the other hand, recently it has been proposed that intense enough magnetic fields should be produced at the beginning of relativistic heavy ion collisions. We discuss here lepton pair production by free photons as one kind of signature of noncommutativity and Lorentz violation that could occur at RHIC or LHC. This allows us to obtain a more stringent bound on \theta, given by 10^{-3} \theta_{\rm bound}, if such "exotic" events do not occur.Comment: Five pages, no figures

    Noncommutativity, generalized uncertainty principle and FRW cosmology

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    We consider the effects of noncommutativity and the generalized uncertainty principle on the FRW cosmology with a scalar field. We show that, the cosmological constant problem and removability of initial curvature singularity find natural solutions in this scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in IJT

    Time-Space Noncommutativity in Gravitational Quantum Well scenario

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    A novel approach to the analysis of the gravitational well problem from a second quantised description has been discussed. The second quantised formalism enables us to study the effect of time space noncommutativity in the gravitational well scenario which is hitherto unavailable in the literature. The corresponding first quantized theory reveals a leading order perturbation term of noncommutative origin. Latest experimental findings are used to estimate an upper bound on the time--space noncommutative parameter. Our results are found to be consistent with the order of magnitude estimations of other NC parameters reported earlier.Comment: 7 pages, revTe

    Noncommutative quantum mechanics and Bohm's ontological interpretation

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    We carry out an investigation into the possibility of developing a Bohmian interpretation based on the continuous motion of point particles for noncommutative quantum mechanics. The conditions for such an interpretation to be consistent are determined, and the implications of its adoption for noncommutativity are discussed. A Bohmian analysis of the noncommutative harmonic oscillator is carried out in detail. By studying the particle motion in the oscillator orbits, we show that small-scale physics can have influence at large scales, something similar to the IR-UV mixing

    A Non-Perturbative Study of Gauge Theory on a Non-Commutative Plane

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    We perform a non-perturbative study of pure gauge theory in a two dimensional non-commutative (NC) space. On the lattice, it is equivalent to the twisted Eguchi-Kawai model, which we simulated at N ranging from 25 to 515. We observe a clear large-N scaling for the 1- and 2-point function of Wilson loops, as well as the 2-point function of Polyakov lines. The 2-point functions agree with a universal wave function renormalization. Based on a Morita equivalence, the large-N double scaling limit corresponds to the continuum limit of NC gauge theory, so the observed large-N scaling demonstrates the non-perturbative renormalizability of this NC field theory. The area law for the Wilson loops holds at small physical area as in commutative 2d planar gauge theory, but at large areas we find an oscillating behavior instead. In that regime the phase of the Wilson loop grows linearly with the area. This agrees with the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presence of a constant magnetic field, identified with the inverse non-commutativity parameter.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, final version published in JHE